
第6章 沙丘的故事(6)

The eelbreeder was a witty fellow,a merry guest,and brought a measure of brandy with him. They all received a small glassful or a cupful if there were not enough glasses,even Jurgen had about a thimblefulthimbleful n.(酒等的)极少量,that he might digest the fat eel,as the eelbreeder said,he always told one story over and over again,and if his hearers laughed he would immediately repeat it to them. Jurgen while still a boy,and also when he was older,used phrases from the eelbreeders story on various occasions,so it will be as well for us to listen to it. It runs thus.

这个养鳝鱼的人是一个滑稽的人物,一个愉快的客人。他总是带来一点儿烧酒。每个人可以喝到一杯——如果酒杯不够的话,可以喝到一茶杯。雨尔根年纪虽小,也能喝到一丁点儿,为的是要帮助消化那肥美的鳝鱼——这位养鳝鱼的人老是喜欢讲这套理论。当听的人笑起来的时候,他马上又对同样的听众再讲一次。——喜欢扯淡的人总是这样的!雨尔根长大了以后,以及成年时期,常常喜欢引用养鳝鱼人的故事的许多句子和说法。我们也不妨听听:“The eelseel n.鳗鲡,美洲鳗,蛇形鱼类,油滑的人 went into the bay,and the young ones begged leave to go a little farther out. ‘Dont go too far,’ said their mother,‘the ugly eelspearer might come and snap you all up.’ But they went too far,and of eight daughters only three came back to the mother,and these wept and said,‘We only went a little way out,and the ugly eelspearer came immediately and stabbedstab v.剌,刺伤,伤害(感情等)n.刺,中伤,伤痛 five of our sisters to death.’ ‘Theyll come back again.’ said the mother eel. ‘Oh,no,’ exclaimed the daughters,‘for he skinned them,cut them in two,and fried them.’ ‘Oh,theyll come back again,’ the mother eel persisted. ‘No,’ replied the daughters,‘for he ate them up.’ ‘Theyll come back again,’ repeated the mother eel. ‘But he drank brandy after them,’ said the daughters. ‘Ah,then theyll never come back,’ said the mother,and she burst out crying,‘its the brandy that buries the eels.’”

“湖里的鳝鱼走出家门。鳝鱼妈妈的女儿要求跑到离岸不远的地方去,所以妈妈对她们说:‘不要跑得太远!那个丑恶的叉鳝鱼的人可能来了,把你们统统都捉去!’但是她们走得太远。在八个女儿之中,只有三个回到鳝鱼妈妈身边来。她们哭诉着说:‘我们并没有离家门走多远,那个可恶的叉鳝鱼的人马上就来了,把我们的五个姐妹都刺死了!’……‘她们会回来的。’鳝鱼妈妈说。‘不会!’女儿们说,‘因为他剥了她们的皮,把她们切成两半,烤熟了。’……‘她们会回来的!’鳝鱼妈妈说。‘不会的,因为他把她们吃掉了!’……‘她们会回来的!’鳝鱼妈妈说。 ‘不过他吃了她们以后还喝了烧酒。’女儿们说。‘噢!噢!那么她们就永远不会回来了!’鳝鱼妈妈号叫一声,‘烧酒把她们埋葬了!’”

“And therefore,” said the eelbreeder in conclusion,“it is always the proper thing to drink brandy after eating eels.”


This story was the tinsel thread,the most humoroushumorous adj.富幽默感的,滑稽的,诙谐的,异想天开的 recollection of Jurgens life. He also wanted to go a little way farther out and up the bay—that is to say,out into the world in a ship—but his mother said,like the eelbreeder,“There are so many bad people eel spearers!” He wished to go a little way past the sandhills,out into the dunes,and at last he did,four happy days,the brightest of his childhood,fell to his lot,and the whole beauty and splendour of Jutland,all the happiness and sunshine of his home,were concentrated in these. He went to a festival,but it was a burial feast.


A rich relation of the fishermans family had died,the farm was situated far eastward in the country and a little towards the north. Jurgens foster parents went there,and he also went with them from the dunes,over heath and moor,where the Skjaerumaa takes its course through green meadows and contains many eels,mother eels live there with their daughters,who are caught and eaten up by wicked people. But do not men sometimes act quite as cruelly towards their own fellowmen? Was not the knight Sir Bugge murdered by wicked people? And though he was well spoken of,did he not also wish to kill the architect who built the castle for him,with its thick walls and tower,at the point where the Skjaerumaa falls into the bay? Jurgen and his parents now stood there; the wall and the ramparts still remained,and red crumbling fragments lay scattered around.


Here it was that Sir Bugge,after the architect had left him,said to one of his men,“Go after him and say,‘Master,the tower shakes.’ If he turns round,kill him and take away the money I paid him,but if he does not turn round let him go in peace.” The man did as he was told; the architectarchitect n.建筑师 did not turn round,but called back “The tower does not shake in the least,but one day a man will come from the west in a blue cloak—he will cause it to shake!” And so indeed it happened a hundred years later,for the North Sea broke in and cast down the tower; but Predbjorn Gyldenstjerne,the man who then possessed the castle,built a new castle higher up at the end of the meadowmeadow n.草地,牧场,and that one is standing to this day,and is called NorreVosborg.
