
第19章 The Goloshes of Fortune(13)

“Eccellenza, miserabili!” they exclaimed, stretching forth their diseased limbs. The hostess received the travellers with bare feet, untidy hair, and a dirty blouse. The doors were fastened together with string, the floors of the rooms were of brick, broken in many places, bats flew about under the roof, and as to the odor within —

“老爷,可怜可怜穷人吧!”他们叹息着,同时伸出残废的手来。 旅店的老板娘,打着一双赤脚,头发乱蓬蓬的,只穿着一件很脏的紧身上衣,来接待这些客人进来。门是用绳子系住的,房间的地上铺着砖,可是有一半已经被翻起来了。蝙蝠在屋顶下面飞,而且还有一股气味——

“Let us have supper laid in the stable,” said one of the travellers, “then we shall know what we are breathing.”


The windows were opened to let in a little fresh air, but quicker than air came in the withered arms and the continual whiningwhine vi.报怨声, 哭诉, 发牢骚, 发呜呜声vt.哀诉n.抱怨, 牢骚, 哀鸣 sounds, “Miserabili, eccellenza. On the walls were inscriptions, half of them against “la bella Italia.”


The supper made its appearance at last. It consisted of watery soup, seasoned with pepper and rancid oil. This last delicacydelicacy n.微妙 played a principal part in the salad. Musty eggs and roasted cockscombs were the best dishes on the table, even the wine had a strange taste, it was certainly a mixture. At night, all the boxes were placed against the doors, and one of the travellers watched while the others slept. The students turn came to watch. How close the air felt in that room, the heat overpowered him. The gnats were buzzing about and stinging, while the miserabili, outside, moanedmoan vi.发出呻吟声, 抱怨, 哀悼vt.呻吟n.呻吟, 哀悼, 呼啸 in their dreams.


“Travelling would be all very well,” said the student of divinity to himself, “if we had no bodies, or if the body could rest while the soul if flying. Wherever I go I feel a want which oppresses my heart, for something better presents itself at the moment, yes, something better, which shall be the best of all, but where is that to be found? In fact, I fknow in my heart very well what I want. I wish to attain the greatest of all happiness.”


No sooner were the words spoken than he was at home. Long white curtains shaded the windows of his room, and in the middle of the floor stood a black coffin, in which he now lay in the still sleep of death, his wish was fulfilled, his body was at rest, and his spirit travelling.


“Esteem no man happy until he is in his grave,” were the words of Solon. Here was a strong fresh proof of their truth. Every corpse is a sphinx of immortalityimmortality n.不朽, 不朽的声名. The Sphinx in this sarcophagussarcophagus n.石棺 might unveil its own mystery in the words which the living had himself written two days before—

索龙曾说过:“任何人在还没有进棺材以前,不能算是快乐的。”这句话现在又重新得到了证实。 每具尸体是一个不灭的斯芬克斯。现在躺在我们面前这个黑棺材里的斯芬克斯所能讲的也不外乎活人在两天前所写下的这段话:

“Stern death, thy chilling silence waketh dread,

Yet in thy darkest hour there may be light.

Earths garden reaper! from the graves cold bed

The soul on Jacobs ladder takes her flight.





“Mans greatest sorrows often are a part

Of hidden griefs, concealed from human eyes,

Which press far heavier on the lonely heart

Than now the earth that on his coffin lies.”





Two figures were moving about the room, we know them both. One was the fairy named Care, the other the messenger of Fortune. They bent over the dead.


“Look!” said Care, “what happiness have your goloshes brought to mankind?”


“They have at least brought lasting happiness to him who slumbersslumber n.睡眠v.睡眠 here.” She said.


“Not so,” said Care, “he went away of himself, he was not summoned. His mental powers were not strong enough to discern the treasures which he had been destined to discover. I will do him a favor now.” And she drew the goloshes from his feet.


The sleep of death was ended, and the recovered man raised himself. Care vanished, and with her the goloshes, doubtless she looked upon them as her own propertyproperty n.财产, 所有物, 所有权, 性质, 特性, (小)道具.

