
第3章 The Twelve Brothers(1)


There were once upon a time a king and a queen who lived happily together and had twelve children,but they were all boys. Then said the king to his wife,“If the thirteenth child which you are about to bring into the world,is a girl,the twelve boys shall die,in order that her possessionspossession n.拥有,占有,所有,着迷,领土,领地,财产(常用复数),自制 may be great,and that the kingdom may fall to her alone.” He even caused twelve coffinscoffin n.棺材 to be made,which were already filled with shavingsshaving n.刮,修胡须,削,刨,刨花,and in each lay a little death pillow,and he had them taken into a lockedup room,and then he gave the queen the key of it,and bade her not to speak of this to anyone.

从前有一个国王和一个王后。他俩生活得和睦安宁,生了十二个孩子,可全都是淘气的男孩。于是,国王对妻子说:“要是你生的第十三个孩子是女的,我就下令杀掉那十二个淘气鬼,使她得到更多的遗产,并且继承王位。” 不只说说,他真下令做了十二具棺材,在棺材内装满了刨花,并给每一具里配上一只寿枕,让人把它们通通锁进一间密室里。然后,他把钥匙交给王后,不准她告诉给任何人。

The mother,however,now sat and lamented all day long,until the youngest son,who was always with her,and whom she had named Benjamin,from the bible,said to her,“Dear mother,why are you so sad?” “Dearest child,” she answered,“I may not tell you.” But he let her have no rest until she went and unlockedunlock vt.开……锁,开启,显露,放开 the room,and showed him the twelve coffins ready filled with shavings. Then she said,“My dearest Benjamin,your father has had these coffins made for you and for your eleven brothers,for if I bring a little girl into the world,you are all to be killed and buried in them.” And as she wept while she was saying this,the son comforted her and said,“Weep not,dear mother,we will save ourselves,and go hence.” But she said,“Go forthgo forth v.向前去,(命令等)被发布,被发表 into the forest with your eleven brothers,and let one sit constantly on the highest tree which can be found,and keep watch,looking towards the tower here in the castle. If I give birth to a little son,I will put up a white flag,and then you may venture to come back. But if I bear a daughter,I will hoist a red flag,and then fly hence as quickly as you are able,and may the good God protect you. And every night I will rise up and pray for you—in winter that you may be able to warm yourself at a fire,and in summer that you may not faintfaint vi.昏晕,昏倒,变得微弱,变得没气力 away in the heat.”

可是,做母亲的从此就整天坐在那儿伤心难过,她那经常待在她身边的最小的儿子——他依照《圣经》取名叫本雅明——忍不住问:“亲爱的妈妈,你干吗这样难过啊?” “我的宝贝儿,” 王后回答,“我不能够告诉你。” 小家伙缠住母亲不放,逼得她终于去打开密室,让他看了那十二口塞满刨花的棺材。她随后说:“我最心爱的本雅明呵,这十二口棺材是你父王让人为你和你的十一个哥哥准备的;我要是生个妹妹,你们全都要被处死,用这些棺材埋葬掉啊!” 母亲一边讲,一边哭,儿子却安慰她,说:“别哭了,好妈妈,我们自会有办法,我们可以逃走。” 王后却讲:“和你的十一个哥哥逃进森林里去吧!而且永远得有一个蹲在能找到的最高的树顶上放哨,注视着这边宫里钟楼。我要再生个小弟弟,就会插上一面白旗,你们也可以回来的了。我要生的是个女孩,就会插一面红旗,你们得赶紧远走高飞,望上帝保佑你们。每天夜里我都会起来为你们祈祷,到了冬天,祈祷你们总有一堆篝火温暖身子;到了夏天,祈祷你们别热着渴着。”

After she had blessed her sons therefore,they went forth into the forest. They each kept watch in turn,and sat on the highest oak and looked towards the tower. When eleven days had passed and the turn came to Benjamin,he saw that a flag was being raised. It was,however,not the white,but the bloodred flag which announced that they were all to die. When the brothers heard that,they were very angry and said,“Are we all to suffer death for the sake of a girl. We swear that we will avengeavenge vt.为……报复,报仇 ourselves—wheresoever we find a girl,her red blood shall flow.”


Thereupon they went deeper into the forest,and in the midst of it,where it was the darkest,they found a little bewitched hut,which was standing empty. Then said they,“Here we will dwell,and you Benjamin,who are the youngest and weakest,you shall stay at home and keep house,we others will go out and fetch food.” Then they went into the forest and shot hareshare n.野兔,wild deer,birds and pigeonspigeon n.鸽子,and whatsoever there was to eat. This they took to Benjamin,who had to dress it for them in order that they might appeaseappease vt.平息,安抚,缓和,使满足 their hunger. They lived together ten years in the little hut,and the time did not appear long to them.

说罢,他们便走向密林深处。到了林子里最幽暗的地方,发现有一所小屋,一所着了魔法的空荡荡的小房子。他们于是说:“咱们就住在这儿吧。你,本雅明,年纪最小,身体最弱,待在屋里管家得啦,我们其他人出去找吃的东西。” 随后,他们便去林子里射野兔、野鹿、各色各样的鸟和斑鸠,只要能吃的都行,把它们带回家给本雅明,由他做好,给他们填肚子。在小屋中,他们共同生活了十年,也不感觉时间有多长。

The little daughter which their mother the queen had given birth to,was now grown up. She was good of heart,and fair of face,and had a golden star on her foreheadforehead n.前额,(任何事物的)前部。 Once,on a great washing,she saw twelve mens shirts among the things,and asked her mother,“To whom do these twelve shirts belong,for they are far too small for father.” Then the queen answered with a heavy heart,“Dear child,these belong to your twelve brothers.” Said the maiden,“Where are my twelve brothers,I have never yet heard of them.” She replied,“God knows where they are,they are wandering about the world.” Then she took the maiden and opened the chamber for her,and showed her the twelve coffins with the shavings,and the death pillows. “These coffins,” said she,“were destined for your brothers,who went away secretly before you were born.” And she related to her how everything had happened.” Then said the maiden,“Dear mother,weep not,I will go and seek my brothers.”

这期间,他们母后生的小姑娘也长大起来,她心眼儿很好,模样也俊俏,额头上还有一颗金晃晃的星星。一天大扫除,她发现洗的衣服里有十二件男衬衫,便问母亲:“这十二件衬衫是谁的呵?爸爸穿它们可太小了。” 母亲心情沉重地回答:“好孩子,它们是你那十二个哥哥的。” 女孩问:“我的十二个哥哥在哪儿呀?我从来没听说过他们。” 母亲回答:“只有主知道他们在哪儿!他们四处流浪,无家可归哟。” 说着,她牵着女儿的手,领她去打开密室,让她看那十二口装着刨花和寿枕的棺材。“这些棺材,” 她说,“是给你的哥哥们准备的,在你出世之前,他们偷偷地逃跑了。” 王后把事情的全部经过告诉了女儿。女孩听了说:“别伤心,亲爱的妈妈,我要去把哥哥们找回来!”