
第110章 INDEX(2)

Chapoo taken, 6.

Chatley, Dr, H., 160.

Chefoo Convention, 109.

Chen Chi-mei, assassinated, 218.

Chen, Eugene, dismissal of, 310.

Chiang Kai-shek, comes to Shanghai, 310; married to Miss Mayling Soong, 310.

child 1abour, legislation in regard to, 259, 260.

Chin Chang-ming, 7.

China, first war with Great Britain, 5; and “most favoured nation” clause, 16; admittedto Postal Union (1914)。 144 ; currency in, 161; Revolution of (1911), 187 ; and Germany,219; political conditions in (1919), 235.

China General Omnibus company, 286.

China Merchants Steam Navigation company formed in (1872), 101.

Chinese, taxation of, 37 ; great influx of, into the Settlement, 39; residents and theirstatus in the Settlement, 41; influx of, into Settlements in Taiping times. 51; populationin Shanghai increase, 51, 56 ; residents, taxation of, in Settlement, 66 ; residents,jurisdiction over, 66 ; authorities raise point on illegality of selling land outright,12; element on Council, 65 ; taxation of, within the Settlement, 66 ; clause allowingrepresentation on the Council, eliminated by Diplomats, 69; and foreigners, causes offriction between, 94; authorities order steam dredger for the Whangpoo, 103; in 1878

allow overland telegraph line, 106; and Great Northern Telegraph company, 107; andnew water supply, 111; authorities threaten to close Woosung Channel, 118; sovereignrights acknowledged in Land Regulations of (1854), 36; Post Office established (1896),143 ; new attitude of mind, 167 ; newspapers, first in Shanghai, 181, company addedto S.V.C., 183 ; Revolution, 189; Advisory committee, 248 , 249; and Foreign FamineRelief committee, 249; General Chamber of commerce and Child Labour, 261; TextileMill, 284; demands after May 30th incident, 297; representation on the Council, 300;and French Municipality, 301; political affairs, 302; Public Parks opened to, 311, 312.

Chinese, American Bank (1919), 206.

Chinese Government, opposition to trade, reasons for, 4; and extraterritoriality, 15;its sovereign rights acknowledged, 37 ; and importation of opium, 46 ; and WhangpooConservancy, 101; and May 30th incident, 296.

Chinese Isolation Hospital (June, 1911), 184.

Ching An Ssu, Bubbling Well, 3.

Chinkiang taken by British, 10.

Chou Fu, Viceroy of Nanking, in settlement of Mixed Court riot, 171.

Chou Han, Instigatorriots of riots (1891), 125.

Chu Chi-chien, northern delegate to Peace Conference, 236.

Chung Wang, leader of Taipings, 42; withdraws his troops from Shanghai, 50, 56.

churches, Trinity Church (1847 ), 81; Trinity Church offered to Bishop Russell as hisCathedral, 81; Church of Our Saviour, 81, 82; Church for Seamen, 82; Cathedralfinished (186 9), 81; Union Church, 82, 83 ; St. Andrew"s Church, 82; Christ Church,native city. 91; Baptist Church, 91; Church of St. Ignatius, 3.

Chusan Islands. 5.

city wall demolished, 195.

Civic League established, 268.

Clarendon, Lord, and the Burlingame Mission, 108.

Clark, Mr. J. D., death of, 271.

Clarke, Mr. Brodie A., in 1874 riot, 98.

Clear. Mr. A. C., 215.

Clifton, Mr. S., First Superintendent of Police, 37.

Club, Shanghai, built (186 2), 84 ; Amateur Dramatic, 84 ; Shanghai, new building (1911),188; Kiangwan Golf, 188; Hungjao Golf, 189; Union, 242, Union Jack, 283; American,new, opened, 306; Race. new stand, 306.

commerce, first attempts to open up, 4; and trade (1919, 1920), 244, 245, 246; (1923,1924), 292; (1926, 1927), 314.

Concession, French (1849)。 18; British, Hankow and Kiukiang returned, 308.

Connaught, Duke Of, visit to Shanghai, 118.

Consortium, International Banking Group, 253.

Consul, first American (1854 ) 19; first British, 12; Court of, rules for, 69.

Consular offices removed to new site (July 1849), 21.

Consulate, first British residence, 12; first British, destroyed by fire (187 0), 21; presentbuilding erected in (1872), 21; British, memorial cross in grounds, 45.

Cordier, Henri, Hon. Librarian, R.A.S., 86; French historian, cotton industry, factorsin development of, 134.

cotton mills, 133; Ewo, Laou Kung Mow, and Shui Kee, 134; increase in, 244.

“Couleuvre, ” French gunboat, 97, 98.

Couling, Red. Samuel, death of, 271.

Country Hospital, 305.

cricket, first recorded match played (1858), 87

Cunningham, Mr. E., one of the first members of the Municipal Council, 37, 64.

Cunynghame, Captain, 9.

currency, reform of, 156.

Cushing, Hon. Caleb, commissioner and Envoy, U.S.A., 11; quoting Treaty ofWanghsia, 46.

Customs House, old, 9; Maritime, origin of, 32, 33, 34; plundered by rebels, 32; agreedshould be placed in Hongkew (1854 ), 33 ; re-established, 34 ; Chinese, placed underforeign supervision, 34.


Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, 121.

Darwent, Rev. C. E., death of, 293.

Davenport, Dr. C. J., death of, 316.

Defence Creek, 29; filled in, 210.

Defence Force, inspection of, 290; friction between and Chinese authorities, 311.

Dent, Henry, helped to buy Recreation Ground, 83.

Dew, Lieut. Roderick, second in command of British, Battle of Muddy Flat, 28, 29.

Ding, Rt. Rev. Ing-ong, Assistant Bishop of Fukien, 313.

“Door of Hope,” 194.

Drummond, Mr. W. V., death of, 213.

Drysdale, Ringer and company, 110.


East India company, send ship on commercial mission from Macao, 4.

Edan, Mons. B., helps to draw up new Land Regulations (1854 ), 35 。

Edicts, Reform (1898), 145.

Edinburgh, Duke Of, visit of, 93.

Edkins, Rev. Dr. Joseph, early missionary in Shanghai, 89.

Education, Chapter on, 119; first by Roman Catholics for foreign children, 119; firstChinese students go to America (187 2), 173 ; reforms in, 174 ; old examination systemabolished (1905), 174.

Einstein, Dr., visits Shanghai, 279.

Elgin, Lord, commander-in-Chief, second war between China and Britain, 44 ; andlegalisation of opium trade, 45.

Empress Dowager and the Boxer Outbreak 148; issues edict abolishing old examinationsystem (1905), 174; death of (1980), 176.

enemy aliens, deportation of, 237.