
第67章 Empirical studies on MSAs(3)

(244)In fact, under the budget that I shall shortly submit, it can be done with an actual reduction in Federal expenditures and Federal employment.

(245)Taken together, the celebrations have been extensive and impressive, and can constitute an enormous outpouring of affection and admiration for both the author and her creation whose appeal is as fresh and undimmed now as it was when he first burst upon an unsuspecting world in 1919.

(246)In any case, the information which they contain shall be retained by the Member States for at least two years following the end of the calendar year of the reference period to which those declarations relate.

Example (243)is from PS.The MSA hopefully intensifies and foregrounds the prediction conveyed by the MV will.Example (244)is from JI.The MSA in fact is related to clarification, and foregrounds the obligation and inclination conveyed the MVs shall and can.Example (245)is from AW.The MSA taken together denotes reasoning, and makes the tentative conclusion conveyed by the MV can less arbitrary.Example (246)is from LR.The MSA in any case is related to reasoning, making the obligation conveyed by the MV shall more compulsory.

In short, the examination of the corpora suggests that genre has effects on the clausal positions as well as the specific items of those MSAs functioning as comment adjuncts, that such clausal positions highlight stance, and that modality supplementing through MSAs is evident.

6.3 Distributions of multiple-leveled modality

It is found that in all the four genres double-leveled modality outnumbers multiple-leveled modality.However, multiple-leveled modality varies from genre to genre.The result is shown in Table 6.3.

Table 6.3 shows that AW (33%)has the biggest percentage of multiple-leveled modality, followed by JI (26.7%).PS (17%)has a low percentage of multiple-leveled modality, so does LR (15%).The findings are significant in two aspects.

First, the more tentative or dialogic the tenor involved is, the more multiple-leveled modality is employed.AW involves a host of relationships, for instance, between the writer and other writers, between the writer and the readers, between the readers and other writers, and between the writer and the whole discourse community.Chapter 3 shows the complex tenor existing in AW.To some extent, it could be stated that AW is written in medium but oral in mode.Hence, it is justified for AW to possess more multiple-leveled modality than the other 3 genres.

JI is a genre with typical face-to-face negotiations between the interviewer and interviewee(s).It is common for both participants to speak more tentatively than resolutely.Given this situation, a tentative tone can better position both participants as well.

In comparison, PS is oral in medium, but written in mode.In this genre, more formal language is needed.Hence, this genre is not as dialogic as AW and JI.

LR is a genre written in both medium and mode.In this genre, the addresser mainly delivers attitude or judgment without much tentativeness.It is mentioned in Chapter 3 that the vocabulary in LR aims at exactness and precision.Thus, tentativeness is less than resolution in this genre.As a result, multiple-leveled modality occurs least in LR.

Second, the more multiple-leveled modality is employed, the better stance is revealed.Each MSA stands for a certain force of attitude or judgment.Hence, if an MV attracts more than one MSA, it means that the force of attitudes or judgments involved is stronger.Since different MSAs have different functions, multiple-leveled modality means diversified stance.

In brief, multiple-leveled modality mirrors the roles of genre in the distributions of MSAs as a means of modality supplementing in discourse.Genre in this sense is interwoven with other contextual factors such as cognition and evaluation.

Consider the following:

(247)Even those that claim that they do not do so may, in practice, turn out to be far less internally tolerant of diversity than might at first appear.

(248)Equally, not satisfying identification imperative would also mean no humanity, at least as we know it.

(249)I absolutely fell in love with it, and I would find myself even just watching the show, without even acting in it, before we got to do the dub.

(250)And from a moral standpoint, I think abortion is wrong.It’s immoral; it’s unethical.I would never have an abortion, personally.

Examples (247)and (248)are from AW.In Example (247), the MSAs even and in practice supplement the modalization conveyed by the MVs may and might.Even and in practice are related to reasoning and evidence respectively Thus, in Example (247)the addresser means to tell the reader that his/her conclusion is based on evidence and reasoning, and the reader may join in negotiations.

In Example (248), three MSAs, namely, equally, also and at least, supplement the modalization conveyed by the MV would.Equally and also are related to reasoning, while at least has to do with clarification.Thus, in Example (248), the addresser means to tell the reader that his/her conclusion is based on comparison and intuition.A tentative tone is revealed in this way.

Examples (249)and (250)are from JI.In Example (249), three MSAs (i.e.absolutely, even and just)supplement the modulation (inclination)conveyed by the MV would; the MSA even is used twice.Absolutely is related to confidence, even reasoning and just limitation.Hence, in Example (249)the addresser intends to express a positive but negotiable view on the issue involved.

In Example (250), two MSAs (i.e.never and personally)supplement the modulation (inclination)conveyed by the MV would.Never is related to probability & usuality whereas personally evidence; never is high-valued.In this sense, in Example (250), the addresser intends to express a clearly personal but debatable view.