
第78章 Conclusion(1)

So far this dissertation has explored from different perspectives what MSAs as a means of modality supplementing are and how they function in discourse.A multi-dimension functional approach combining views from cognitive linguistics, pragmatics and SFL was adopted in constructing a model about the studies on MSAs.This chapter will review what has been achieved, indicate the significance of this dissertation, and explore some implications for further studies.

7.1 Overview of the current study

Modality is an important means of expressing views, attitudes and judgments.Traditionally, the studies have focused on individual modal devices such as MVs, modal adjectives, modal nouns, MAs, and lexical verbs.Little attention has been paid to the combinations of modal devices like MV + MA or modal adjective + lexical verb in discourse.This dissertation aims at extending the previous research on modality, in particular, focusing on MSAs - adverbs that function modally and play the roles of modality supplementing in combination with MVs.Such patterns of MSAs as will probably, possibly…could, must therefore, and politically…can indicate the necessity of making improvements over the modal forces indicated by MVs.Hence, it is justified to argue that MSAs go hand in hand with modality supplementing, the former being one of the channels of realizing the latter.

Of course, modality supplementing is a general cover term for modality improvements.It is reasonable to consider modality supplementing in terms of contextual factors.Such factors as cognition, pragmatics, text types and evaluation have to be taken into account; the interpersonal meanings that MSAs can embody, namely, value, stance and social distance must be weighed as well in terms of the theoretical framework concerned.Besides, the functions that MSAs can perform, i.e.the disambiguation of modal vagueness, modal synergy, and the prominence of generic features, should not be neglected.Such a model for the research on MSAs has been adopted in this dissertation.

In such a light, the study conducted in this dissertation is both theoretically and practically oriented.Theoretically, in relation to modality and modality supplementing, this dissertation reviewed such theories as cognitive linguistics, the Dutch Functional School, pragmatics and particularly SFL, and set up a theoretical framework, namely, a multi-dimension functional approach, on MSAs as a means of modality supplementing in discourse.Practically, the current study investigated the lexicogrammatical realization of interpersonal meanings by means of MSAs, and conducted corpora studies on MSAs as a means of modality supplementing in four genres, namely, PS, JI, AW, and LR, from nine aspects.

A teaching experiment was done, concerned with how modality supplementing through MSAs is employed by China’s EFL learners in expressing their attitudes or judgments on argumentative topics.In turn, it was further demonstrated that there is a close connection between MSAs, contextual factors and interpersonal meanings.

7.2 Findings of the current study

The findings of the current study lie in five aspects.

First, by reviewing the previous studies concerning modality, it was found that modality supplementing as an important field of modality has been neglected.As MSA is a new term coined in this dissertation, there is no directly available literature involved.By reviewing the previous studies, it was detected that it is necessary to study MSAs as a means of modality supplementing.This can enrich the modality system.In the view of the current study, the use of modality supplementing is cognitively, pragmatically and functionally motivated.

Both MVs and MAs can function epistemically or deontically, depending on the situations involved.MAs are members of adverbs, the latter being able to serve more functions than prediction, necessity, obligation and ability conveyed by the former, such as evidentiality and indirect speech acts.Co-occurring with MVs, adverbs can function modally as well on many occasions.Based on such a connection, this dissertation stated that MSAs as a means of modality supplementing are feasible in discourse.

Hoye, Halliday, Paradis and some other linguists have mentioned the co-existence of modality devices; yet, no detailed and comprehensive explorations have been made in this regard.It was proposed that MSAs be a device of modality supplementing, that MSAs embody features similar to those of MVs, MAs and adverbs but differ from the latter three to some extent, and that MSAs be likewise cognitively, pragmatically and functionally motivated.

Second, this study presented a multi-dimension functional approach to MSAs as a means of modality supplementing in discourse.It proposed that such theoretical perspectives as cognitive linguistics, pragmatics, and SFL be considered as for the use of MSAs.Then, the dissertation sketched the classification and functions of MSAs in discourse.

Generally speaking, the more dialogical and communicative a genre is, the more frequently MSAs as modality supplementing devices would occur.MSAs constitute part of the interpersonal system in discourse.In view of the assumption that interpersonal roles are pluralistic in communication, conceptualization, speech acts, evidentiality, generic effects and the appraisal theory were integrated in order to explore the close relationships between MSAs and interpersonal meanings.

Third, the lexicogrammatical realization of interpersonal meanings by means of MSAs was studied.The interpersonal meanings of MSAs can be approached from three perspectives, i.e.value, stance and social distance (including solidarity, deference and hierarchy).