
第99章 Trendy Lifestyle 潮流生活(11)

Vigorous online ideas exchange is a major characteristic of China’s Internet development, and the huge quantity of BBS posts and blog articles is far beyond that of any other country。


In China, there are over a million BBSs and some 220 million bloggers。


According to a sample survey, each day people post over three million messages via BBS, news commentary sites, blogs, etc。, and over 66% of Chinese netizens frequently place postings to discuss various topics, and to fully express their opinions and represent their interests。


Actively participating in online information communication and content creation, netizens have greatly enriched Internet information and content。


The state guarantees online safety for minors。


Minors have become China’s biggest online group。


By the end of 2009, a third of the country’s 384 million Internet users were minors。


The Internet is playing an increasingly important role in the development of minors。


Meanwhile, online pornographic, illegal and harmful information is seriously damaging the physical and psychological health of young people, and this has become recognized as a prominent issue of public concern。


The state protects citizens’ online privacy。


The protection of online privacy is closely connected with the people’s sense of security and confidence in the Internet。


Internet security is a prerequisite for the sound development and effective utilization of the Internet。


Internet security problems are pressing nowadays, and this has become a problem of common concern in all countries。


In recent years, computer crimes in China have been on the increase。


The tendency of the combination of various traditional crimes and computer crimes has become gradually more obvious。


Let’s Talk!


Alice: How often do you use the Internet?


Kate: I use it almost every day, but I usually only use it to check my email。 I don’t often surf the net。 You use the internet a lot, don’t you?


Alice: Yes。 I use it to find products and components at the lowest price for my company。 It can be frustrating when the connection is poor。


Kate: So, you’re online eight hours a day。


Alice: Yes, I like the job though。 Sometimes, I help other people in the office if they’re having trouble online。


Kate: How useful do you think the Internet is as a source of information?


Alice: I think it’s fairly useful, but there are two big problems。 First, a lot of the information you find online is false。 Second, when you buy something online, you don’t see it until you actually get it。


Kate: What kind of websites you often buy things? There are so many websites that I don’t know which to choose。


Alice: I can give you the name of a few useful website to visit。


Kate: Thanks。 That would be very helpful。 I’ve discovered that it can take a long time to find exactly what you want。 There’s too much information on the net。


Alice: I also want to tell you that when you use the Internet, be careful not to give out your email address very often。 If you do, you might get a lot of spam-unwanted email from companies trying to sell you things。


Kate: That’s good advice。 I should also be careful about giving out confidential information about myself, such as my password and credit car number。


Alice: That’s right。





Realize Luxury



Despite a populace dominated by peasants on a subsistence income, China is now the third largest luxury goods market in the world, accounting for 12 percent of sales worldwide in 2006。 Analysts predict that, as China’s average per capita income grows, it will become the world’s second-largest purchaser of luxury goods by 2015, surpassing Japan’s vaunted luxury demand and accounting for the sale of 29 percent of all luxury good sales worldwide。 The China Daily reports that the market is forecasted to grow 20 percent annually until 2008 and then 10 percent per year until 2015。

Some Chinese spending is driven by people’s desire to enhance their own social status and visibility by an association with famous brand names。 Not many years ago, it was not an uncommon sight to see owners of a new suit or that conspicuously “forget” to remove the brand name and price tag that revealed the maker and high price of their new apparel。 The China Brand Association recently said about that 13 percent of Chinese, about 170 million people, regularly buy top-tier brands。 Meanwhile AC Nielsen believes that, “to succeed, luxury-goods companies must woo the top segment of the Chinese consumer market — the 15 million people who earn 250,000 yuan ($32,000) or more a year。”