
第25章 世间真情(7)

The girl would turn her cell phone off before going to bed.This habit has been with her ever since she bought the phone.

The girl had a very close boyfriend.When they couldn't meet,they would either call or send messages to each other.They both liked this type of communication.

One night,the boy really missed the girl.[A]When he called her,however,the girl's cell phone was off because she was already asleep.The next day,the boy asked the girl to leave her cell phone on at night because when he needed to fl nd her and if he could not,he would be worried.

From that day forth,the girl began a new habit.Her cell phone never shuts down at night.[B]Because she was afraid that she might not be able to hear the phone ring in her sleep,she tried to stay very aIert.As days passed,she became thinner and thinner.Slowly,a gap began to form between them.

The girl wanted to revive their relationship.One night,she called the boy.However,what she got was a sweet female voice:"Sorry,the subscriber you diaIed is power off."

The girl knew that her love has just been turned off.

After a long time,the girl has a new love.No matter how well they got along,the girl however refused to get married.In the girl's heart,she always remembered that boy's words and the night when that phone was power off.

The girl still keeps the habit of leaving her cell phone on all throughout the night,but not expecting that it'll ring.

One night,the girl fell ill.[C]In moment of fluster,instead of calling her parents,she dialed the new boy's cell phone.The boy was already asleep but his cell phone was still on.

Later,the girl asked the boy:"Why don't you turn your cell phone off at night?"

The boy answered:"I'm afraid that if you need anything at night and aren't able to fl nd me,you'll worry."

The girl fl nally married the boy.

Later at night,do you turn off your cell phone?


长难句解析 Sentence Structures

A When he called her,however,the girl's cell phone was off because she was already asleep.


be off关机,离开,取消。例如:You must be off antibiotics for a while.你必须停服一段时间的抗生素。

B Because she was afraid that she might not be able to hear the phone ring in her sleep,she tried to stay very alert.


stay alert保持警觉。例如:The research does,however,suggest that this is one way to stay mentally alert longer.然而,研究确实表明,这是延长思维敏捷状态的一个办法。

C In moment of fluster,instead of calling her parents,she dialed the new boy's cell phone.


in the/a moment……在那一时刻。例如:In an unguarded moment he gave away the secret.他一时没留神泄漏了秘密。

Please Dress Me in Red 请给我穿红色

Track 014.MP3






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[A]In my duaI profession as an educator and health care provider,I have worked with children infected with the virus that causes AIDS.The relationships that I have had with these special kids have been gifts in my life.They have taught me so many things,but I have especially learned that great courage can be found in the smallest of packages.Let me tell you about Tyler.

From the very beginning of his life,he was dependent on medications to enable him to survive.When he was fl ve,he had a tube surgically inserted in a vein in his chest.This tube was connected to a pump,which he carried in a small backpack on his back.Medications were hooked up to this pump and were continuously supplied through this tube to his bloodstream.At times,he also needed supplemented oxygen to support his breathing.

Tyler wasn't willing to give up one single moment of his childhood to this deadly disease.[B]It was not unusual to fl nd him playing and racing around his backyard,wearing his medicine-laden backpack and dragging his tank of oxygen behind him in his little wagon.All of us who knew Tyler marveIed at his pure joy in being alive and the energy it gave him.Tyler's mom often teased him by telling him that he moved so fast that she needed to dress him in red.That way,when she peered through the window to check on him playing in the yard,she could quickly spot him.

This dreaded disease eventually wore down even the likes of a little dynamo like Tyler.

He grew quite ill and,unfortunately,so did his HIV-infected mother.[C]When it became apparent that he wasn't going to survive,Tyler's mom talked to him about death.She comforted him by telling Tyler that she was dying too,and that she would be with him soon in heaven.

A few days before his death,Tyler beckoned me over to his hospital bed and whispered,"I might die soon.I'm not scared.When I die,please dress me in red.Mom promised she's coming to heaven,too.I'll be playing when she gets there,and I want to make sure she can find me."


长难句解析 Sentence Structures

A In my dual profession as an educator and health care provider,I have worked with numerous children infected with the virus that causes AIDS.


be infected with被……感染。例如:He hasn't yet been infected with the evils of society.他还没沾染社会上的不良风气。

B It was not unusual to find him playing and racing around his backyard,wearing his medicine-Iaden backpack and dragging his tank of oxygen behind him in his little wagon.



C When it became apparent that he wasn't going to survive,Tyler's mom talked to him about death.



Mum's Hand 妈妈的手

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