
第47章 智慧人生(13)

句中not only……but also……“不仅……而且……”。regarding prep.关于;至于;就……而论。例如,Regarding John,I will write to him at once.至于约翰,我将立即给他写信。Regarding the punishment,what would you advise?关于处罚,你有何意见?

Change Your Bad Habits to Good(I)改掉坏毛病,养成好习惯(I)

Track 025.MP3






今日关键语导读 Today's Key Points



障碍词先听为快 Words and Expressions


好英文娓娓动听 Words and Expressions

At the University of California,my students and I surveyed more than 2,000 self-change techniques-perhaps most of the major self-change methods that have ever been proposed by religious leaders,phiIosophers,psychoIogists and psychiatrists.We also reviewed the scientific research literature on self-change,a topic that behavioral scientists began to explore in earnest in the 1960s.

Of the hundreds of self-change techniques that have been suggested over the centuries,perhaps only a dozen are distinctly different.Many have now been subjected to scienti flc study,meaning that researchers have tried to see which ones work best.Three deserve special mention:they're powerful,****** and easy to learn.[A]What's more,individuals who have made successful changes in their lives often relied on one or more of these methods.To get yourself started in a new direction,try the Three M's:

Modify Your Environment

People who have never tried this are astounded by the enormous effect it often has.One of my students got herself bicycling every day simply by putting her bicycle in her doorway before she left for school.When she returned home,that was the first thing she saw,and that's all she needed to start pedaIing away.I've known several people who have overcome nail-biting simply by buying 50 nail files and distributing them everywhere:in their pockets,their desks and their bedrooms.With a naiI file always within reach,they tended to groom rather than bite.

The power of rearranging one's space has been well demonstrated in studies since it was flrst reported in the 1960s.Psychologist Israel Goldiamond of the University of Chicago taught this technique to patients with a variety of personal problems.For example,a young woman who had difficulty studying made dramatic strides when she got a better desk lamp and moved her desk away from her bed.

Monitor Your Behavior

I've been reading research studies on self-monitoring for 20 years,and I've conducted some myself.To be honest,I still don't fully understand why this technique works,but it does,and remarkabIy well for most people.The fact is,if you monitor what you do,you'll probably do better.

Weigh yourself regularly and you may well start to lose weight.Keep a record of what you eat and you'll probably start eating more wisely.


长难句解析 Sentence Structures

A What's more,individuaIs who have made successfuI changes in their Iives often reIied on one or more of these methods.


句中what's more“此外”。例如,I don't like pubs.They're noisy,smelly,and what's more,expensive.我不喜欢酒吧。那里又吵,气味又难闻,更重要的是,花费太多。rely on“信赖,依赖”。例如,You can rely on me for help.你可指望我来帮忙。

Change Your Bad Habits to Good(ll)改掉坏毛病,养成好习惯(ll)

Track 023.MP3






今日关键语导读 Today's Key Points



障碍词先听为快 Words and Expressions


好英文娓娓动听 Words and Expressions

If techniques like this sound silly,keep in mind that the power of self-monitoring has been demonstrated by a variety of research conducted over the last four decades.In my study I taught a disruptive flfth-grade boy to rate his own class-room behavior twice a day.[A]He simply checked off a score for himself,indicating how well-behaved he had been in the morning or afternoon.With his awareness increased,he stayed in his seat more than usual,completed more assignments and rarely got in trouble.

Recent research even demonstrated that students will compose better stories given a ****** checkIist that includes elements of good writing.Dozens of studies have similar results,all spurred by height-ending our awareness of our behavior.

Make Commitments

When you make a commitment to another person,you establish what psychologists call a contingency of reinforcement;you've automatically arranged for a reward if you comply and a punishment if you don't.It puts some pressure on you,and that's often just what you need.

If you want to exercise more,arrange to do it with a friend.If you don't show up,your friend will get angry,and that may be just the ticket to keeping you punctual.Decades of research have demonstrated the power of this strategy.For example,Mary Lou Kau and Joel Fischer of the University of Hawaii reported a case of a woman who got herself to jog regularly by setting up a ****** arrangement with her husband:he paid her quarters and took her out on weekends whenever she met her jogging goals.

There's good news here for all of us.[B]We can meet many of the demands and overcome many of the challenges of life with ****** skills-straightforward practices that anyone can master and that don't require willpower-in other words,with skill,not will.


长难句解析 Sentence Structures

A He simpIy checked off a score for himseIf,indicating how well-behaved he had been in the morning or afternoon.


句中 check off a score“打分”;indicating“表明”现在分词做伴随状语,how引导的感叹句做indicate的宾语从句。

B We can meet many of……that……and that don't require willpower-in other words,with skill,not will.


此句中两个that都引导的是定语从句,修饰先行词straightforward practices.

A Pair of Socks 一双袜子

Track 027.MP3
