
第6章 A Daughter's Thanks to Her Mother 女儿对母亲的感谢






Dear Mum,

I haven't written many letters to you before,as we've almost always been able to just pick up the phone and have a chat,so it's hard to know how to start.

Of course,all the usual things apply1—we all miss you and hope you're all right wherever you are.

When you left us,it took a little while for it to sink in2 that I would never see you again.I guessed it was a bit like you being away on a trip or those times when we didn't find the time to even speak on the phone for a week or so.

Now I realize there are too many things left unsaid—as everyone always says—and too many questions unasked.Silly things really,like yesterday,when I was doing my washing,I wondered how you felt when you got your first automatic washing machine,I can still remember the old machine you had when I was a child.Though,I guess I know the answers to most of time the important things about you.

Dad finds life difficult without you and his loneliness is almost unbearable to me,as there's so little I can do to help him.I think in time he'll find some interests and make a new kind of life.But at the moment he seems only to look forward to the time when he can join you again.

Emily and I are feeling a little better each day,in a way,your going has brought us closer together.We seem to understand each other better at the moment and maybe eventually we'll have the sort of relationship that really close sisters enjoy.

We've both found strengths in each other over the past weeks,and these are a huge comfort.Perhaps we never needed to look for them before,because we had you to be strong for us.

I guess I'm lucky to have my own children to keep me so busy.I don't have much time to dwell on3 my sadness but sometimes I crave the peace to just have a private think about you.

For a couple of weeks after you died,my brain seemed to go crazy,searching through its memory banks for something I could keep in my heart which was special to you and me.One day it came to me—the tour we made of some special gardens.

Remember the day it poured with rain the whole time but we were determined to make the most of it.I enjoyed just being with you by myself,without the children clamoring for your attention.The gardens were beautiful despite the rain and you bought me a rose I'd admired for my own garden.

For a while after your death,I expected to feel your presence around me as Dad and Emily seemed to do with such ease.When I was out walking,I would look at the sky and wonder whether you could see me,or whether you were with me.At night I wondered whether you'd become a star,as some people believed.

But as time passes,I think I'm closer to find the truth.You're with me every time I comfort one of the children or try to find the right words to gently chastise4 them.I listen for your words of wisdom and they come from within me because your greatest gift to me was teaching me how to be a good mother to my own children.

And although you're no longer here with us,I know in times of sadness or pain the children feel their mothers' arms around them just as I sense that I feel your arms around me,too.In years to come I hope your gift to me will be passed to my own children's children.And I know it's your voice telling me in these changing times the best thing we can give our children is love,because love is eternal and love doesn't die.So long for now,and thank you from all of us.

Happy Mother's Day,Mum.




















生词与短语 New Words and Expressions

1.apply v.适用

2.sink in v.被理解,被理会

3.dwell on v.老是想着,详述

4.chastise v.责骂,严惩

妙语连珠:Beautiful Sentences

I don't have much time to dwell on my sadness but sometimes I crave the peace to just have a private think about you.



How the world's mother is similar to!Their heart has always been the same;every mother has a very innocent child's point.


