
第22章 三只勇敢的老鼠

Three rats are sitting at the bar talking bragging about their bravery and toughness。

The first says,“I'm so tough,once I ate a whole bagful of rat poison!”

The second says,“Well I'm so tough,once I was caught in a rat trap and I bit it apart!”

Then the third rat gets up and says,“Later guys,I'm off home to harass the cat。”





1.brag v。吹牛,自吹,自夸[( about/of)]

He often brags about how well he plays golf。(他常常自夸他高尔夫球打得如何如何好。)

2.harass v。侵扰,不断骚扰

Our soldiers harassed the enemy。(我们的士兵不断骚扰敌人。)

1.a bagful of 许多,大量

The president-elect picked up a bagful of votes from the youth of America。(这位当选总统获得了许多美国青年的选票。)

2.rat trap 捕鼠夹

3.be off 离开,走开

I will be off to Europe tomorrow。(我明天就要离开去欧洲了。)自我测验7:

1.History is a record of mankind;different historians,__________,interpret it differently。

A。thereforeB。on the contrary


2.It was not until it got dark__________working。

A。that they stoppedB。when they stopped

C。did they stopD。that they didn't stop

3.Before the child went to bed,the father asked him to__________all the toys he had taken out。

A。put offB。put up C。put awayD。put out

4.Thinking that you know__________in fact you don't is not a good idea。

A。whatB。that C。whenD。which

5.“__________does Mr。Johnson go to London on business?”“At least once a month。”

A。How manyB。How long

C。How oftenD。How

6.Helen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others,__________,of course,made the others jealous。


7.Evidence came up__________specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old。


8.He__________when the bus came to a sudden stop。

A。was almost hurtB。was almost to hurt himself

C。was almost hurt himselfD。was almost hurting himself
