
第24章 猫和老鼠(二)

A mouse used to live in a winery and he would climb up on the rim of a vat and run around and around the edge。One day he finally slipped and fell into the vat full of wine。He couldn't get out again,so he swam around in the wine and shouted,“Help!Help!”

A cat heard the mouse's cries for help,climbed up onto the rim and sat looking down at him。The mouse cried,“Please,Mr。Cat,help me!I'm drowning!”

The cat said,“Well,if I save you,what will I get?”

The mouse said,“Anything!Help me!”

The cat said,“Well,if I save you,can I eat you?”

The mouse said,“Yes!Yes!Anything you want!”So the cat reached down with his paw and hooked the mouse back up to safety。The mouse immediately shook himself dry and then darted back into his hole。

The cat said,“Mr。Mouse,you're not keeping your word!You said I could eat you!”

The mouse said,“Well,Mr。Cat,what do you expect?I was drunk at the time!”









1.winery n。酿酒长

The visit to the winery has been put off till Friday。(到酿酒厂的参观已推迟到星期五。)

2.slip v。滑倒,减退,滑动,失足

If you have not slip and fall,you will not have break your leg。(如果你没有滑倒,就不会弄断了腿。)

3.drown v。把……淹死

She fell overboard and was drowned。(她从船上掉入水中淹死了。)

1.climb up 爬上去

How can I climb up that wall!I wish I were a bird。(我怎么能够爬得上那堵墙?我要是一只鸟就好了!)

2.keep one's word 遵守诺言

I kept my word to her。(我对她守信。)