
第56章 猫和公鸡

There is a cat and a rooster wandering by a lake。Both are famished,looking for any food they could find,but to no avail。Later on,the rooster finds himself focusing upon a worm,inching its way nearby。The rooster then proceeds to chase and then pounce on the worm,eating it quickly。Resting after his meal,he rubs his belly in pure satisfaction。

The cat looks at the rooster and thinks for himself,“Well,if he can do it,I can do it。”Not long after the rooster eats his worm,the cat spots a mouse scurrying nearby the lake。The cat raises its tail arches its back,and with all its might,attempts to pounce on the mouse,only to end up in the lake。



1.wander v。徘徊,漫步

He wandered in the streets。(他在街上游荡。)

2.famished adj。非常饥饿的。

After an hour or two of basketball,I am so famished that I could eat anything。(打一两个小时的篮球以后,我会饿的可以吃下任何东西。)

3.inch v。缓慢前进

He inched the table to the wall。(他一点一点将桌子挪到墙边。)

4.pounce v。突袭,猛扑

We saw the tiger about to pounce on the goat。(我们看见老虎要向那只山羊扑过去。)

5.scurry v。急匆匆地跑,急赶

The mouse scurried into its hole when the cat appeared。(猫一出来的时候,老鼠便匆匆跑进洞里去了。)

1.to no avail 无效,完全无用

They protested but to no avail。(他们提了抗议,但毫无效果。)

便利店里的一只鸭子A Duck in a Convenience Store

This duck walks into a convenience store and asks the clerk,“Do you have any grapes?”The clerk says no,and the duck leaves。The next day,the duck returns and asks,“Do you have any grapes?”The clerk again says no,and the duck leaves。

The day after that,the duck walks in the store again and asks“Do you have any grapes?”The clerk screams at the duck,“You've come in here the past two days and asked if we had any grapes。I told you no every time that we don't have any grapes!I swear if you come back in here again,and ask for grapes,I'll nail your webbed feet to the floor!!”

The duck left,and returned the next day。This time he asked,“Do you have any nails?”The clerk replied,“No。”and the duck said,“Good!Got any grapes?”





1.nail n。钉子

The nail has been pulled out。(那只钉子拔出来了。)


We had the lids nailed on the boxes。(我们给箱子钉上盖子。)

1.convenience store 便利店

There is a convenience store around the corner。(街角有间便利商店。)自我测验15:

1.—You are confident about the job interview,aren't you?

—。I'm well prepared and feel I've got everything they need。

A。sure,I amB。It's hard to say

C。I hope soD。Well,maybe

2.My parentsin Hong Kong。They were born there and have never lived anywhere else。


C。were livingD。will live

3.Form theiron the top of the TV Tower,visitors can have a better view of the city。



4.Four Chinese models werethe 14 people awarded prizes on Friday at the World Supermodel Competition。



5.New came from the school officeWang Lin had been admitted to Beijing University。



6.Now that we've discussed our problem,are people happy with the decisions?


C。takenD。to take

7.—What do you think of the movie?

—It's fantastic。The only pity is that Ithe beginning of it。

A。MissedB。had missed

C。missD。would miss

8.I'm sure that your letter will getattention。They know you're waiting for the reply。


