
第18章 Remembering Buster Dawn 怀念我的狗狗巴斯特

By Karen Dawn

Neighbors ask if I will adopt turkeys again this Thanksgiving。I am not sure。I think of last year's turkeys lined up at the front gate with the dogs,greeting sunset passersby on their way to the Via bluffs。I think of Buster's patience when the turkey named Bruce,later renamed Brucilla,usurped Buster's bed on the porch。Mostly I think that this year Buster will not be here to guard the turkeys。This will be the first holiday season in twelve years without Buster Dawn。

Buster came to me in November 1997,a tiny puppy from the pound。I didn't know then that I should have adopted an older dog because puppies always get homes and because I liked my rugs,furniture and shoe collection。When I picked up Buster he looked into my eyes and started to lick my face。You can see from my favorite photo that twelve years later nothing had changed。For those twelve years my skin care regime centered on Buster's daily exfoliation treatment。What will become of my complexion now that he is gone?

On our first Thanksgiving together I carried Buster to a friend's house in a shoebox。The rescue folks had told me he would grow to about 35 pounds。Ha!Cafe Vida regulars may remember often seeing a mutt poised across a man's lap。That was Buster Dawn,with Jim,my ex。

Buster and I took our first walk together on Christmas。I strolled the Soho streets with my beautiful puppy,awed that for once I was not walking alone。A few weeks later we wandered over to the Village and I called my friend Eric to tell him to come down and grab a coffee as we were right on his corner。His response,“Oh Karen,I just love that you are a‘we'now。’”

Yes,Buster changed me to we。Nights in my apartment watching television had always been so lonely;with Buster they were cozy and fun。And I think Buster opened my heart and made it possible for Jim to enter a year later。The day Jim and I first met,for lunch,he dropped me back at my apartment and met Buster and also Paula,Buster's newly adopted sister。Buster immediately suggested a ball game,and Jim obliged。When Jim picked me up for dinner that night I was running late and asked if he would mind waiting in the book store across the street。He said,“Sure。Or do the dogs need walking?”My heart almost burst,I had found my canine kids a wonderful daddy。Buster led Jim on our usual walk around Soho。Soon we all moved to Pacific Palisades and became a family。

We were a close family。Jim insisted that we never take family holidays anywhere we couldn't take the dogs。Once he had heard Buster's fantastic rendition of Happy Birthday he couldn't bear a birthday without it。Buster had quite a voice;what he lacked in tone he made up for in gusto。

Thanksgivings were spent at home。I would cook for days and then invite vegan friends over to share the feast-plenty of Wild Turkey(bourbon)and veganized versions of classic dishes。Buster loved sweet potatoes。I once made the mistake of leaving a bowl of them on the lower shelf of our serving trolley where Buster clearly thought they had been left for him。Thank heavens my guests were all animal lovers who cackled when they saw Buster swigging back our sweet potatoes。They were happy to dig into the dish once I had skimmed Buster's personal gravy off the top。

One Christmas we drove to Mexico and rented a guest house。Its front patio,and that of another patio leading to the main house,was attached to a mutual landing that had stairs down to the street。In the main house,Chumaka and Amiga,a rottie mix and a coyote mix,lived with their humans。As we brought stuff up from the car into our Christmas abode,Chumaka and Amiga guarded the landing like customs officers inspecting imports。Everything passed their muster but for Paula and Buster。The canine guards at first refused to let our guys past the landing。But Buster somehow slipped past the sentinels into our guest house。A moment later he emerged carrying a new dog toy that Jim had put under the Christmas tree。He slunk out onto the mutual landing,darted over to Chumaka and Amiga's patio,dropped the toy,and darted back。Chumaka and Amiga gave up their post to check out the peace offering。For the next week we were a pack of six。Walks to the beach involved all four dogs the peacemaking mutt,the rottie mix,the coyote mix,and the pitbull。Nobody fracked with us!

Paula recently reminded me of that sweet gift giving gesture。Though she had lost interest in Buster as he weakened over the last few months,her grief in the days after we let her explore his lifeless body was undeniable。After we placed him in his grave,she lay beside it for hours with her paws hanging over。She brought up a toy and dropped it in on top of him。Unsure the move had been intentional,I gave it back to her。She dropped it in again。We buried her sweet offering with our sweet boy。

I have never loved anybody the way I loved Buster。Some might say that because human relationships are hard I had settled for a lesser relationship with a dog。But was it lesser?Who has a human who howls down the house whenever they get home from work?And what human could make my heart sing just by walking into the room,every time,no matter how many times a day?The intellectual conversations about books and films that a human might offer and not all do cannot outweigh the joyful camaraderie of walks along the bluffs,the trusting head on my lap when I curled up with a good book,or the simple and silent companionship Buster would offer as he supervised my holiday preparations。

What a strange holiday season this will be without Buster Dawn。He was the heart of our little family。When Jim or I were out of the house,Buster would wait all night in the front yard until the missing pack member was back safe in our cave。Jim moved out just after last year's holidays,and now,without Buster,there is really no family at all。Yet,oddly,I am dreading the holidays less than I had expected。Buster's love changed me,and it will be there this season even without the loving licks and the heavenly howls that were its physical signs。Buster opened my heart,and it did not close when he passed。Though our little family is no longer,I know there will one day be more love in my life,and more holidays with family。That will be Buster's legacy。













Karen Dawn凯伦·潼恩

凯伦·潼恩出生于美国,在澳大利亚长大,并在那里上学。她做过新闻研究员,还为多个澳大利亚出版机构撰写文章。1998年,她读了《动物解放》一书,受到极大地触动,于是投身于帮助动物、维护动物权利的工作中。凯伦创立了一个网站,DawnWatch。com,倡导动物权利,呼吁媒体监督社会对待动物的方式。作为动物权利运动的代言人,她出现在所有重要的新闻网和音乐电视频道上,并且在大的广播站主持多期脱口秀节目。她还有文章在《洛杉矶时报》、《华盛顿邮报》和英国的《卫报》等知名报刊上发表。她的第一本书Thanking the Monkey:Rethingking the Way We Treat Animals(《感谢猴子:再思考我们对待动物的方式》),被《华盛顿邮报》选为“2008年最佳图书”。


Background Knowledge

Thanksgiving Day 感恩节



New Words

usurp vt。篡夺,强夺;侵占;盗用vi。篡夺;侵占;侵犯

exfoliation n。剥落;剥落物;表皮脱落

swig vt。痛饮,豪饮

例句:Don't swig beer the way you drink water。别像水似的把啤酒一口喝干。


例句:to swig in one drink一饮而尽

camaraderie n。[法语]同志间友情,同志情谊

rendition n。演奏,解释

gusto n。热情,乐趣,津津有味

cackle n。咯咯声,高声笑,饶舌,闲谈vi。咯咯叫,咯咯笑,喋喋不休

muster n。集中;集合,集合的人群vt。&;vi。集合,召集



est Yourself

1.Multiple Choice Questions

1)They were happy……once I had skimmed Buster's personal gravy off the top。



2)They were happy to dig into the dish once……personal gravy off the top。



3)As we brought stuff up from the car into our Christmas abode……



4)Cafe Vida regulars may remember often seeing a mutt poised across a man's lap。



5)I called my friend Eric to tell him to come down and grab a coffee as we ……his corner。



6)Buster immediately suggested a ball game,and Jim obliged。



7)Everything passed their muster but for Paula and Buster。



2.下面是关于voice 的一些短语,写出其含义。

1)a voice in the wilderness

2)give one's voice for

3)give voice to

4)have a voice in something

5)have no voice in something

6)lift up one's voice

7)lose one's voice

8)lower one's voice

9)the voice of God

10)with one voice











