

1.“Here is the car,Tom.I’ll help you in.”So papa helps Tom and mamma with little Mary in her arms up the steps.The bell rings,and away we go along the smooth iron rails.

2.Of course Tom goes to the end of the seat to watch the driver out of the window.How he would like to be able to drive a big tram-car himself.What fun it must be to ring a bell,like the driver,and see the carts and motor vans moving out of the way!

3.Here comes the man to take the fares.“How far are you going,sir?”

“To the post-office.”

“Twopence,please,and a penny for the boy.”

4.Papa pays twopence each for himself and mamma,and a penny for Tom.Mary is only a baby,so she goes free.

5.How often this car is stopping!It is soon so full that Tom has to sit on papa‘s knee.There is another lady coming in.Where will she sit?

“Please take my seat,”says papa.-“Come,Tom,you and I will go on the top of the car.

6.”Take care of the stair;it is very steep.Come to the front seat,and we can see all that is going on in the street.“7.How many things one sees from the top of a car!“Why are all these people standing round that high box with the big hole?”asks Tom.

“I think it must be a Punch and Judy show,”says papa.“Yes.Look at the man with the long nose,and the dog with a paper collar.”

“Oh,I wish the car would stop and let us watch it.”

8.Now we are coming to a hill.That horse cannot pull his cart up,it is so steep.There is a boy waiting with a fresh horse,to help to pull the cart up.Our tram-car does not mind the steep hill,and we soon get to the top.

9.But here is the post-office.We must get down.