1.Earth’s bravest,truest heroes Fight with an unseen foe ,And win a victory grander Than you or I can know.
We little dream of the conflict Fought in each human soul,And Earth knows not of her heroes Upon God‘s honour-roll.
2.One of those little heroes Right proud am I to know ;His name for me is Mother,My name for him is Joe.
At the thought of a ten-year-old hero Would many perhaps have smiled;But a battlefield’s a battlefield,In the heart of man or child.
3.There were plans of mischief brewing ;I saw,but gave no sign ,For I wanted to test the mettleOf this little knightof mine.
“Of course you must come and help us,For we all depend on Joe,”
The boys said;and I waited For his answer-yes or no.
4.He stood and thought for a moment;I read his heart like a book,For the battle that he was fighting Was told in his earnest look.
Then to his waiting playmates Out spoke my loyal knight:
“No,boys;I cannot go with you,For I know it wouldn‘t be right.”
5.How proud was I of my hero,As I knelt by his little bedAnd gave him the bed-time kisses,And the good-night words were said!
True to his Lord and manhood May he stand in the world’s fierce fight,And shuneach unworthyaction,Because it “wouldn‘t be right.”