

1.I wonder if baby ever thinks,

And what does she think about?Why does she sometimes look so sweet,And why does she sometimes pout?

2.I wonder what baby ever thinks That makes her so full of glee,That brings the roses to her cheeks,And dimples,one,two,three.

3.I wonder how baby ever knows The time she should go to sleep,And the time to wake and rub her eyes,From her slumber soft and deep.

4.I wonder if baby ever laughs At the things on grandmother‘s nose,And if she ever tries to countHer ten little rosy toes.

5.I wonder what ever baby says In her kind of baby-talk,When she coos and stretches out her armsFor father to come and walk.

6.I wonder what baby means to be When she grows up big and tall;I wonder if she’s ever afraid That mother will let her fall.

7.I wonder if we were ever new,And tiny,and sleepy,and pink;But the wonder I wonder most of all-I wonder what babies think.

1.Oh,I‘ll tell you a story that nobody knows,Of ten little fingers and ten little toes,Of two pretty eyes and one little nose,And where they all went one day.

2.Oh,the little round nose smelled something sweet,Something that surely was nice to eat;And patter away went two little feetOut of the room one day.

3.Ten little toes climbed up on a chair,Two eyes peeped over a shelf,and there Lay a lovely cake,all frosted and fair,Made by mamma that day.

4.The mouth grew round,and the eyes grew big,At the taste of sugar and spice and fig;And ten little fingers went dig,dig,dig,Into the cake that day.

5.And when mamma kissed a curly head,Cuddling it cosily up in bed,“I wonder,was there a mouse,”she said,“Out on the shelf to-day ?”

6.“O mamma,yes,”and a laugh of glee Like fairy bells rang merrily;“But the little bit of a mouse was me,Out on the shelf to-day.”