
第111章 BOOK X(10)

Ath. After the prelude shall follow a discourse, which will be theinterpreter of the law; this shall proclaim to all impiouspersons:-that they must depart from their ways and go over to thepious. And to those who disobey, let the law about impiety be asfollows:-If a man is guilty of any impiety in word or deed, any onewho happens to present shall give information to the magistrates, inaid of the law; and let the magistrates who. first receive theinformation bring him before the appointed court according to the law;and if a magistrate, after receiving information, refuses to act, heshall be tried for impiety at the instance of any one who is willingto vindicate the laws; and if any one be cast, the court shallestimate the punishment of each act of impiety; and let all suchcriminals be imprisoned. There shall be three prisons in the state: