The Humboldt University of Berlin (German: Humboldt-Universit.t zu Berlin) is one of Berlin"s oldest universities, founded in 1810 as the University of Berlin (Universit.t zu Berlin) by the liberal Prussian educational reformer and linguist Wilhelm von Humboldt, whose university model has strongly influenced other European and Western universities. The foundation concept from Wilhelm von Humboldt said: “I believe that I can rightly claim that the teaching system in this state has received new impetus from me, and that although I have only been in office for a year, many signs of my administrative work will remain. Something which affects me personally more directly than anything else is the establishment of a new university here in Berlin.” From 1828 it was known as the Frederick William University, and later (unofficially) also as the Universit.t unter den Linden after its location. In 1949, it changed its name to Humboldt-Universit.t in honour of both its founder Wilhelm and his brother, geographer Alexander von Humboldt. At the outset, Berlin university had the four classical faculties of Law, Medicine, Philosophy and Theology. In 1901, Jacobus Henricus van"t Hoff from the Netherlands was the first scholar of the University to be given a Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his research into the laws of chemical dynamics. Its main building is located in the centre of Berlin at the boulevard Unter den Linden. Most institutes are located in the centre, around the main building, except the natural science institutes.
System: The University has ten faculties including Faculty of Law, Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, Faculty of Theology, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences I, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences II, Faculty of Arts and Humanities I, Faculty of Arts and Humanities II, Faculty of Arts and Humanities III, Faculty of Arts and Humanities IV.
City show: Berlin is the capital city of Germany is also the Germany’s largest city. Berlin is a world city of culture, politics, media, and science. Its economy is primarily based on high-tech industries and the service sector, encompassing a diverse range of creative industries, research facilities, media corporations, and convention venues. The city is well known for its festivals, diverse architecture, nightlife, contemporary arts, public transportation networks, and a high quality of living.
impetus [..mp.t.s] n. 动力;促进
dynamics [dai.n.miks] n. 动力学,力学
boulevard [.bu:lvɑ:, .bul.vɑ:d] n. [建] 林荫大道;(美)大马路
柏林洪堡大学成立于1810年10月,是德国首都柏林最古老的大学,于1810年由普鲁士教育改革者及语言学家威廉·冯·洪堡及弟弟亚历山大·冯·洪堡所创立,是第一所新制的大学,对于欧洲乃至于全世界的影响都相当深远,被誉为“现代大学之母”。 柏林洪堡大学在成立之初共有4个传统学院,分别是:法律、医学、哲学与神学。
柏林是德国首都,也是德国最大的城市。创意之都、全世界艺术家的圣地、景观之城、时尚之城、设计之都与音乐之都,柏林被冠上种种美誉。首屈一指的波茨坦广场、繁华的菩提树下大街、特色菜——著名的咖喱香肠、古老的夏洛特堡宫、标志德国重新统一的勃兰登堡门、有着圆形玻璃穹顶的国会大厦、隆重的文化盛事—德国柏林电影节、世界文化遗产“博物馆岛”、 弗里德里希皇宫剧院、独特的哈克庭院、柏林墙博物馆、犹太人纪念碑、柏林大教堂、欧洲最美丽和最高档的购物天堂之一——206区百货商厦等尽在这座国际化的都市当中。
The years teach much which the days never know.
The more you study, the more you will find yourself ignorant.