
第7章 看门人的儿子(2)

The General and his gracious lady were grand people. They had two coats of arms on their carriage,a coat of arms for each of them,and the gracious lady had had this coat of arms embroideredembroider vt.刺绣,镶边,装饰,给…添油加醋vi.绣花 on both sides of every bit of linen she had,and even on her nightcap and her dressingbag. One of the coats of arms,the one that belonged to her,was a very dear one; it had been bought for hard cash by her father,for he had not been born with it,nor had she; she had come into the world too early,seven years before the coat of arms,and most people remembered this circumstance,but the family did not remember it. A man might well have a bee in his bonnet,when he had such a coat of arms to carry as that,let alone having to carry two; and the Generals wife had a bee in hers when she drove to the court ball,as stiff and as proud as you please.


The General was old and gray,but he had a good seat on horseback,and he knew it,and he rode out every day,with a groom behind him at a proper distance. When he came to a party,he looked somehow as if he were riding into the room upon his high horse; and he had orders,too,such a number that no one would have believed it; but that was not his fault. As a young man he had taken part in the great autumn reviews which were held in those days. He had an anecdoteanecdote n.轶事,奇闻 that he told about those days,the only one he knew.

将军已年老,头发已灰白。不过骑马还不错。他知道这一点。他每天带着马夫一起出去骑马,马夫在他后面保持适当的距离。参加社交活动时他总像是骑着自己的高头大马径直去的。他身上佩戴着勋章,勋章多得难以想像,但那完全不是他的过错。他年轻的时候参加军队,参加过秋收大演习,那是和平时期对军队的训练。他有一个那段时期的故事,是他可讲的惟一故事:A subaltern under his orders had cut off one of the princes,and taken him prisoner,and the Prince had been obliged to ride through the town with a little band of captured soldiers,himself a prisoner behind the General. This was an evermemorable event,and was always told over and over again every year by the General,who,moreover,always repeated the remarkable words he had used when he returned his sword to the Prince; those words were,“Only my subaltern could have taken your Highness prisoner; I could never have done it!” And the Prince had replied,“You are incomparableincomparable adj.无与伦比的,不能比较的。”


In a real war the General had never taken part. When war came into the country,he had gone on a diplomatic career to foreign courts. He spoke the French language so fluently that he had almost forgotten his own; he could dance well,he could ride well,and orders grew on his coat in an astoundingastounding adj.令人惊骇的 way. The sentries presented arms to him,one of the most beautiful girls presented arms to him,and became the Generals lady,and in time they had a pretty,charming child,that seemed as if it had dropped from heaven,it was so pretty; and the porters son danced before it in the courtyard,as soon as it could understand it,and gave her all his colored pictures,and little Emily looked at them,and was pleased,and tore them to pieces. She was pretty and delicate indeed.


“My little Roseleaf!” cried the Generals lady,“thou art born to wed a prince.”


The prince was already at the door,but they knew nothing of it; people dont see far beyond the threshold.


“The day before yesterday our boy divided his bread and butter with her!” said the porters wife,“There was neither cheese nor meat upon it,but she liked it as well as if it had been roast beef. There would have been a fine noise if the General and his wife had seen the feast,but they did not see it.


George had divided his bread and butter with little Emily,and he would have divided his heart with her,if it would have pleased her. He was a good boy,brisk and clever,and he went to the night school in the Academy now,to learn to draw properly. Little Emily was getting on with her education too,for she spoke French with her “bonne” and had a dancing master.


“George will be confirmed at Easter.” said the porters wife; for George had got so far as this.


“It would be the best thing,now,to make an apprentice of him.” said his father. “It must be to some good calling—and then he would be out of the house.”


“He would have to sleep out of the house.” said Georges mother. “It is not easy to find a master who has room for him at night,and we shall have to provide him with clothes too. The little bit of eating that he wants can be managed for him,for hes quite happy with a few boiled potatoes; and he gets taught for nothing. Let the boy go his own way. You will say that he will be our joy some day,and the Professor says so too.”


The confirmationconfirmation n.证实,确认,批准【宗】按手礼; 坚信礼 suit was ready. The mother had worked it herself; but the tailor who did repairs had cut them out,and a capital cutterout he was.
