
第8章 “Next to ReadingMatter”(5)

I looked and felt the ground rock under my feet. For Senorita Anabela Zamora was the most beautiful woman in the world, and the only one from that moment on, so far as Judson Tate was concerned. I saw at a glance that I must be hers and she mine forever. I thought of my face and nearly fainted, and then I thought of my other talents and stood upright again. And I had been wooing her for three weeks for another man!


As Senorita Anabelas carriage rolled slowly past, she gave Fergus a long, soft glance from the corners of her nightblack eyes, a glance that would have sent Judson Tate up into heaven in a rubbertired chariotchariot n.战车. But she never looked at me. And that handsome man only ruffles his curls and smirkssmirk v.傻笑 n.假笑 and prances like a ladykiller at my side.


“What do you think of her, Judson?” asks Fergus, with an air.


“This much.” says I, “She is to me Mrs. Judson Tate. I am no man to play tricks on a friend. So take your warning.”


I thought Fergus would die laughing.


“Well, well, well,” said he, “you old doughfacedoughface n.<俗> 柔顺的人, 易受人左右的人,反对解放奴隶的北方议员! Struck too, are you? Thats great! But youre too late. Francesca tells me that Anabela talks of nothing but me, day and night. Of course, Im awfully obliged to you for making that chinmusic to her of evenings. But, do you know, Ive an idea that I could have done it as well myself.”


“Mrs. Judson Tate.” says I. “Dont forget the name. Youve had the use of my tongue to go with your good looks, my boy. You cant lend me your looks; but hereafter my tongue is my own. Keep your mind on the name thats to be on the visiting cards two inches by three and a half—“Mrs. Judson Tate”. Thats all.”


“All right,” says Fergus, laughing again. “Ive talked with her father, the alcalde, and hes willing. Hes to give a baile tomorrow evening in his new warehousewarehouse n.仓库, 货栈, 大商店 vt.贮入仓库,<俚>[经]以他人名义购进(股票). If you were a dancing man, Jud, Id expect you around to meet the future Mrs. McMahan.”


But on the next evening, when the music was playing loudest at the Alcade Zamoras /baile/, into the room steps Judson Tate in a new white linen clothes as if he were the biggest man in the whole nation, which he was.


Some of the musicians jumped off the key when they saw my face, and one or two of the timidest senoritas let out a screechscreech n.尖声喊叫, 尖叫声, 急刹车声 vt.尖着声音讲或喊 vi.发出尖锐的声音, 发出恐惧或痛苦的叫喊声 or two. But up prances the alcalde and almost wipes the dust off my shoes with his forehead. No mere good looks could have won me that sensational entrance.


“I hear much, Senor Zamora,” says I, “of the charm of your daughter. It would give me great pleasure to be presented to her.”


There were about six dozen willow rockingchairs, with pink tidies tied on to them, arranged against the walls. In one of them sat Senorita Anabela in white Swiss and red slippers, with pearls and firefliesfirefly n.萤火虫 in her hair. Fergus was at the other end of the room trying to break away from two maroons and a claybankclaybank n.土堤, 棕黄色 girl.


The alcalde leads me up to Anabela and presents me. When she took the first look at my face she dropped her fan and nearly turned her chair over from the shock. But Im used to that.


I sat down by her, and began to talk. When she heard me speak she jumped, and her eyes got as big as alligatoralligator n.产于美洲的鳄鱼 pears. She couldnt strike a balance between the tones of my voice and face I carried. But I kept on talking in the key of C, which is the ladies key, and presently she sat still in her chair and a dreamy look came into her eyes. She was coming my way. She knew of Judson Tate, and what a big man he was, and the big things he had done, and that was in my favour. But, of course, it was some shock to her to find out that I was not the pretty man that had been pointed out to her as the great Judson. And then I took the Spanish language, which is better than English for certain purposes, and played on it like a harpharp n.竖琴 vi.弹奏竖琴, 不停地说, 喋喋不休 of a thousand strings. I ranged from the second G below the staff up to Fsharp above it. I set my voice to poetry, art, romance, flowers, and moonlight. I repeated some of the verses that I had murmured to her in the dark at her window, and I knew from a sudden soft sparkle in her eye that she recognized in my voice the tones of her midnight mysterious wooer.


Anyhow, I had Fergus McMahan going. Oh, the vocal is the true art—no doubt about that. Handsome is as handsome palavers. Thats the renovatedrenovate vt.革新, 刷新, 修复 proverb.


I took Senorita Anabela for a walk in the lemon grove while Fergus, disfiguring himself with an ugly frown, was waltzing with the claybank girl. Before we returned I had permission to come to her window in the patio the next evening at midnight and talk some more.
