My belief in the theory that business associationsare vital factors, both in failure and in success, wasrecently demonstrated, when my son Blair wasnegotiating with Dan Halpin for a position. Mr. Halpin offered him a beginning salary of aboutone half what he could have gotten from a rivalcompany. I brought parental pressure to bear, andinduced him to accept the place with Mr. Halpin,because I BELIEVE THAT CLOSE ASSOCIATIONWITH ONE WHO REFUSES TO COMPROMISE WITH
The bottom is a monotonous, dreary, unprofitableplace for any person. That is why I have taken thetime to describe how lowly beginnings may becircumvented by proper planning. Also, that is whyso much space has been devoted to a deion ofthis new profession, created by a woman who wasinspired to do a fine job of PLANNING because shewanted her son to have a favorable “break.”
With the changed conditions ushered in by theworld economic collapse, came also the need fornewer and better ways of marketing PERSONALSERVICES. It is hard to determine why someone hadnot previously discovered this stupendous need, inview of the fact that more money changes handsin return for personal services than for any otherpurpose. The sum paid out monthly, to people whowork for wages and salaries, is so huge that it runsinto hundreds of millions, and the annual distributionamounts to billions.
Perhaps some will find, in the IDEA here brieflydescribed, the nucleus of the riches they DESIRE!
Ideas with much less merit have been the seedlingsfrom which great fortunes have grown. Woolworth’sFive and Ten Cent Store idea, for example, had farless merit, but it piled up a fortune for its creator.
Those seeing OPPORTUNITY lurking in this suggestion will find valuable aid in the chapteron Organized Planning. Incidentally, an efficientmerchandiser of personal services would find agrowing demand for his services wherever there aremen and women who seek better markets for theirservices. By applying the Master Mind principle, afew people with suitable talent, could form an alliance,and have a paying business very quickly. One wouldneed to be a fair writer, with a flair for advertising andselling, one handy at typing and hand lettering, andone should be a first class business getter who wouldlet the world know about the service. If one personpossessed all these abilities, he might carry on thebusiness alone, until it outgrew him.
The woman who prepared the “Personal ServiceSales Plan” for her son now receives requestsfrom all parts of the country for her cooperationin preparing similar plans for others who desireto market their personal services for more money.
She has a staff of expert typists, artists, and writerswho have the ability to dramatize the case historyso effectively that one’s personal services can bemarketed for much more money than the prevailingwages for similar services. She is so confident of herability that she accepts, as the major portion of herfee, a percentage of the increased pay she helps herclients to earn.
It must not be supposed that her plan merely consists of clever salesmanship by which she helpsmen and women to demand and receive more moneyfor he same services they formerly sold for less pay.
She looks after the interests of the purchaser as wellas the seller of personal services, and so prepares herplans that the employer receives full value for theadditional money he pays. The method by which sheaccomplishes this astonishing result is a professionalsecret which she discloses to no one excepting herown clients.
If you have the IMAGINATION, and seek a moreprofitable outlet for your personal services, thissuggestion may be the stimulus for which you havebeen searching. The IDEA is capable of yielding anincome far greater than that of the “average” doctor,lawyer, or engineer whose education requiredseveral years in college. The idea is saleable to thoseseeking new positions, in practically all positionscalling for managerial or executive ability, and thosedesiring re-arrangement of incomes in their presentpositions.
There is no fixed price for sound IDEAS!
Back of all IDEAS is specialized knowledge.
Unfortunately, for those who do not find riches inabundance, specialized knowledge is more abundantand more easily acquired than IDEAS. Because ofthis very truth, there is a universal demand andan ever-increasing opportunity for the personcapable of helping men and women to sell theirpersonal services advantageously. Capability meansIMAGINATION, the one quality needed to combinespecialized knowledge with IDEAS, in the form ofORGANIZED PLANS designed to yield riches.
If you have IMAGINATION this chapter may present you with an idea sufficient to serve as thebeginning of the riches you desire. Remember, theIDEA is the main thing. Specialized knowledge maybe found just around the corner—any corner!