
第34章 一生最大的收获 (5)

Learning to handle obstacles is the best way to stand your ground and succeed. While running away only undermines your self-esteem.

Nature presents you with these challenges in order to learn to weather the storm and grow stronger.

To succeed at overcoming obstacles you need to have the gut not to quit, but to see things through, to have the strong faith to believe more in yourself than in the obstacles and to have the willingness to do what it takes to turn the obstacles around.

This means, you need to stand up to your obstacles and believe you can overcome them. When you attack your obstacles and do something about them, you' ll find that they are not as threatening as they appeared to be at first.

Decide that you will not give up and if something has to give, it will have to be the obstacles and not you.

Standing up to your obstacles imparts you with a sense of accomplishment and reinforces the sense of your inner power. By developing a habit of facing resistance, you instill into your psyche a strong message of endurance and success. This strengthens the faith and the belief in yourself, which helps remind you of the responsibility to yourself.

Sometimes you may have to resort to some other measures to overcome obstacles. If you can' t get through the problem, try going around it, and if you can' t go around it, try getting under it, and if you can' t get under it, try going over it, and if you can' t go over it, just dive straight into it.











inspired [in'spaid] adj. 有创造力的;有雄心壮志的;有灵感的

Even a mere glance would make you moved and inspired.


significant [si'nifiknt] adj. 重要的;重大的;可观的;有重大意义的

This is one of the most significant studies of the subject.


debris [d'bri:] n. 散落的碎片;残渣;垃圾;废弃物

After the bombing there was a lot of debris everywhere.


undermine [,nd'main] v. 暗中破坏;逐渐削弱

Don't undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others.

It is because we are different that each of us is special.





Did you go for it or did your inner obstacles get in the way?

go for:追求;争取

Sometimes you may have to resort to some other measures to overcome obstacles.

resort to:依靠


A School for Failures

塞隆·Q. 迪蒙 / Theron Q. Dumont

The man that is chosen at the crucial time is not usually a genius; he does not possess any more talent than others, but he has learned that results can only be produced by untiring concentrated effort. That "miracles," in business do not just "happen." He knows that the only way they will happen is by sticking to a proposition and seeing it through. That is the only secret of why some succeed and others fail. The successful man gets used to seeing things accomplished and always feels sure of success. The man that is a failure gets used to seeing failure, expects it and attracts it to him.

It is my opinion that with the right kind of training every man could be a success. It is really a shame that so many men and women, rich in ability and talent, are allowed to go to waste, so to speak. Some day I hope to see a millionaire philanthropist start a school for the training of failures. I am sure he could not put his money to a better use. In a year' s time the science of practical psychology could do wonders for him. He could have agencies on the lookout for men that had lost their grip on themselves; that had through indisposition weakened their will; that through some sorrow or misfortune had become discouraged.

At first all they need is a little help to get them back on their feet, but usually they get a knock downwards instead. The result is that their latent powers never develop and both they and the world are the losers. I trust that in the near future, someone will heed the opportunity of using some of his millions in arousing men that have begun to falter. All they need to be shown is that there is within them an omnipotent source that is ready to aid them, providing they will make use of it. Their minds only have to be turned from despair to hope to make them regain their hold.

When a man loses his grip today, he must win his redemption by his own will. He will get little encouragement or advice of an inspiring nature. He must usually regain the right road alone. He must stop dissipating his energies and turn his attention to building a useful career. Today we must conquer our weakening tendencies alone. Don' t expect anyone to help you. Just take one big brace, make firm resolutions, and resolve to conquer your weaknesses and vices. Really none can do this for you. They can encourage you; that is all.

I can think of nothing, but lack of health, that should interfere with one becoming successful. There is no other handicap that you should not be able to overcome. To overcome a handicap, all that it is necessary to do is to use more determination and grit and will.

The man with grit and will, may be poor today and wealthy in a few years; will power is a better asset than money; Will will carry you over chasms of failure, if you but give it the chance.