
第38章 一生最大的收获 (9)

The fourth enemy within is worry. We' ve all got to worry some. Just don' t let it conquer you. Instead, let it alarm you. Worry can be useful. If you step off the curb in New York City and a taxi is coming, you' ve got to worry. But you can' t let worry loose like a mad dog that drives you into a small corner. Here' s what you' ve got to do with your worries: drive them into a small corner. Whatever is out to get you, you' ve got to get it. Whatever is pushing on you, you' ve got to push back.

The fifth interior enemy is overcaution. It is the timid approach to life. Timidity is not a virtue, it' s an illness. If you let it go, it' ll conquer you. Timid people don' t get promoted. They don' t advance and grow and become powerful in the marketplace. You' ve got to avoid overcaution.

Do battle with the enemy. Do battle with your fears. Build your courage to fight what' s holding you back, what' s keeping you from your goals and dreams. Be courageous in your life and in your pursuit of the things you want and the person you want to become.










valid ['v鎙id] adj. 正当的;有充分根据的;符合逻辑的

The most valid measure for the lowest probability of traffic is to

teach people to abide to all traffic rules.


lurk [l:k] v. 潜伏;埋伏;潜在

Dangers lurk in the path of wilderness.


indifference [in'difrns] n. 不关心;不在乎

Sometimes callous indifference is not only a tool to avoid being hurt.


skepticism ['skepti] n.怀疑态度;怀疑论

Descartes puts forwards the method of general doubt to counteract

the fideism in scholasticism and skepticism.





You can' t believe everything. But you also can' t let doubt take over.

take over:接受;接管

Worse of all, they doubt themselves.

worse of all:更糟糕的是


Getting Aroused

奥里森·马登 / Orison Marden

"How' s the boy getting on, Davis?" Asked Farmer John Field.

"Well, John, you and I are old friends," replied Deacon Davis, as he took an apple from a barrel and handed it to Marshall' s father as a peace offering; "we are old friends, and I don' t want to hurt your feelings; but I' m a blunt man, and air going to tell you the truth. Marshall is a good, steady boy, all right, but he wouldn' t make a merchant if he stayed in my store a thousand years. He weren' t cut out for a merchant. Take him back to the farm, John, and teach him how to milk cows!"

If Marshall Field had remained as clerk in Deacon Davis's store in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, where he got his first position, he could never have become one of the world' s merchant princes.

But when he went to Chicago and saw the marvelous examples around him of poor boys who had won success, it aroused his ambition and fired him with the determination to be a great merchant himself. "If others can do such wonderful things," he asked himself, "why cannot I?"

It had then only about eighty-five thousand inhabitants. A few years before it had been a mere Indian trading village. But the city grew by leaps and bounds, and always beat the predictions of its most sanguine inhabitants. Success was in the air. Everybody felt that there were great possibilities there.

Many people seem to think that ambition is a quality born within us; that it is not susceptible to improvement; that it is something thrust upon us which will take care of itself. But it is a passion that responds very quickly to cultivation, and it requires constant care and education, just as the faculty for music or art does, or it will atrophy.

"What I most need," as Emerson says, "is somebody to make me do what I can." To do what I can, that is my problem; not what a Napoleon or a Lincoln could do, but what I can do. It makes all the difference in the world to me whether I bring out the best thing in me or the worst—whether I utilize ten, fifteen, twenty-five, or ninety percent of my ability.

Everywhere we see people who have reached middle life or later without being aroused. They have developed only a small percentage of their success possibilities. They are still in a dormant state. The best thing in them lies so deep that it has never been awakened. Great possibilities of usefulness and of achievement are, all unconsciously, going to waste within them.