
第21章 守候瞬间的永恒 (5)

My answer came on Father' s Day. To coin an old saying, "It' s not the gift but the thought that counts." So it was on this day when I was given two craft boxes as gifts from my grown daughter, one the size of a cigar box and the other the size of a large ring box. "Daddy, " she said, "please sit with me on the floor like you did years before." So we sat down upon the floor together and she handed me the first box. "Open it." Inside was a letter and what appeared to be a child' s collection of odds and ends. "Daddy, " she said, "read the letter first."

Dear Dad,

The older I get the more I realize what an important influence you' ve been in my life. So for Father' s Day I decided to give you two memento boxes, both filled with special memories and things I keep close to my heart, things that you once gave me. In the first and larger box you will find just a few of my special reminders of you and times we shared together just we two.

1.A pair of shoestrings tied with a bow. These are reminders of the hours you spent teaching me to tie my own shoes so long ago.

2.A Band-Aid, to remind me of all the scrapes and cuts you fixed on my elbows and knees teaching me to ride my first bike.

3.A wee storybook, for all the special made-up bedtime stories you read to us all at night.

4.A pack of a child' s learning flash cards, a symbol of your teaching me and helping me through my years of school even when I thought I knew it all.

5.A marble. I wish it was one of the ones you gave to me and I lost, from your special ones you played with when you were in school.

6.A sewing kit and a wee sewing machine reminds me of the real ones you gave me and on which you taught me how to sew.

7.A piece from my childhood blanket that you would always cover me up with each and every night.

8.A broken heart, symbol of all the broken hearts and heartaches you helped me through.

9.A silver dollar reminds me of all the times you gave me your last dollar when you least could afford to but knew in your heart when I really needed it the most.

10.A tissue. This is for all the times I cried on your shoulder and you dried up all the tears because you cared.

11.A leaf. A symbol of nature that you taught me to understand, enjoy and respect.

12.One aspirin reminds me of all the headaches I must have given you and Mom over the years, yet you seldom complained. I know it should be a truckload if the truth be told.

13.A piece of candy, to let you know how sweet these memories are still to me.

14.Last but not least, a photo of my children and me, to remind me to teach my children all that you and Mom have taught me, and to share with them the love that only parents like you both have given to me.

I had tears in my eyes and an ache in my heart as she gave the second, smallest box to me. "Open it now, please." she said.

Inside I found another note and in this one she wrote:


In this box I was going to put all of what really made a difference to me. All of what it was that you gave me to make me what I am today. But if I gave it back to you then I would have the best part of me missing, which is all the love, hugs and kisses you gave me from the time I was born till now, and for which there is no box large enough. So I think I will hold on to these and share them with my children who I hope one day will understand what a wonderful gift they are to give and receive. I love you, Daddy, and Happy Father' s Day!
























Blind Dad Watched Me Play Football

佚名 / Anonymous

Bob Richard the former pole-vault champion, shares a moving story about a skinny young boy who loved football with all his heart. Practice after practice, he eagerly gave everything he had. But being half the size of the other boys he got absolutely nowhere. At all the games, this hopeful athlete sat on the bench and hardly ever played. This teenager lived alone with his father, and the two of them had a very special relationship. Even though the son was always on the bench, his father was always in the stands cheering. He never missed a game.

This young man was still the smallest of the class when he entered high school. But his father continued to encourage him, but also made it very clear that he did not have to play football if he didn' t want to.