
第28章 守候瞬间的永恒 (12)

"William, why do you want to learn the piano?" the teacher asked."I want to play for my mother." She noticed the tears in his eyes as he answered her. She had no heart to turn him down and accepted William as her student. But at each music lesson, William appeared to be in a hurry and played badly. "My mother is waiting outside for me. " he would tell the teacher. She was tempted to advise William not to waste his time as he never hit the right note. But there was something about William, which she was fascinated with—the tender look of his eyes each time he mentioned "mother."

Suddenly, William stopped coming for his lessons. At the end of the semester year, the music teacher decided to organize a piano recital for her students and she sent flyers to them to participate. She was surprised to find William' s application that he would like to contribute a musical piece. The music teacher was taken aback. She again had no heart to turn him down. She would put him as the last player in case he stumbled with his notes, she would come forward to remedy the situation.

The day came and William appeared with his hair uncombed and his shirt creased. He sat quietly with his eyes closed. When it was his turn to play, William bowed before the audience and said he was thankful for the music teacher' s patience with him as he may not have been the best of her pupils.

"Tonight I am dedicating my music to my mother. " he said. As he sat down and put his fingers on the keyboard, the most beautiful sound of music was heard. Everyone later asked why William did not bring his mother as she would surely be proud to hear him play.

William replied, "My mother was stone deaf and she could never hear me play during her life time. Yet she sacrificed her time and money to let me learn the piano. This morning mother passed away. I am sure she is now happy as she can hear my piano recital. I chose a piece from Beethoven' s concerto. As you all know, Beethoven was submerged with deafness at the triumph of his career. The piece symbolized his struggle for freedom from tyranny and released him from darkness and so was mother." Everyone was electrified to hear what William said and tears welled over their eyes.

The music teacher proudly exclaimed, "William, not only your mother but we all are proud of you. We are deeply touched by your devotion and your love for mother. " as she embraced him.

外表看上去有些邋遢的10岁小男孩威廉, 报名要学习钢琴,音乐老师不愿意收他。因为老师希望她的学生年龄较小些,希望孩子们能在手指灵活的年龄开始学弹琴。




威廉说:“今晚,我要将我的音乐献给我妈妈。” 当他坐下来,手指按在键盘上时,最优美的音乐便在耳边响起。随后,每个人都询问威廉,为什么不带妈妈一起来?听到儿子所弹奏的美妙乐曲,她一定会很自豪的。




Sending Kids Off to School

苏珊·尤尼 / Susan Union

My girl is going to school.

However, I still could see how several weeks ago the scene was playing itself out as clearly as if it had been written in a movie script. "Five more minutes, honey, then we have to leave." I called to my five-year-old daughter, who had been frolicking in the Pacific Ocean for the past hour. She was a proficient pool swimmer, but the deep blue sea was a different matter.

Maybe she didn' t hear me calling her name above the roar of the ocean; maybe she did hear and was just ignoring me—it was impossible to tell.

"Hey, time' s up, we have to go now." She turned, gave me a "see ya, Mom" look and headed farther into the surf. I splashed out and grabbed her arm. My shorts were soaked.

"No!" she screamed, "I don' t want to leave!" She jerked her arm away from me and pushed her little body away.

Now she was in over her head. Overcome with fear and rage I grabbed her, firmly this time, and began to drag her out. She screamed and thrashed about like a wild animal caught in a trap, growling and scratching. The gritty sand clung to our wet skin.

By now I was shaking. I could hardly believe what happened next. I smacked her on the bottom hard. It stunned her enough to make her freeze and stop her hysterical ravings. She stood there almost completely covered in sand and with her mouth wide open, unable to take a breath.