
第13章 Arnold, My Bosom Friend阿诺德,我的密友(2)




He even helped me build a kit aircraft and a customized trailer to haul it around in. I was planning on taking him flying with me some day. He loved to play with my sockets and rolled them around on the shop floor.

Just as I would struggle and get frustratedfrustrated adj.失败的, 落空的 with some difficult task, Arnold would show up underneathunderneath adv.在下面prep.在……的下面 the trailer, with his wet nose in my ear and honking—seeming to say, “take a break and laugh with me for a while, that should make it all better.”

And it did, every time.

Gods marvelousmarvelous adj.引起惊异的, 不可思议的, 非凡的 creationscreation n.创造,创作物 minister to us in the most special ways if we can just stop for a few moments and observe them. God used Arnold to teach us this very important lesson in life which we will never forget.





My wife and two daughters began to say that Arnold and I were so close that he had become the son that I never had in our family. It seemed that we could no longer have any kind of conversation in our family or with our friends without Arnold being a main topic. The neighbourhood kids would make appointments to come visit Arnold and couldnt wait to come over and play with him.

Arnold went most everywhere with us—Pets Mart, WalMart, birthday parties, Christmas vacation to Grandmas. He loved riding in the car/shopping basket and was a big hit everywhere he went.

Arnold had become such an important part of our life that when we found out that our family would have to move to another state, we insisted that the contract on our new house be contingent on the homeowners—association approvalapproval n.赞成, 承认, 正式批准 of Arnold in writing before we would agree to purchasing in our prestigious neighbourhood.




On the day we left our old home town, we had a going away lunch with our friends from church. Everyone there just had to go out to the truck where Arnold and all our other pet were and say goodbye. Arnold trusted me to take care of him and get him to his new home.

Tragicallytragically adv.悲剧地, 悲惨地 , along the way, the wind blastblast vt.损害 ,爆炸, ,毁灭, 使枯萎 n.一阵(风), 一股(气流), 爆炸, 冲击波 from a semi knocked our trailers out of control and pushed our truck off a 40bridge.

We lost a big part of our family that day when our pets Arnold, Sweeti and Leanna were killed. I feel terrible for not being able to protect Arnold the way he trusted me to. However, I will be forever grateful for the fond memories of him which I will cherishcherish vt.珍爱, 怀抱(希望等) forever.



