
第37章 庞贝古城——灭顶之灾后的生命赞歌(2)

The pavements were a lot higher than the level of road - for a very good reason. Not only did the road act as a drain for rainwater, but it also carried away a lot of rubbish and even sewage. This made it rather unpleasant to cross, so there were stepping stones to help people keep their feet clean.

The stepping stones were arranged with gaps so that the wheels of carts could pass through. We know that the streets of Pompeii carried a lot of wheeled traffic, because there are deep grooves where the wheels have worn away.





Terme Stabiane:The place for important figures

There were three public baths in the city of Pompeii. The Terme Stabiane is one of the oldest baths. This bath was quite quaint, which was built in the 2nd century BC. There were undressing rooms, lukewarm bathrooms, swimming pools and so on in it. It was the best retained one among the existing three unearthed bathhouses. In the corridor of the bathroom, there were a row of cyclinders. The sculptures on the inner wall were very detailed, and even the marble bathtub in the bathroom was also very valuable. The floor of double-layer structure can keep the inner temperature constant by the steam below. It is said that the people coming in and out of it at that time were mostly politicians and important figures in the city.



The temple of Apollo in Pompeii:Similar to the jewish temple

This is a typical Roman style temple. Generally, the Greeks built temples closer to the ground with space inside the temple for worshipers. The Roman temple was fashioned with space for worshipers outside in a courtyard. The temple was high off the ground and only the priests were allowed inside. In the rear of the Temple of Apollo was a room that only the high priest could enter.

It was like the "Holy of Holies" in the temple in Jerusalem. It is very suspicious that many ancient temples were patterned after the layout of the Jerusalem temple. King Solomon was very influential in his day.

The bronze statue of the pagan god Apollo is a reproduction of the original, which is housed in the National Archeological Museum in Naples. On the opposite side is what remains of a bronze statue of Diana, Apollo's sister. Some believe that Mercury was also worshipped here.





Lifelike portrait in Pompeii:The judge couple

This painting is probably a portrait of two important people of ancient Pompeii: A married couple from Pompeii. They are believed to be the lawyer Terentius Neo and his wife.