
第35章 生命值得我们活下去 (9)




fatigue [f'ti:] n. 疲劳;疲乏

Fatigue was apparent on all their faces.


incredible [in'kredbl] adj. 难以置信的

What an incredible story!


aggregate ['鎟it] n. 合计;总计;集合体

The football team had a low goal aggregate last season.


hearsay ['hisei] n. 传闻;谣言

It is merely hearsay.





That is simple: because fatigue often produces worry, or, at least, it makes you susceptible to worry.

at least:至少

As a matter of fact, there is a definite rest period after each contraction.

as a matter of fact:实际上


Eliminate Inner Obstacles

佚名 / Anonymous

Think back to a time in your life when you felt inspired and excited to make a significant change. Did you go for it or did your inner obstacles get in the way?

Your thoughts and beliefs are the foundation on which you build your success. You can' t build a solid house on a foundation of clay and debris, and the same truth holds for your success.

If your thoughts and beliefs are shaky, these internal obstacles will hold you back unless you eliminate them.

To succeed at overcoming obstacles you need to have the gut not to quit, but to see things through, to have the strong faith to believe more in yourself than in the obstacles and to have the willingness to do what it takes to turn the obstacles around.

This means, you need to stand up to your obstacles and believe you can overcome them. When you attack your obstacles and do something about them, you' ll find that they are not as threatening as they appeared to be at first.

Decide that you will not give up and if something has to give, it will have to be the obstacles and not you.

Standing up to your obstacles imparts you with a sense of accomplishment and reinforces the sense of your inner power. By developing a habit of facing resistance, you instill into your psyche a strong message of endurance and success. This strengthens the faith and the belief in yourself, which helps remind you of the responsibility to yourself.

Sometimes you may have to resort to some other measures to overcome obstacles. If you can' t get through the problem, try going around it, and if you can' t go around it, try getting under it, and if you can' t get under it, try going over it, and if you can' t go over it, just dive straight into it.










clay [klei] n. 泥土;黏土;肉体;似黏土的东西

After a long time, some of the rock changes to clay.


threatening ['retni] adj. 胁迫的;危险的;凶兆的

Flood waters are threatening.


impart [im'p:t] v. 给予(尤指抽象事物);传授

A teacher should impart knowledge.


instill [in'stil] v. 徐徐滴入;逐渐灌输

She tried her best to instill morals into her daughters.





Think back to a time in your life when you felt inspired and excited to make a significant change.

think back:回想

Standing up to your obstacles imparts you with a sense of accomplishment and reinforces the sense of your inner power.

stand up to:与……对抗


Finding What You Do not Seek

奥里森·马登 / Orison Marden

Dining one day with Baron James Rothschild, Eugene Delacroix, the famous French artist, confessed that, during some time past, he had vainly sought for a head to serve as a model for that of a beggar in a picture which he was painting; and that, as he gazed at his host' s features, the idea suddenly occurred to him that the very head he desired was before him. Rothschild, being a great lover of art, readily consented to sit as the beggar. The next day, at the studio, Delacroix placed a tunic around the baron' s shoulders, put a stout staff in his hand, and made him pose as if he were resting on the steps of an ancient Roman temple. In this attitude he was found by one of the artist' s favorite pupils, in a brief absence of the master from the room. The youth naturally concluded that the beggar had just been brought in, and with a sympathetic look quietly slipped a piece of money into his hand. Rothschild thanked him simply, pocketed the money, and the student passed out. Rothschild then inquired of the master, and found that the young man had talent, but very slender means.

Soon after, the youth received a letter stating that charity bears interest, and that the accumulated interest on the amount he had given to one he supposed to be a beggar was represented by the sum of ten thousand francs, which was awaiting his claim at the Rothschild office.

This illustrates well the art to cheerful amusement even if one has great business cares—the entertainment of the artist, the personation of a beggar, and an act of beneficence toward a worthy student.

It was said by Wilhelm von Humboldt, that "it is worthy of special remark that when we are not too anxious about happiness and unhappiness, but devote ourselves to the strict and unsparing performance of duty, then happiness comes of itself."