
第9章 生活中的快乐自己做主 (9)



一个人始终如一地献身于其所谓的事业,就会永远忽略许多其他事物。而且,一个人的事业是否是他要做的最重要的事情,是不能用任何形式来确定的。要公正地判定的话,其中一点是显而易见的,那就是在人生的戏剧里,最聪明、最善良、最仁慈的角色都是由无偿的演员来扮演的。在世人看来,那是悠闲的状态。因为在这出戏剧里,不仅有散步的绅士、歌唱的侍女,还有乐队里勤勉的小提琴手,而且有坐在长凳上鼓掌的观众,他们都真正扮演着一个角色,并对整体效果发挥着重要的作用。毋庸置疑,你依赖于律师和股票经纪人的关照,列车员和信号员使你快速地转移,街道上警察队对你的佑护,但是对于那些路上偶遇的,使你开怀一笑的人,难道你一点儿也不心存感激吗?纽科姆上校的帮忙,却使他的朋友破了财;弗雷德·贝哈姆向人借衬衣,却是一个诡计。但是比起巴恩斯先生, 他们两位倒是更值得结交。虽然福斯塔夫既不庄重又不诚实,但是我想我能说出一两个沮丧的巴拉巴,我想如果没有他们,这个世界会更好。哈兹里特曾提到:与那些懂得卖弄的朋友相比,他对诺思科特的责任感更强,尽管诺思科特对他并未有任何所谓的恩惠之举,因为他坚持认为,一个好的同伴就是最大的施恩者。



catholic ['k鎙ik] adj. 天主教的;宽宏大量的

Catholic priests brought him up.


furious ['fju:ris] adj. 狂怒的;激烈的;热烈兴奋的;喧闹的

Facing such furious competitions, they can't win at all.


paralysed ['p鎟laizd] adj. 瘫痪的;惊呆的;麻痹的

His left arm is paralysed.


perpetual [p'petul] adj. 永久的;四季开花的;不断的;无期限的

I can still hear your perpetual calling for me.





If they have to wait an hour or so for a train, they fall into a stupid trance with their eyes open.

fall into:落入;分成

Do you really fancy you should be more beholden to your correspondent, if he had been damning you all the while for your importunity?

all the while:一直;始终


Are We Having Fun Yet

佚名 / Anonymous

We've all been brainwashed! We were all taught the work ethic!

"Work (and suffer) till you die, or if you're lucky retire. We don't have time to waste on frivolities. We have responsibilities to fulfill. We have to be serious, work hard, rise in our career, make lots of money, and make earning money and advancing in our career a priority."

I wish to change that programming in my life. I know that when I do the things I enjoy doing, things work out better for me. I know that when I do something against my will, against my heart, it doesn't work out well. I know that stressing myself out to try to get a job done usually takes twice as long as taking time out and doing that same task at some other time in a relaxed manner.

We can change the criteria by which we decide what to do in our lives. Instead of "Will it bring in lots of money or advance my career", we need to ask ourselves, "Will I enjoy doing this? Will this be fun? Am I looking forward to getting started on this?"

If you can't answer "yes" to these questions, then quite possibly this is not the task for you!

If it is something that must be done, i.e. taxes, dishes, etc., the solution is to find someone else to do them for you. There are some people who will enjoy and love to do what you prefer not to do. Really! For example, I am not the world's best housekeeper. I do not really enjoy cleaning, washing floors, windows, etc. Yet there are some people who enjoy the meditative aspect of this work and who really get satisfaction from a job well done. It is to my benefit to pay someone to do this work so I can take that time earning money doing things that I enjoy.

We are all very different and different things appeal to each one of us. Just because someone else enjoys a particular thing does not mean that you must. We can trust what I call the "fun index" to assist us in knowing if a particular action is the one for us. We can break away from the rule of thumb that judges things by whether they bring money or career advancement. We can change that to making our decisions based on whether an action will bring us pleasure and personal satisfaction. Does the work you do leave you feeling proud and pleased with yourself? Are you following the voice of "should" or the one of "want to"?

Yet, the programming is strong. I find myself struggling over a task and it ends up dragging itself out. Have you noticed that the things that you dislike doing are the ones that seem to take forever to get done? As for the opposite viewpoint, well as the saying goes, "Time flies when you're having fun!"

Learning to go against that old programming and trusting the "fun index" is an ongoing project. Every small step is, at the same time, a big leap. Each step will move you away from dissatisfaction with your life and closer to self-love, self-acceptance, self-esteem and joy in your everyday existence.

Anytime you ignore that inner prompting, you accumulate self-loathing and disappointment in your being. Your inner child once again feels letdown and unimportant. Each letdown reinforce the inner child's belief that everybody else's wishes are more important than its own. Once again its desires are relegated to the lowest priority on the list.