Given a second chance, I worked much harder, becoming fascinated by the law of evidence. In my second year the professor who taught the course passed away. I was asked to take over—inconceivable at a law school like Boulder. Evidence became a lifelong specialty, and for many years I taught classes on the subject for judges, law students and practicing lawyers throughout the country.
Meanwhile I worked days in the Denver City Attorney’s office as a clerk. It was anything but glamorous. But it led to a job as an assistant city attomey after graduation.
I would became a county judge at age 28, one of Denver’ s youngest. Later I was elected as a district judge, and then appointed by the President to the federal judiciary as a U. S. district judge. And, ultimately, I did return to Boulder—to receive the University of Colorado’s George Norlin Award, and an honorary doctorate of law.
Sooner or later everyone will fall short at something important to them—whether it be a job, a dream or a relationship. Flunking out of law school, I believe, made me a better judge, it certainly taught me about the frailties of the human condition, and about the need to give people second chances.
But failure also taught me that life is a road with unpredictable forks and unexpected tomorrows. To take advantage of them, you can’t let yourself be destroyed by a defeat, or let others set the limits on your ability to achieve.
1. After____ my college transcript, Dean Mills let me enroll at Westminster, on one______: that I repeat all my first-year classes, this time paying_____ .“I’ll be looking over your shoulder.” he said.
2. Flunking out of____ school, I believe, made me a____ judge, it certainly taught me about the frailties of the human condition, and about the need to give people______ chances.
1. 这是一份没有什么吸引力的工作。
2. 每个人或早或晚都会在人生大事上遭遇一些短暂的挫折,不管是工作、梦想还是各种关系。
3. 我也从失败中懂得,人生的旅途充满了不可预知的岔路口和意想不到的明天。
1. After all,the University of Colorado at Boulder was a Taj Mahal...
after all:毕竟;终究;到底
2. Sooner or later everyone will fall short at something...
fall short:不足;缺乏;不符合标准
University Education Does not Come Cheap
佚名 / Anonymous
No money, no spare time, and no sleep. Such are the joys of being a college student in the United States, or anywhere I suspect.
Not having come from a rich family, the prospect of paying for university haunted me all through high school.
There are many scholarships available for students in the U.S. They are based on race, financial need, academic excellence, talent in sports, and other criteria. Either private or government organizations can be the source of funds.
I happened to get a few scholarships while still in high school, but the universities to which I was applying still expected my parents to contribute about half the tuition, which was around US 5,000. We did not have the money.
I could earn tuition money, forget education, or simply look for a more affordable school. And, that seemed the best choice for me.
I took my academic scholarships to Delta College, in the state of Michigan. They covered most of the cost, which was US 8,000. This is referred to as a community college, where there are 2-year programmes. After 2 years, students can work in their field, or finish at a 4-year university.
During those 2 years, I worked part time to pay tuition, and saved money by living at home. In doing so, I met a lot of people who were in the same situation. Either they did not have the money, or they weren’t sure what career they wanted, so they went for cheaper courses at a community college._
After 2 years, I chose Central Michigan University (CMU) and applied for other scholarships. I had made enough money in the 2 years and had enough scholarships that I finally could afford the school.
I had the funds and was excited, but I was nervous about moving away from a situation where no one really had a lot of money, to a place where some students didn’t need to work hard to get where they were.