
第19章 过有意义的人生 (3)

Of all the benefits that come from having endured childhood, certainly among them will be the garden and the desire to be involved with gardening. A gardener’s grandmother will have grown such, and such a rose, and the smell of that rose at dusk, when the gardener was a child and walking in the grandmother’s footsteps as she went about her business in her garden—the memory of that smell of the rose combined with the memory of that smell of the grandmother’s skirt will forever inform and influence the life of the gardener, inside or outside the garden itself. And so in a conversation with such a person (a gardener), a sentence, a thought that goes something like this—“You know when I was such and such an age, I went to the market for a reason that is no longer of any particular interest to me, but it was there I saw for the first time something that I have never and can never forget”— floats out into the clear air, and the person from whom these words or this thought emanates is standing in front of you all bare and trembly, full of feeling, full of memory. Memory is a gardener’s real palette; memory as it summons up the past, memory as it shapes the present, memory as it dictates the future.

I have never been able to grow Meconopsis benticifolia with success, but the picture of it that I have in my mind, a picture made up of memory (I saw it some time ago), a picture made up of “to come” (the future, which is the opposite of remembering), is so intense that whatever happens between me and this plant will never satisfy the picture I have of it. I first saw it in Wayne Winterrowd’s garden, and I shall never see this plant again without thinking of him and saying to myself, it shall never look quite like this (the way I saw it in his garden), for in his garden it was itself and beyond comparison, and I will always want it to look that way, growing comfortably in the mountains of Vermont, so far away from the place to which it is endemic, so far away from the place in which it was natural, unnoticed, and so going about its own peculiar ways of perpetuating itself.

I first came to the garden with practicality in mind, a real beginning that would lead to a real end: where to get this, how to grow that. Where to get this was always nearby, a nursery was never too far away; how to grow that led me to acquire volume upon volume, books all with the same advice, but in the end I came to know how to grow the things I like to grow through looking—at other people’s gardens. I imagine they acquired knowledge of such things in much the same way.

But we who covet our neighbor’s garden must finally return to our own with all its ups and downs, its disappointments, its rewards.

I shall never have the garden I have in my mind, but that for me is the joy of it; certain things can never be realized and so all the more reason to attempt them. A garden, no matter how good it is, must never completely satisfy. The world as we know it, after all, began in a very good garden, a completely satisfying garden —Paradise—but after a while the owner and the occupants wanted more.









1. Where to get this was always nearby, a nursery was never too far_________; how to grow that led me to acquire volume upon volume, books all with the same_________, but in the end I came to know_________ to grow the things I like to grow through looking—at other people’s_________. I imagine they acquired knowledge of such things in much the_________ way.

2. I shall never have the_________ I have in my mind, but that for me is the joy of it; certain things can never be realized and_________ all the more reason to attempt them. A garden, no matter how good it is, must_________ completely satisfy.

1. 园丁们总会对某种东西怀有强烈而特殊的喜好。


2. 回忆是一个园丁真正的调色板;它唤起了陈年往事,筑就了今天的生活,也描绘出明日的美好。


3. 然而,不论是否学会,不论是失望还是满载而归,觊觎邻居花园的我们还是得回到自己的园中。


1. A garden, no matter how good it is, must never completely satisfy.

no matter:无论,不管,无论怎样