【211】其中包括左轮手枪、自发手枪、来福枪、卡宾枪、冲锋枪、突击步枪和轻机枪,如重机枪、手持枪、榴弹发射器,便携式防空导弹,便携式反坦克炮,无后座力炮,反坦克导弹和便携式火箭发射器系统,便携式防空导弹系统以及迫击炮(小于100毫米)。生产的这些武器在战争中具有致命性。Report of the United Nations Panel of Government Experts on Small A rms(General Assembly document A/52/298),27 August 1997 .
【212】对于此问题更具代表性的看法,可参见the International Action Network on Small Arms(IANSA),“Founding Document of IANSA,”available online at:http://www.iansa.org/about/m1.htm,accessed 12 November 2004。
【213】 See Jeffery Boutwell,Michael T .Klare,and Laura W .Reed,eds .,Lethal Com-merce(Cambridge,Mass .:American Academy of Arts and Science,1995);Aaron Karp,“Arming Ethnic Conflict,”A rms Control Today 23(September 1993):8-23;Jasjit Singh,ed .,Light Weapons and International Security(New Delhi:Indian Pugwash Society and British American Security Information Council,1995);Michael Renner,“Small Arms,Big Impact:The Next Challenge for Disarmament,”Worldwatch Paper 137(Washington,D . C .:Worldwatch Institute,October 1997);and various British American Security Informa-tion Council occasional papers on light-weapons issues by Edward Laurance .
【214】 See David DeClerq,“Destroying Small Arms and Light Weapons:Survey of Methods and Practical Guide,”BICC Report 13(Bonn:Bonn International Centre for Con-version,1999);Sami Faltas and Holger Anders,“Combating the Excessive and Uncon-trolled Accumulation and Spread of Small Arms:A Compilation of Policy Recommenda-tions,”BICC Paper 17(Bonn:Bonn International Centre for Conversion,2000);British A-merican Security Information Council,“Small Arms and Light Weapons:An Issue for the OSCE?”(Washington,D .C .:BASIC,1998).
【215】”Supplement to the A genda for Peace”(General Assembly document A/50/60 and Security Council document S/95/1),25 January 1995,paras .47 and 60-63 .
【216】 General Assembly document A/50/70,12 December 1995 .The panel reported in 1997:Panel of Governmental Experts on Small Arms,Reportof the Panel of Governmental Expert on Small A rms(General Assembly document A/52/298),27 August 1997 .
【217】参见联合国裁军研究所(U NIDIR)的一个题为“和平进程中的武器管制”的系列报告。关于联合国日内瓦裁军研究会出版的关于小武器的出版物清单,可参见http://www.unidir.ch/bdd/focussearch.php?onglet=5,accessed 14 December 2004。
【218】 Geraldine O’Callaghan and Sarah Meek,“The UN Firearms Protocol:Considera-tions for the UN 2001 Conference,”British American Security Information Council-Interna-tional Alert-Saferworld,Briefing 4,4,available online at:http:// www.international-alert.org/pdf/pubsec/btb_brf4.pdf,accessed 12 November 2004.
【219】”Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms,Their Parts and Components and Ammunition,Supplementing the United Nations Conventions against Transnational Organized Crime”(General Assembly document A/55/225),8 June 2001,available online at:http://www.uniodc.org/pdf/crime/ares 55/255e.pdf,accessed 12 November 2004.
【220】 See Keith Krause,“Facing the Challenge Small Arms:The UN and Global Secur-ity Governance,”in The United Nations and Global Security,edited by Richard M .Price and Mark W .Zacher(New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2004),21-38;and Keith Krause,“Multilateral Diplomacy,Norm Building and UN Conferences:The Case of Small Arms and Light Weapons,”Global Governance 8(April-June 2002):247-263 .
【221】 Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms .
【223】 High-level Panel on Threats,Challenges and Change,A More Secure World,36 .
【224】 2004年美国总统大选出现了一幕奇观:候选人争相用猎杀动物的形式来显示他们的勇气,这正说明了美国国民对于枪支持有问题的态度。
【225】 Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade,Freedom f rom Fear,3 .
【226】 General Assembly,Promotion and Protection o f the Rights o f the Rights o f Children:The Impact of War on Children,Noteby the Secretary-General(General Assem-bly document A/51/306),26 August 1996,para .3 .
【227】 World Summit for Children,“World Declaration on the Survival,Protection and Development of Children,”30 September 1990,available online at:http://www.unicef.org/wsc/declare.htm;“Plan of Action for Implementing the World Declaration on the Survival,Protection and Development of Children,”30 September1990,available online at:http://www.unicef.org/wsc/plan.htm# Protection.
【228】 General Assembly document A/48/157,20 December 1993 .
【229】 General Assembly,Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Children:The Impact of War on Children .
【230】 1997年9月,秘书长在儿童保护问题方面设立了特别代表一职,奥拉·拉奥图(Olara Otunnu)成为首任特别代表。
【231】关于加拿大的政策应对,可参见Carmen Sorger and Eric Hoskins,“Protecting the Most Vulnerable:War-Affected Children,”in Human Security and the New Diploma-cy:Protecting People,Promoting Peace,edited by Rob McRae and Don Hubert(Montreal and Kingston:McGill-Queen’s University Press,2001),135-151。
【232】该点在《儿童权利公约》的38条有所表述:http://www.unhchr.ch/html/men-u3/b/k2crc.htm,accessed 15 May 2005.
【233】 Statement by the President o f the Security Council(Security Council document S/PRST/1998/18),29 June 1998;Statement by the President of the Security Council(Se-curity Council document S/PRST/1999/6),12 February 1999;Statement by the President of the Security Council(Security Council document S/PRST/1999/21),8 July 1999 .
【234】 Security Council Resolution 1261,30 August 1999 .
【235】 Accra Declaration on War-Affected Children,available online at:http://www.waraffectedchildren.gc.ca/declaration-en.asp;“Conference on War-affected Children in West Africa — Plan of Action,”available online at:http://www.waraffectedchildren.gc.ca/planofaction-en.asp,accessed 12 May 2005.
【236】该议定书要求各国提高自愿参军的最低年龄。第四条将该议定书的条款拓展到了国家军队之外的武装集团。关于该议定书的文本,可参见http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu2/6/crc/treaties/opac.htm,accessed 2 December 2004。
【237】 2003年11月14日,中国与俄罗斯签署了该议定书,但并未批准。值得一提的是,美国虽然签署并批准了该议定书,但是并没有批准与议定书相关的公约。只有美国和索马里没有批准相关的公约。
【238】 Children and Armed Conflict:Report of the Secretary-General(General As-sembly document A/56/342 and Security Council document S/2001/852),7 September 2001,2 .
【239】 Children and Armed Conflict:Report of the Secretary-General(General As-sembly document A/55/163 and Security Council document S/2000/712),19 July 2000 .
【240】 2000年7月在联合国发起的“全球协约”是一个自愿性质的合作网络,旨在促进国际合作,支持普遍的人权、工人的权利以及环保原则等。
【241】 Security Council Resolution 1314,11 August 2000 .
【242】在报告被提交之际,奥托努(Otunnu)已得到了59个政府、武装组织代表的支持。Children and Armed Conflict:Report of the Secretary-General(General Assembly docu-ment A/56/342 and Security Council document S/2001/852),7 September 2001,para .11 .
【244】 Security Council Resolution 1355,15 June 2001,concerning MONUC .在报告问世之际,两个维和行动(联合国刚果特派团和联合国萨拉利昂行动组)将保护儿童列入行动使命,出行的队伍中也有儿童保护专家,其他维和行动也有保护儿童的措施。
【245】 Security Council Resolution 1379,20 November 2001 .
【246】 See the declaration of the assembly,10 May 2002,in A World Fit for Children(New York:UNICEF and the General Assembly,2001),para.7,available online at:http://www.unicef.org/specialsession/docs_new/documents/wffc-en.pdf,accessed 14 May 2005.
【247】 A World Fit for Children,paras .41-44 .
【248】 Report of the Secretary General on Children and Armed Conflict(Security Council document S/2002/1299),26 November 2002 .该报告之所以引人注意,是因为它指名了那些违反儿童招募规范的冲突各方。See Security Council Resolution 1460,30 January 2003 .
【249】 Childrenand Armed Conflict:Reportof the Secretary-General(Security Coun-cil document S/2003/1053),10 November 2003,paras .4 and 5;and Children and A rmed Conflict:Reportof the Secretary-General(Security Council document S/58/546),20 Feb-ruary 2004 .
【250】 Security Council Resolution 1539,22 April 2004 .