
第26章 『人的安全』问题的出现(10)

【251】 Report of the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict(Security Council document S/2002/1299),26 November 2002 .

【252】 Children and Armed Conflict:Report of the Secretary-General(General As-sembly document A/58/546 and Security Council document S/2003/1053),8 October 2004,8-10 .这一段还得益于与塔缇亚娜·卡拉亚尼斯(Tatiana Carayannis)的信件交流。

【253】 Carol Bellamy,The State of the World’ s Children 2005:Childhood under Threat(New York:UNICEF,2004),39 .

【254】 Ibid .,10,43-44,46 .

【255】有关在本文写作之时关于国家作用的案例分析,可参见Children and W ar:Im-pact,Protection and Rehabilitation(Edmonton:University of Alberta,2004),available on-line at:http://www.humansecurity.info/Conferences/childrenandwarreport_3.pdf,access-ed 13 M arch 2005.

【256】 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development,“Agenda 21,”14 June 1992,para .24 .2,available online at:http://www.unep.org/Documents/Default.asp?DocumentID=52Article ID=72,accessed 2 December 2004.

【257】 World Conference on Human Rights,“Vienna Declaration and Programme of Ac-tion,”14-25 June 1993,preamble and paras .18,23,18,29,37,available online at:ht-tp://www .unhchr .ch/huridocda/huridoca .nsf/(Symbol)/A .CONF .157 .23 .En?Open-Document,accessed 2 December 2004 .在联合国工作的女性以及女性非政府组织工作者的努力下,维也纳会议承认了女性在战争中面临的威胁,这成为该次会议的重要契机。如果没有女性呼吁者的努力,这一切实在难以想象。

【258】”Fourth World Conference on Women:Beijing Declaration,”September 1995,para .3,available online at:http://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/beijing/platform/de-clar.htm,accessed 15 October 2003.


【260】”Fourth World Conference on Women:Platform for Action,”September 1995,para .11,available online at:http://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/beijing/platform/plat1.htm.

【261】 Ibid .,para .44 .

【262】 Ibid .,paras .131-149 .

【263】在该判断上,我们与联合国促进妇女权益部和经济社会事务部的意见不同。它们的出版物可参见:“Sexual Violence and United Nations Response,”Women 2000,April 1998,is available online at:http://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/public/w2apr98.htm# part4,accessed 24 December 2004.


【265】”The NGO Beijing Declaration,”15 September 1995,available online at:http://www.twnside.org.sg/title/declar-cn.htm,accessed 24 December 2004.

【266】例如,关于卢旺达危机的专家报告中就有针对妇女犯罪的讨论。Final Report o f the Commission of Experts Established Pursuant to Security Council Resolution 935(1994)(Security Council document S/1994/1405),9 December 1994,paras .136-137 .

【267】 The Commission on the Status of Women,“Agreed Outcomes on Women and Armed Conflict:Report on the 42nd Session,”2-13 March 1998,ECOSOC Official Records,1998,Supplement No .7,available online at:http://www.peacewomen.org/un/UN1325/CSWOutcomes.html,accessed 2 December 2004.

【268】 The Windhoek Declaration and Namibia Plan of Action on“Mainstreaming a Gen-der Perspective in Multidimensional Peace Support Operations,”31 May 2000,available on-line at:http://www.peacewomen.org/un/pkwatch/WindhoekDeclaration.html,accessed 2 December 2004.

【269】 ReportoftheAdHocCommitteeoftheWholeofthe23rdSpecialSessionoftheGeneral A ssembly(General Assembly document A/S-23/10/Rev .1,June 2000),paras.15-19 .

【270】”Summary of the Panel Discussion on Mainstreaming a Gender Perspective in Peacekeeping Operations,”8 June 2000,available online at:http://www.un.org/women-watch/daw/followup/panels.html#peacekeeping,accessed 2 December 2004.


【272】”Women and Peace and Security,”Security Council Resolution 1325,31 October 2000 .国际女性和平自由联盟(The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom)对十分有用的、按时间顺序排列的决议的数据库进行维护。Available online at:http://www.peacewomen.org/un/UN1325/1325index.html,accessed 2 December 2004.

【273】 Statement by the President o f the Security Council(Security Council document S/PRST/2001/31),31 October 2001 .

【274】 United Nations,Women,Peace and Security(New York:United Nations,2002),available online at:http://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/public/eWPS.pdf,ac-cessed 3 December 2004.

【275】 See United Nations Development Fund for Women,Getting It Right,Doing It Right:Gender and Disarmament,Demobiliz ation and Reintegration(New York:UNIFEM,2004).该研究包含了一套有用的关于性别方面的裁军、复员和重建的标准程序。

【276】关于人道主义、维和行动、战后重建中的性别问题的具体讨论,可参见W omen,Peace,andWar:ReportoftheSecretary-GeneralonWomenandPeaceandSecurity(Secu-rity Council document S/2004/814),13 October 2004,7-15,available online at:http://dac-cessdds.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/No4/534/14/PDF/No453414.pdf?OpenElement,ac-cessed 13 M arch 2005。

【277】 High-level Panel on Threats,Challenge and Change,A More Secure World,63 .

【278】 UNIFEM,“Women,Peace and Security,”available online at:http://www.nifem.org/index.php?f_page_pid= 35,3.See also Report o f the Secretary-General on Women and Peace and Security,16 and 24.

【279】关于这个主题的评论,可参见Report of the Secretary-General on Women and Peace and Security,20-21。在写作之际,联合国调查组正在调查一位在刚果共和国的维和人员所实施的不当性行为。他们的报告评估了那些关于恋童癖、嫖娼的指控。调查组受到报复的威胁;而据称,证人已被贿赂修改证词。报告的文稿到现在仍是保密的。See“Secret Report Alleges UN Abuses in Congo,”International Herald Tribune,18 December 2004,4 .关于战争中的妇女保护措施及其存在的不足的更详细的叙述,可参见the incisive analysis of Irene Khan,“Violence against Women:Justice for the Unacknowledged Casualties of War,”International Herald Tribune,18 December 2004,6。


【281】 See Adam Roberts,“More Refugees,Less Asylum:A Regime in Transforma-tion,”Journal o f Re f ugee Studies 11(December 1998):375-395 .

【282】例如,关于这一点,麦克法兰已对在布隆迪和坦桑尼亚的卢旺达难民的待遇进行了讨论。“Politics and Humanitarian Action,”Occasional Paper No .41(Providence,R .I .:Thomas J .Watson Jr .Institute for International Studies,2000),58-60 .

【283】 See Statement by Mrs .S .Ogata,UN High Commissioner for Refugees,to the 48th Session of the Commission on Human Rights,20 February 1992,2,available online at:http://www.unhcr.ch/cgi-bintexis/vtx/home/+EwwBmeqCZ69wwww9wwwwwwwh,ac-cessed 16 January 2004.

【284】 S .Ogata,Statement by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees at the World Conference on Human Rights,16 June 1993,5,available online at:http://www.unhcr.ch/cgi-bintexis/vtx/home/+6wwBmeMCZ69wwwwewxwwwwwwh,accessed 16 January 2004.关于法律豁免权的评论,可参见Guy Goodwin-Gill,“the Right to Leave,the Right to Re-turn and the Question of a Right to Remain,”in The Problem of Refugees in the Light of Contemporary L aw Issues,edited by Vera Gowlland-Debbas(Dordrecht,Netherlands:Martinus Nijhoff,1995)。

【285】关于落实预防性措施及随后问题的努力的详细叙述,可参见Margaret Jane Hov-erd,“Humanitarian Action in Bosnia:A Study of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees,1991-1999”(D .Phil .thesis,University of Oxford,2001)。

【286】 Roberta Cohen and Francis Deng,“Introduction,”in The Forsaken People,edi-ted by Roberta Cohen and Francis Deng(Washington,D .C .:the Brookings Institution,1998),1 .2003年,据全球难民计划估计,大约有2500万人处于难民状态。See Norwegian Refugee Council,Global IDP Project,“Global Overview”(2003),available online at:ht-tp://www .db .idpproject .org/global_overview .htm,accessed 4 December 2004 .

【287】 For a recent example,see“New International Approaches to Asylum Processing and Protection,”Correspondence from Tony Blair,Prime Minister of the United Kingdom,to Costas Simitis,Prime Minister of Greece and President of the European Council,UK sub-mission to the European Council,10 March 2003 .Reprinted in Select Committee on Europe-an Union,European Union:Eleventh Report(London:House of Lords,2003),Appendix V,available online at:http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld200304/ldselect/ldeu-com/74/7415.htm,accessed 15 May 2005.

【288】 StatementbyMrs .S .Ogata,UN HighCommissionerforRefugees,tothe48th Session o f the Commission on H uman Rights,1-2 .

【289】当然也存在例外的情况。在格鲁吉亚与阿塞拜疆,大部分难民都是因受强大邻国支持的国内少数民族反叛分子(如格鲁吉亚的纳卡武装分子)的驱赶而逃离的主要民族的人民。关于这种现象更具体的分析,可参见S .Neil MacFarlane,Larry Minear,and Stephen Shenfield,“Armed Conflict in Georgia:A Case Study in Humanitarian Action and Peace-keeping,”Occasional Paper No .21(Providence,R .I .:Thomas J .Watson Jr .Institute for International Studies,1996);S .Neil MacFarlane and Larry Minear,“Humanitarian Action and Politics:The Case of Nagorno-Karabakh,”Occasional Paper No .25(Providence,R . I .:The Thomas J .Watson Jr .Institute for International Studies,1997)。


【291】 Francis Deng,“The Global Challenge of Internal Displacement,”Washington U-niversity Journal o f L aw and Policy 5,No .141(2001):144 .See also 145 .

【292】 See Roberta Cohen and Francis M .Deng,Masses in Flight(Washington,D .C .:The Brookings Institution,1992),275-280 .

【293】 Deng,“The Global Challenge of Internal Displacement,”142 .

【294】该项倡议由联合国人权委员会发起,因为国际难民法并不适用,联合国人权委员会是处理各国之间的人权问题的主要联合国机构。登指出,联合国人权委员会的倡议是非政府组织不断施加压力的结果。See“1998 Jean Mayer Global Citizenship Award:Dr .Fran-cis Deng,”EPIIC Newsletter Online,Fall 1998,available online at:http://www.epiic.com/newsletter/degn.html,accessed 4 December 2004.

【295】 See Francis Deng,Compilation and Analysis:Report of the Representative of the Secretary General(ECOSOC document E/CN/4/1996/52/add .2),22 February 1996;Report of the Representative of the Secretary-General on Legal Aspects Relating to the Protection against A rbitrary Displacement(ECOSOC document E/CN .4/1998/53/add.1),11 February 1998;Re-port of the Representative of the Secretary-General,Mr.Francis M .Deng,submitted pursuant to Commission Resolution 1997/39,A ddendum,Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement(ECOSOC document E/CN .4/1998/53/Add .2),11 February 1998 .

【296】 Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement(extract from ECOSOC document E/CN .4/1998/53/Add .2),11 February 1998,available online at:http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu2/7/b/principles.htm,accessed 15 May 2005.

【297】 See Francis Deng,“Introductory Note”.沃尔特·卡琳(Walter Kalin)已经取代了登,成为特别代表,并负责撰编了指导原则。

【298】 See UNCHR Resolution 2001/54,24 April 2001,available online at:http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu2/2/57chr/resolutions.htm.

【299】 See General Assembly Resolutions 54/167,54/168,and 56/164,20 February 2002 .

【300】然而,难民的需求问题在联合国安理会关于平民保护和维和权限之间的关系的备忘录中已得到简要叙述。See the section on“Effects on Women”in Statement by the President of the Security Council(Security Council document S/PRST/2002/6),15 March 2002 .


【302】正如登所指出的那样,综合决议之所以能通过表决归功于埃及的坚持。该决议以0票反对,30票弃权获得通过。Deng,“The Global Challenge of Internal Displacement,”149 .登还指出,具有讽刺意味的是,那些对指导原则抱有怀疑态度的国家,已投票赞同早期的关于鼓励发展和传播指导原则的大会决议。

【303】关于保护国内难民的长期努力以及对取得的进展和存在的缺点所进行的强调,可参见Thomas G .Weiss,“Background Paper:International Efforts for IDPs after a Dec-ade:What Next?”in Brookings Institutions-SAIS Project on Internal Displacement,“Inter-national Symposium on the Mandate of the Representative of the UN Secretary-General on Internally Displaced Persons:Taking Stock and Charting the Future”(Washington,D .C .:The Brookings Institution-SAIS Project on Internal Displacement,2002),43-67。

【304】 UNDP,Human Development Report1994:New Dimensions of Human Security(New York:United Nations Development Programme,1994).

【305】 Kanti Bajpai,”Human Security:Concept and Measurement,”Kroc Institute Oc-casional Paper No .19(Notre Dame,Ind .:University of Notre Dame,August 2000),4 .巴伯(Bajpai)认为加拿大政府的政策是一个重要来源,另一个是2003年人类安全委员会的报告《人的安全现状》。

【306】”Chairman’s Summary,”Second Ministerial Meeting of the Human Security Net-work,11-12 May 2000,available online at:http://www.human security network.org/docs/Chairman _summary-e.php,accessed 19 November 2004.

【307】 Study Group on Europe’s Security Capabilities,A H uman Security Doctrine f or Europe:The Barcelona Report,15 September 2004,1,available online at:http://www.lse.ac.uk/Depts/global/Human% 20Security% 20Report% 20Full.pdf,accessed 3 January 2005.

【308】 Elizabeth Becker,“U .S .Trade Representative Will Get an Earful in Africa,”In-ternational Herald Tribune,11 Janurary 2003,3 .

【309】 Commission on Human Security,Human Security Now(New York;Commission on Human Security,2003).

【310】 Ibid .,iv .


【312】 1998年,加拿大与挪威政府签署了里索恩宣言(Lysoen Declaration),规定两国在促进人类安全、推动人权、加强相关立法、防止冲突、推广民主等领域的合作。后来签署国增加至11个,还包括了奥地利、智利、爱尔兰、约旦、荷兰、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典和泰国。See De-partment of Foreign Affairs and International Trade press release,“Canada and Norway Form New Partnership on Human Security,”11 May 1998,available online at:http://www.nisat.org/export_laws-regs% 20 linked/Norway/lysoern.htm;and Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade,”Axworthy Announces Progress on Human Security Agenda,”20 May 1999,available online at:http://webapps.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/MinPub/Publication.asp?publication_id=375020Language= E.

【313】在云丰空先前的著作中可以找到相关陈述。“Human Security:A Shotgun Ap-proach to Alleviating Human Misery?”Global Governance 7(July-Sept .2001):231-236 .

【314】迈克尔·沃茨的《正义与非正义战争》(New York:Basic Books,1977)经常被指责为将国家权利置于个人权利之上。但即使是该作者也认为“个人权利(生命权、自由权)是决定战争正义性的最重要指标”,同时他也承认“国家权利”经常“以集体的形式”体现(54)。

【315】关于美洲国家组织(OAS)在促进人权、民主方面的信息,可参见Inter-American Democratic Charter,Lima,Peru,11 September 2001,especially Articles 1 .7,and 21,available online at:http://www.oas.org./charter/docs/resolution1_en_p4.htm,accessed 21 No-vember 2004.On ASEAN,see M.C.Abad,“The Challenge of Balancing State Security with Human Security,”available online at:http://www.aseansec.org/14260.htm,accessed 21 December 2004。

【316】 High-level Panel on Threats,Challenges and Change,A More Secure World:Our Shared Responsibility(General Assembly document A/59/565),2 December 2004,available online at:http://www.un.org/secureworld/report.pdf,accessed 3 January 2005,12.

【317】关于艾滋病的评论来自南非医疗运动主席扎克·阿赫曼(Zackie Achmat)。See Becker,”U .S .Trade Representative Will Get an Earful in Africa,”3 .

【318】 David Dewitt,“Comprehensive,Common,and Cooperative Security,”The Pa-cific Review 5,No .2(1994):1-15 .

【319】 See Bilahari Kausikan,“Asia’s Different Standard,”Foreign Policy 92(Fall 1993):24-41;and Fareed Zakaria,“A Conversation with Lee Kuan Yew,”Foreign A f f airs 73(March/April 1994);109-127 .

【320】 See Rodney Bruce Hall,“The Discursive Demolition of the Asian Development Model,”International Studies Quarterly 47,No .1(2003):71-100;and Robert Rubin and Ja-cob Weisberg,In an Uncertain World:Tough Choices from Wall Street to Washington(New York:Thomson Texere,2003),230-256 .

【321】 See Roger Milton,“ASEAN Loses Critic An War,”Asiaweek.com,available online at:http://www.asiaweek.com/asiaweek/98/0918/nat6.html,accessed 23 December 2004.

【322】 Abad,“The Challenge of Balancing State Security with Human Security .”

【323】 Samuel Huntington,Political Order in Changing Societies(New Haven,Conn .:Yale University Press,1967).

【324】 Commission on Human Security,Human Security Now,2 .

【325】 See Samantha Power,A Problem from Hell:America and the Age of Genocide(London:Flaminggo,2003),Chapters 2-4 .其中有关于瑞秋·来姆金(Raphael Lemkin)如何争取将“种族屠杀”这一概念引入国际法律的叙述。

【326】 Canadian Consortium on Human Security,“What Is Human Security?”available online at:http://www.humansecurity.info/CCHS_web/About_Human_Security/en/index. php,accessed 19 November 2004.

【327】”G-8/Evian Summit,”available online at:http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/actu/article.gb.asp?ART=35184,accessed 9 November 2004;see also Sea Island Summit Docu-ments,“Chair’s Summary,”available onine at:http://www.g8usa.gov/d_061004m.htm,accessed 9 November 2004.


【329】 See Michael Brown,Ethnic Conf lict in International Politics(Princeton,N .J .:Princeton University Press,1993);Barry Posen,“The Security Dilemma and Ethnic Conflict,“Survival(Spring 1993):27-47;Barbara Walter and Jack Snyder,eds .,Civil Wars,Insecu-rity,and Intervention(New York:Columbia University Press,1999).

【330】 Stephen Van Evera,Causes of War:Power and the Roots of Conflict(Ithaca,N .Y .:Cornell University Press,1999);John Mearsheimer,The Tragedy of Great Power Politics(New York:W .W .Norton,2001),365-366 .

【331】 Yosef Lapid and Friedrich Kratochwil,“Revisiting the ‘National’:Toward an IdentityAgendainNeorealism?”inTheReturnofCultureandIdentityinInternationalRe-lations Theory,edited by Yosef Lapid and Friedrich Kratochwil(Boulder,Colo .:Lynne Ri-enner,1996),110-120 .

【332】 Lloyd Axworthy,“A New Scientific Field and Policy Lens,”348-349;Fen Hampson,“A Concept in Need of A Global Policy Response,”349-350;Don Hubert,“An I-dea That Works in Practice,”351-352;and Astri Suhkre,“A Stalled Initiative,”365,all in Se-curity Dialogue 35(September 2004).

【333】 21位辩论的参与者中有三位——奈尔·迈克法兰、巴里·布赞,还有罗兰特·帕里斯,并不总是被认为持有主流观点。因此,将在《国际安全》、《世界政治》、《安全研究》、《冲突分歧研究》还有《康奈尔大学安全系列》等刊物上发表著作的学者称为“主流”更为确切。

【334】 Andrew Mack,“Human Security in the New Millennium,”Work in Progress:A Review of Research of The United Nations University 16(Summer 2002):4 .

【335】 See Walzer,Just and Unjust Wars,xv-xvi and 51-55 for a rights-based defense of territorial integrity and political sovereignty .

【336】 Ramesh Thakur,“Human Security Regimes,”in Asia’s Emerging Regional Or-der:Reconciling Traditional and Human Security,edited by William Tow,Ramesh Thakur,and In-Taek Hyun(Tokyo:United Nations University Press,2000),250 .

【337】 Mack,“Human Security in the New Millennium”.应当指出的是,马克(Mack)对于广泛意义上的人的安全概念持批评态度。

【338】 Ibid .,6 .

【339】 Bernard Holland,“Music at a Wheel’s Click,but Do We Really Hear?”New York Times,6 November 2004,B13 .

【340】 Mack,“Human Security in the New Millennium,”6 .

【341】 Volker Franke,“The Emperor Needs New Clothes:Securitizing Threats in the Twenty-First Century,”Peace and Conf lict Studies 9(December 2002):10 .

【342】 Ibid .,16 .

【343】 Monica Serrano,“Unilateralism,Multilateralism,and U .S .Drug Diplomacy in Latin America,”in Unilateralism and U .S .Foreign Policy:International Perspectives,ed-ited by David Malone and Yuen Foong Khong(Boulder Colo .:Lynne Rienner Publishers,2003),117-136 .

【344】 Philip Bowring,“On Dhaka’s Streets,Two Radical Changes,”International Herald Tribune,15 January 2003,9 .

【345】 Keith Krause and Michael Williams,“Broadening the Agenda of Security Studies:Politics and Methods,”Mershon International Studies Review 40(October 1996):247 . Krause and Williams’s example is drawn from Daniel Deudney,“The Case Against Linking Environmental Degradation and National Security,”Millennium 19(1990):461-476 .

【346】 Roland Paris,“Human Security:Paradigm Shift or Hot Air?”International Secu-rity 26(September 2001):87-102 .

【347】 Ibid .,98 .See Figure 1 .The 2x2 matrix locates human security in the bottom right-hand corner .

【348】 See Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade,Freedom f rom Fear:Canada’s Foreign Policy for Human Security(Ottawa:Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade,2002).

【349】罗伯特·杰克逊在《全球公约》中对安全概念做了最清晰的分析,他认为“个人安全即免受来自他人的威胁、危险和伤害”。The Global Covenant:Human Conduct in a World of States(Oxford:Oxford University Press,2000),186,italics in original .

【350】 Muhammed Ayoob,“the Security Problematic of the Third World,”World Poli-tics 43(January 1991):257-283 .

【351】”Oxford Tops UK Air Pollution List,”available online at:http://www.lpg-vehi-cles.co.uk/lpg_news/oxford_tops_uk_air_pollution_list.htm,accessed 23 December 2004.

【352】 High-level Panel on Threats,Challenges and Change,A More Secure World,2 .

【353】 Ibid .,12 .

【354】 Ibid .,117-118 .威胁、挑战和改革问题高级别小组的主席是前泰国首相阿南德·潘亚拉臣(Anand Panyarachun),该组织共有16名成员,包括高层政治家,前任或现任国际、地区组织领袖。

【355】 See Celia Dugger,“Devastated by AIDS,Africa Sees Life Expectancy Plunge,”New York Times,16 July 2004,A3 .

【356】有意思的是,从这个角度来说,虽然威胁、挑战和改革问题高级别小组的报告将贫困问题与冲突联系在了一起,却没有将传染性疾病与冲突联系起来。See High-level Panel on Threats,Challenges and Change,A More Secure World,26-27 .

【357】我们感谢Richard Jolly给我们指出了这一点。

【358】 See Roy Lubove,The Struggle for Social Security,1900-1935(Cambridge,Mass .:HarvardUniversityPress,1968);andEdwardBerkowitz,America’sWelfareState:From Roosevelt to Reagan(Baltimore,Md .:Johns Hopkins University Press,1991).

【359】 Lubove,The Struggle for Social Security,265-276;Berkowitz,America’s Wel-f are State,209-216 .

【360】 Bajpai,“Human Security:Concept and Measurement,”51 .

【361】 Jackson,The Global Covenant,195 .

【362】 Jean-Marie Colombani,“We Are All Americans,”Le Monde,12 September 2001;translation available online at http://www.worldpress.org/1101we_are_all_americans.htm,accessed 12 December 2004.

【363】 Julia Preston,“Departing Rights Commissioner Faults U .S .,”The New York Times,12 September 2002 .

【364】 Ibid .

【365】 Robin Cook,“No One Still Thinks We’re Soft on Crime,”The Guardian,19 No-vember 2004,28 .


【367】 Suhrke,“A Stalled Initiative,”365 .

【368】 Commission on Human Security,Human Security Now,iv .

【369】 Ibid .相反,威胁、挑战和改革问题高级别小组更加强调“主权国家”的重要性,并把它们认为是“面临危险时的一线行动者”。High-level Panel on Threats,Challenges and Change,A More Secure World,11 .

【370】 Ibid .,11,15 .

【371】 See essays in Walter and Snyder,eds .,Civil Wars,Insecurity,and Intervention .

【372】 Ibid .