It wasn’t too many years ago that we were playing Pong and Space Invaders. At that time, you needed an awesome imagination to see anything other than dots and blocks moving across the computer screen. Now, the graphics are so detailed and engaging, you’ll find yourself ducking out of the way of on-screen adversaries.
One of the most powerful and increasingly popular games is Far Cry. This game features Jack Carver as an ex-Marine trying to rescue Val (an FBI agent) from a crazed① scientist who is creating mutant② monkey-men to attack the world. OK, the plot sounds far-fetched, but the scenes are challenging, and the graphics are phenomenal. On this island paradise, you can even see tropical fish swimming about in their ocean home. And once you’ve disposed of the mercenaries③, you can kick back on the beach and watch the clouds and seagulls while listening to the surf. Be warned though, you need to take occasional breaks to let your heart rate slow down.
Another popular game is Counter Strike (CS). There are pirated④ versions in many cyber-cafes in China. Unlike Far Cry, which also allows you to play against the computer, CS requires that you connect to a game server and play with many other people in a war-like setting. The player with the fastest reflexes stays in the game the longest and maybe even sees his team win. This one is very intense and not recommended for those who enjoy solitaire⑤!
Since most gamers are men; and men like action; so the most popular games will continue to include guns…
① crazedadj. 疯狂的;醉心的
② mutantadj. 突变的
③ mercenaryadj. 为金钱的;图利的;贪财的
④ piratev. 剽窃;非法翻印
⑤ solitairen. 单人玩的牌戏