
第19章 Business in Information Times

A business does its work on two legs. One leg is built of information such as sales leads, orders, production planning, procurement orders, work schedules, cash receiving, and accounting review and feedback. The other leg is built of the bricks and mortar① every product-oriented business needs to have in place—whether it owns it or out source it—to build and deliver the goods according to the requirements provided in the information process.The critical issue facing manufacturers is the ability to synchronize② the two legs so that they work together.

Regardless of what you call it—.com, e-commerce, e-business, B2B—it’s all about moving and translating information faster, cheaper, and better with 100 percent accuracy through communication channels and networks with incredible accessibility for everyone, including all employees, suppliers, and customers. This has done much to change the landscape for information management and control, giving rise to the “virtual” company.

However, if this faster and better information is not translated into better customer service and response, its value will be diminished. Our objective is not better and faster information but rather better, faster, higher-value products and services to customers.

Fix this problem, and the e-commerce solution provides the promised payback. Adjust your business and manufacturing planning processes to work with better and faster information through a business process improvement project that works in concert with the new economy.

“Virtual” is only relevant to the location of the people using the information. The job of translating, combining, sorting, and using information still takes place in a manufacturing plant where real people are still making the tangible③, real products that customers want. What happens when the manufacturing plant cannot process the ordering information, for instance, at the speed of the communication network?

Everything slows down to the throughput④ capacity of the constraint—in this case the manufacturing plant-resulting in under-utilization of expensive information gathering capability, dissatisfied managers, stressed employees, and, most importantly, unhappy customers who have not had their expectation met.

There is no value or promise of great improvements from e-commerce or B2B processes if the systems constraint, more efficient manufacturing, related business processes, and distribution are not part of the solutions equation.

① mortarn. 灰浆,灰泥;粘合物[U]

② synchronizev. 使协调;使同步

③ tangibleadj. 非想像的;实际的

④ throughputn. [电脑]吞吐量,总处理能力







