
第6章 B

【扒车】bā chē

jump onto vehicles (a moving vehicle)


cling to

【把节约放在首位】bǎ jiéyuē fànɡzài shǒuwèi

first place is given to conservation/give priority to conservation


shooting range

【罢工的权利和自由】bàɡōnɡ de quánlì hé zìyóu

right and freedom to strike




proposal to remove from office

【罢免代表】bàmiǎn dàibiǎo

recall a deputy

【罢免理由】bàmiǎn lǐyóu

reason for the removal

【罢免要求】bàmiǎn yāoqiú

proposal for the removal

【罢免自己选出的代表】bàmiǎn zìjǐ xuǎnchū de dàibiǎo

recall the deputy they elect

【霸权主义的侵略】bàquán zhǔyì de qīnlüè

hegemonist aggression

【百分之百的准备金】bǎifēnzhībǎi de zhǔnbèijīn

100 percent reserve fund


set up a stall


losing party

【班期时刻】bānqī shíkè


【颁布地方性法规】bānbù dìfānɡxìnɡ fǎɡuī

promulgate local regulations


issue and serve

【颁发学位证书】bānfā xuéwèi zhènɡshū

issue to someone a degree certificate

【颁发资质证书的部门】bānfā zīzhì zhènɡshū de bùmén

department issuing qualification certificate





【搬迁居民】bānqiān jūmín

resettlement of residents

【办案期限】bàn'àn qīxiàn

period of time for handling the case/

time for investigation


general office

【办公用房】bànɡōnɡ yònɡfánɡ

office premises


completion of the procedure/deal with and finish

【办结海关手续】bànjié hǎiɡuān shǒuxù

clear the Customs

【办理案件】bànlǐ ànjiàn

handle a case

【办理治安案件】bànlǐ zhì'ān ànjiàn

deal with cases of public security

【办事公道】bànshì ɡōnɡdào

be fair in handling matters

【办事机构】bànshì jīɡòu

working office


office clerk

【办学标准】bànxué biāozhǔn

standard for running schools

【办学层次】bànxué cénɡcì

level of the school

【办学成本】bànxué chénɡběn

cost of running a school

【办学规模】bànxué ɡuīmó

size of the student body

【办学水平】bànxué shuǐpínɡ

level of running a school

【办学条件】bànxué tiáojiàn

conditions for running education

【办学形式】bànxué xínɡshì

form of education

【办学资金】bànxué zījīn

funds for establishing a school

【办学自主权】bànxué zìzhǔquán

autonomy of running a school

【半封闭海】bànfēnɡbì hǎi

semi-closed sea

【半官方的经济和贸易机构】bànɡuānfānɡ de jīnɡjì hé màoyì jīɡòu

semi-official economic and trade mission

【半官方机构】bànɡuānfānɡ jīɡòu

semi-official mission

【半数以上发起人】bànshù yǐshànɡ fāqǐrén

more than half of the initiators



【伴生放射性矿】bànshēnɡ fànɡshèxìnɡkuànɡ

accompanying radioactive mine

【伴生矿产】bànshēnɡ kuànɡchǎn

associated mineral

【帮教措施】bānɡjiào cuòshī

measure to help educate



【绑架妇女、儿童】bǎnɡjià fùnǚ,értónɡ

kidnap a woman or child


cover up for/protect the criminal/shield


crime of shielding


fixed lump sum




guaranteed replacement

【包价旅游合同】bāojià lǚyóu hétonɡ

package tourism contract

【包括本数】bāokuò běnshù

include the given figure/include the figure itself


guaranteed return/guarantee for return

【包销国债】bāoxiāo ɡuózhài

underwrite state bonds

【包销协议】bāoxiāo xiéyì

agreement on exclusive sale


guaranteed repair

【包装不良】bāozhuānɡ bùliánɡ

inadequacy of packing

【包装性废物】bāozhuānɡxìnɡ fèiwù

packaging waste



【保安煤柱】bǎo ān méizhù

safety pillar

【保持草畜平衡】bǎochí cǎo-chù pínɡhénɡ

keep the balance between grass yield and the number of livestock raised

【保持地方特色】bǎochí dìfānɡ tèsè

maintain the local features

【保持密切的联系】bǎochí mìqiè de liánxì

maintain a close contact

【保持民族特色】bǎochí mínzú tèsè

maintain the ethnic features

【保持自由港地位】bǎochí zìyóuɡǎnɡ dìwèi

maintain the status of a free port

【保存版本】bǎocún bǎnběn

preserve an edition


depositary state

【保存或展览的枪支】bǎocún huò zhǎnlǎn de qiānɡzhī

guns preserved or displayed


period kept/retention period/length for preservation

【保存有关文件和资料】bǎocún yǒuɡuān wénjiàn hé zīliào

keep the relevant documents and materials

【保存证据】bǎocún zhènɡjù

preserve evidence

【保管不善】bǎoɡuǎn bùshàn

negligence in storage

【保管费用】bǎoɡuǎn fèiyònɡ

storage expense

【保管合同】bǎoɡuǎn hétonɡ

contract of deposit

【保管凭证】bǎoɡuǎn pínɡzhènɡ

deposit certificate




deposited article

【保管义务】bǎoɡuǎn yìwù

obligation of taking care of


certificate of guarantee/letter of guarantee/letter of indemnity

【保护措施】bǎohù cuòshī

protection measure

【保护大气环境的义务】bǎohù dàqì huánjìnɡ de yìwù

obligation to protect the atmospheric environment

【保护档案】bǎohù dànɡ'àn

protect archives

【保护范围】bǎohù fànwéi

scope of protection

【保护方案】bǎohù fānɡ'àn

protection plan

【保护耕地】bǎohù ɡēnɡdì

preserve cultivated land

【保护公路】bǎohù ɡōnɡlù

protect the highways

【保护公平竞争】bǎohù ɡōnɡpínɡ jìnɡzhēnɡ

protect fair competition

【保护海洋环境及资源】bǎohù hǎiyánɡ huánjìnɡ jí zīyuán

protect the marine environment and resources

【保护和改善环境】bǎohù hé ɡǎishàn huánjìnɡ

protect and improve the environment

【保护和利用】bǎohù hé lìyònɡ

protection and utilization

【保护环境】bǎohù huánjìnɡ

protection of environment/protect the environment

【保护基金】bǎohù jījīn

protection fund

【保护价格】bǎohù jiàɡé

protective price

【保护价制度】bǎohùjià zhìdù

protective price system

【保护矿产资源】bǎohù kuànɡchǎn zīyuán

protection of mineral resources

【保护历史文化遗产】bǎohù lìshǐ wénhuà yíchǎn

preservation of the historical and cultural heritage

【保护名录】bǎohù mínɡlù

directory under protection

【保护农民利益】bǎohù nónɡmín lìyì

protect the interest of farmers


term of protection

【保护生态平衡】bǎohù shēnɡtài pínɡhénɡ

maintain ecological balance

【保护水域生态环境】bǎohù shuǐyù shēnɡtài huánjìnɡ

protect the ecological environment of the waters

【保护为主】bǎohù wéizhǔ

give priority to the protection

【保护未成年人】bǎohù wèichénɡniánrén

protect minors/protection of minors

【保护文物古迹】bǎohù wénwù ɡǔjì

protection of cultural relics and historic sites

【保护文物义务】bǎohù wénwù yìwù

obligation to protect the cultural relics

【保护现场】bǎohù xiànchǎnɡ

preserve the site

【保护性措施】bǎohùxìnɡ cuòshī

protective measure

【保护性开采】bǎohùxìnɡ kāicǎi

protective mining

【保护鱼苗种】bǎohù yúmiáozhǒnɡ

protect fry and fingerlings of aquatic animals

【保护植被】bǎohù zhíbèi

protect vegetation

【保护责任】bǎohù zérèn

responsibility for protection/responsibility to protect/obligation of protection

【保护植物新品种】bǎohù zhíwù xīnpǐnzhǒnɡ

protect new varieties of plant

【保护种质资源】bǎohù zhǒnɡzhì zīyuán

protect germ plasm resources

【保护作品完整权】bǎohù zuòpǐn wánzhěnɡquán

right of integrity




recommendation party


recommendation letter

【保荐资格】bǎojiàn zīɡé

qualification of recommendation


health care

【保健服务】bǎojiàn fúwù

health-care services




retentive price

【保留外国国籍】bǎoliú wàiɡuó ɡuójí

retain foreign nationality


keep secrets

【保密档案】bǎomì dànɡ'àn

confidential archives

【保密的测绘成果】bǎomì de cèhuì chénɡɡuǒ

classified surveying and mapping results

【保密的义务】bǎomì de yìwù

be obligated to maintain confidentiality

【保密工作】bǎomì ɡōnɡzuò

secret-guarding work

【保密期限】bǎomì qīxiàn

period for guarding the secrets

【保密审查】bǎomì shěnchá

confidentiality examination

【保密事项】bǎomì shìxiànɡ

secret-keeping matters

【保密协议】bǎomì xiéyì

confidentiality agreement

【保密义务】bǎomì yìwù

confidentiality obligation

【保密制度】bǎomì zhìdù

security system

【保赔标的物所在地】bǎopéi biāodìwù suǒzàidì

place where the object of the guranteed compensation is located

【保全的标的物】bǎoquán de biāodìwù

object subjected to preservation

【保全措施】bǎoquán cuòshī

preservation measures/measures to preserve evidence

【保全的财产】bǎoquán de cáichǎn

property to be preserved

【保全的证据】bǎoquán de zhènɡjù

evidence preserved

【保全票据权利】bǎoquán piàojù quánlì

preservation of right on the instrument

【保全证据】bǎoquán zhènɡjù

preservation of the evidence

【保守国家秘密】bǎoshǒu ɡuójiā mìmì

guard state secret

【保守执业秘密】bǎoshǒu zhíyè mìmì

keep confidential the secrets one has access to in the practice

【保税货物】bǎoshuì huòwù

bonded goods

【保外就医】bǎowài jiùyī

released on parole for medical treatment/medical parole

【保卫条件】bǎowèi tiáojiàn

protection condition



【保险保障基金】bǎoxiǎn bǎozhànɡ jījīn

insurance guarantee fund

【保险标的】bǎoxiǎn biāodì

subject matter of the insurance

【保险标志】bǎoxiǎn biāozhì

insurance label

【保险代理机构】bǎoxiǎn dàilǐ jīɡòu

insurance agency

【保险代理人】bǎoxiǎn dàilǐrén

insurance agent

【保险代理业务许可证】bǎoxiǎn dàilǐ yèwù xǔkězhènɡ

insurance agent license


insurance policy

【保险单证】bǎoxiǎn dānzhènɡ

certificate of insurance

【保险法律】bǎoxiǎn fǎlǜ

insurance law



【保险费回扣】bǎoxiǎnfèi huíkòu

insurance premium kickback

【保险费率】bǎoxiǎn fèilǜ

insurance premium rate/rate of premium/premium rate

【保险公估机构】bǎoxiǎn ɡōnɡɡū jīɡòu

insurance assessment institution

【保险公司】bǎoxiǎn ɡōnɡsī

insurance company

【保险公司分支机构】bǎoxiǎn ɡōnɡsī fēnzhī jīɡòu

branch office of an insurance company

【保险行业协会】bǎoxiǎn hánɡyè xiéhuì

insurance association

【保险合同】bǎoxiǎn hétonɡ

insurance contract

【保险合同纠纷】bǎoxiǎn hétonɡ jiūfēn

insurance contract dispute

【保险活动】bǎoxiǎn huódònɡ

insurance activity

【保险活动当事人】bǎoxiǎn huódònɡ dānɡshìrén

party to insurance activities

【保险价值】bǎoxiǎn jiàzhí

insurable value

【保险监督管理机构】bǎoxiǎn jiāndū ɡuǎnlǐ jīɡòu

insurance regulatory body

【保险兼业代理机构】bǎoxiǎn jiānyè dàilǐ jīɡòu

part-time insurance agency


insurance benefit

【保险金额】bǎoxiǎn jīn'é

sum insured

【保险金赔偿或者给付办法】bǎoxiǎnjīn péichánɡ huòzhě jǐfù bànfǎ

method for paying indemnity or insurance money

【保险金请求权】bǎoxiǎnjīn qǐnɡqiúquán

claim to insurance compensation/right to insurance claims

【保险经纪人】bǎoxiǎn jīnɡjìrén

insurance broker

【保险经纪业务】bǎoxiǎn jīnɡjì yèwù

insurance brokerage business

【保险经纪业务许可证】bǎoxiǎn jīnɡjì yèwù xǔkězhènɡ

brokerage business permit

【保险经营活动】bǎoxiǎn jīnɡyínɡ huódònɡ

insurance business operation

【保险利益】bǎoxiǎn lìyì

insurable interest

【保险赔款】bǎoxiǎn péikuǎn

insurance indemnity

【保险评估机构】bǎoxiǎn pínɡɡū jīɡòu

insurance assessment agency

【保险凭证】bǎoxiǎn pínɡzhènɡ

insurance certificate

【保险期间】bǎoxiǎn qījiān

duration of insurance

【保险权利义务】bǎoxiǎn quánlì yìwù

insurance rights and obligations



【保险人责任】bǎoxiǎnrén zérèn

insurer liability

【保险市场】bǎoxiǎn shìchǎnɡ

insurance market

【保险事故】bǎoxiǎn shìɡù

insured event

【保险事故的鉴定人】bǎoxiǎn shìɡù de jiàndìnɡrén

expert witness of an insured accident

【保险条款】bǎoxiǎn tiáokuǎn

insurance clause

【保险险种】bǎoxiǎn xiǎnzhǒnɡ

insurance products


insurance industry

【保险业务】bǎoxiǎn yèwù

insurance business

【保险业务许可证】bǎoxiǎn yèwù xǔkězhènɡ

insurance license

【保险佣金】bǎoxiǎn yònɡjīn

insurance commission

【保险责任】bǎoxiǎn zérèn

insurance liability

【保险责任范围】bǎoxiǎn zérèn fànwéi

insurance coverage

【保险诈骗】bǎoxiǎn zhàpiàn

insurance fraud

【保险专业代理机构】bǎoxiǎn zhuānyè dàilǐ jīɡòu

full-time insurance agency

【保险专业人员】bǎoxiǎn zhuānyè rényuán

insurance professional

【保险资产管理公司】bǎoxiǎn zīchǎn ɡuǎnlǐ ɡōnɡsī

insurance asset management company

【保险组织】bǎoxiǎn zǔzhī

insurance institution

【保修范围】bǎoxiū fànwéi

scope of warranty


guaranteed maintenance period

【保修义务】bǎoxiū yìwù

obligations pertaining to maintenance



【保障安全生产】bǎozhànɡ ānquán shēnɡchǎn

guarantee safety in production

【保障安全生产的要求】bǎozhànɡ ānquán shēnɡchǎn de yāoqiú

requirement of guaranteeing production safety

【保障报案人安全】bǎozhànɡ bào'ànrén ānquán

insure the safety of reporter

【保障残疾人的劳动权利】bǎozhànɡ cánjírén de láodònɡ quánlì

guarantee the disabled persons'right to work

【保障畅通】bǎozhànɡ chànɡtōnɡ

mobility and accessibility

【保障妇女合法权益】bǎozhànɡ fùnǚ héfǎ quányì

protection of women's lawful rights and interests

【保障公众身体健康】bǎozhànɡ ɡōnɡzhònɡ shēntǐ jiànkānɡ

ensure the physical health of the general public

【保障供应】bǎozhànɡ ɡōnɡyìnɡ

ensure supply/guaranteeing the supply

【保障国家外汇收支平衡】bǎozhànɡ ɡuójiā wàihuì shōuzhī pínɡhénɡ

maintaining the balance of receipts and payment of the State in foreign exchange

【保障机制】bǎozhànɡ jīzhì

mechanism of guarantee

【保障其合法运行】bǎozhànɡ qí héfǎ yùnxínɡ

guarantee the legitimate operation

【保障人权】bǎozhànɡ rénquán

safeguard the human rights

【保障人体健康】bǎozhànɡ réntǐ jiànkānɡ

safeguard the health

【保障生活】bǎozhànɡ shēnɡhuó

guarantee for the livelihood

【保障证人安全】bǎozhànɡ zhènɡrén ānquán

insure the safety of witness

【保证保险】bǎozhènɡ bǎoxiǎn

guarantee insurance

【保证担保】bǎozhènɡ dānbǎo

suretyship guaranty

【保证范围】bǎozhènɡ fànwéi

scope of the suretyship agreement

【保证方式】bǎozhènɡ fānɡshì

mode of suretyship

【保证份额】bǎozhènɡ fèn'é

proportion of suretyship

【保证供应】bǎozhènɡ ɡōnɡyìnɡ

guarantee supply

【保证合同】bǎozhènɡ hétonɡ

suretyship contract



【保证期间】bǎozhènɡ qījiān

term of suretyship



【保证食品安全】bǎozhènɡ shípǐn ānquán

ensure the food safety

【保证宪法实施】bǎozhènɡ Xiànfǎ shíshī

ensure the implementation of the Constitution

【保证行为】bǎozhènɡ xínɡwéi


【保证义务】bǎozhènɡ yìwù

guarantor's duty

【保证责任】bǎozhènɡ zérèn

liability of guaranty/suretyship liability


maintain the value

【保值增值】bǎozhí zēnɡzhí

preserve and increase the value


expiry date


breed reservation farms


report about the facts of the crime/report


person who made the report/reporter/informant


report and record




claim as useless

【报废标准】bàofèi biāozhǔn

criteria for scrapping

【报废机具】bàofèi jījù

scrapped machine

【报复陷害】bàofù xiànhài

retaliate against or frame up

【报告工作】bàoɡào ɡōnɡzuò

report on the work

【报告节能工作】bàoɡào jiénénɡ ɡōnɡzuò

report the work concerning energy conservation

【报告突发事件信息】bàoɡào tūfā shìjiàn xìnxī

impart information on emergency

【报告义务】bàoɡào yìwù

reporting obligation

【报告制度】bàoɡào zhìdù

report system

【报关从业资格】bàoɡuān cónɡyè zīɡé

qualification for custom


customs declaration form

【报关纳税】bàoɡuān nàshuì

declaration of and payment of duties

【报关企业】bàoɡuān qǐyè

custom broker


individual engaged in customs declaration/declarant

【报关手续】bàoɡuān shǒuxù

customs formalities

【报关数据】bàoɡuān shùjù

custom clearance data

【报关验放手续】bàoɡuān yànfànɡ shǒuxù

procedures of declaration

【报关业务】bàoɡuān yèwù

engage in declaration at the custom

【报国务院备案】bào Guówùyuàn bèi'àn

submit to the State Council for filing

【报国务院批准】bào Guówùyuàn pīzhǔn

submit them to the State Council for approval

【报国务院审批】bào Guówùyuàn shěnpī

submit to the State Council for examination and approval


submit an application for quarantine inspection/inspection declaration/custom inspection/quarantine inspection/apply for inspection

【报检手续】bàojiǎn shǒuxù

formalities of applying for inspection/inspection declaration formalities

【报警装置】bàojǐnɡ zhuānɡzhì

alarm devices

【报考资格】bàokǎo zīɡé

qualifications for registration for examination

【报批手续】bàopī shǒuxù

formalities of reporting and approval


submit…to and request

【报请立项】bàoqǐnɡ lìxiànɡ

apply for preliminary approval

【报请中央人民政府决定】bàoqǐnɡ Zhōnɡyānɡ Rénmín Zhènɡfǔ juédìnɡ

report to the Central People's Government for decision

【报全国人民代表大会常务委员会备案】bào Quánɡuó Rénmín Dàibiǎo Dàhuì Chánɡwù Wěiyuánhuì bèi'àn

report to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for the record



【报送或者提供】bàosònɡ huòzhě tíɡōnɡ

report or provide

【报送纳税申报表】bàosònɡ nàshuì shēnbàobiǎo

submit the tax return

【报送有关报告】bàosònɡ yǒuɡuān bàoɡào

submit the relevant report

【暴动越狱】bàodònɡ yuèyù

instigate a riot to escape from prison

【暴发性流行】bàofāxìnɡ liúxínɡ




【暴力、威胁方法】bàolì,wēixié fānɡfǎ

means of violence or intimidation

【暴力抗拒检查】bàolì kànɡjù jiǎnchá

violently resist inspection

【暴力行为】bàolì xínɡwéi

violent action

【暴力性犯罪】bàolìxìnɡ fànzuì

crime of violence

【爆破作业】bàopò zuòyè

demolition operations

【爆炸危险】bàozhà wēixiǎn

risk of explosion






for the record/record-filing/put on record/enter (a case) in the records/put on file/serve as a record/keep on record

【备案和抽查】bèi'àn hé chōuchá

filing and spot check

【备案、审查和撤销】bèi'àn,shěnchá hé chèxiāo

be kept on file, reviewed and annulled

【备案手续】bèi'àn shǒuxù

procedures to file for the record/filing procedures

【备案制度】bèi'àn zhìdù

filing system/register system


for reference


provision for payment

【背景审查】bèijǐnɡ shěnchá

background check

【背书连续】bèishū liánxù

uninterrupted series of endorsement



【被保外就医的罪犯】bèi bǎowài-jiùyī de zuìfàn

criminal released on parole for medical treatment







【被剥夺政治权利的人】bèi bōduó zhènɡzhì quánlì de rén

persons who have been deprived of political rights


person who is not to be prosecuted

【被裁定驳回】bèi cáidìnɡ bóhuí

rejected by a decision



【被查封的财产】bèicháfēnɡ de cáichǎn

sealed-up property

【被撤销或者变更】bèichèxiāo huòzhě biànɡēnɡ

cancelled or revised

【被撤销资格】bèichèxiāo zīɡé



person expelled


person under punishment



【被担保债权】bèidānbǎo zhàiquán

claims secured

【被抵押船舶】bèidǐyā chuánbó

mortgaged ship


dependant/supported person





【被告人供述】bèiɡàorén ɡònɡshù

defendant statement

【被告所在地】bèiɡào suǒzàidì

place of the defendant's

【被告证人】bèiɡào zhènɡrén

evidence for the defence

【被告住所地】bèiɡào zhùsuǒdì

place of the defendant's domicile

【被隔离人员】bèiɡélí rényuán

persons under isolation

【被公安机关通缉的】bèi ɡōnɡ'ān jīɡuān tōnɡjī de

be wanted by the public security organ

【被拐卖的妇女、儿童】bèiɡuǎimài de fùnǚ'értónɡ

woman or child who is abducted and trafficked



【被羁押】bèi jīyā




【被继承人住所地法律】bèijìchénɡrén zhùsuǒdì fǎlǜ

law of the place of domicile of the decedent

【被假释的罪犯】bèijiǎshì de zuìfàn


【被监管的财产】bèijiānɡuǎn de cáichǎn

property placed under custody

【被监管的机构】bèijiānɡuǎn de jīɡòu

organization under supervision


person held in custody


person under guardianship


be in imprisonment

【被监视居住】bèi jiānshì jūzhù

under residential surveillance


be inspected


party subject to inspection



【被接管的保险公司】bèijiēɡuǎn de bǎoxiǎn ɡōnɡsī

insurance company which has been taken over


salved party

【被拘留的人员】bèijūliú de rényuán


【被拒绝承兑】bèijùjué chénɡduì

dishonored by non-acceptance

【被拒绝事由】bèijùjué shìyóu

fact of dishonor


person against whom the decision is made



【被劳动教养的】bèi láodònɡ jiàoyǎnɡ de

undergo rehabilitation through labour


through extortion

【被派遣劳动者】bèi pàiqiǎn láodònɡzhě

worker to be dispatched

【被判犯有刑事罪行】bèipàn fànyǒu xínɡshì zuìxínɡ

convicted for a criminal offence

【被判过刑】bèi pànɡuòxínɡ

punished for

【被遣返回国】bèiqiǎnfǎn huíɡuó

be repatriated

【被侵害的】bèiqīnhài de





victim of a tort/infringed party


encroached upon



【被确认无效】bèiquèrèn wúxiào

confirmed nullified

【被人民法院裁定撤销】bèi rénmín fǎyuàn cáidìnɡ chèxiāo

revoked upon decision by the people's court

【被认定为】bèirèndìnɡ wéi

determined as


person against whom the application is made for/defending party to the application/respondent

【被审计单位】bèishěnjì dānwèi


【被收购公司股份数】bèishōuɡòu ɡōnɡsī ɡǔfènshù

amount of shares of the target company

【被收买的妇女、儿童】bèishōumǎi de fùnǚ,értónɡ

sold woman or child



【被授权机关】bèishòuquán jīɡuān

authorization organ


person to be searched




tow party


object towed

【被污染的场地】bèiwūrǎn de chǎnɡdì

contaminated field

【被胁迫参加犯罪】bèixiépò cānjiā fànzuì

coerced to participate in a crime




right to stand for election



【被询问事项】bèixúnwèn shìxiànɡ

matters interrogated

【被依法撤销登记】bèi yīfǎ chèxiāo dēnɡjì

registration is cancelled according to law

【被依法宣告死亡】bèi yīfǎ xuānɡào sǐwánɡ

be legally declared dead



【被运送人】bèi yùnsònɡrén

person being transported

【被征用财产】bèizhēnɡyònɡ cáichǎn

expropriated property

【被整顿保险公司】bèizhěnɡdùn bǎoxiǎn ɡōnɡsī

insurance company in rectification

【被执行的财产】bèizhíxínɡ de cáichǎn

property that is to be enforced

【被执行的财产所在地】bèizhíxínɡ de cáichǎn suǒzàidì

place where the property subjected to execution

【被指定托管】bèizhǐdìnɡ tuōɡuǎn

designated for trusteeship


person against whom the right of recourse is exercised

【被准予执业人员】bèi zhǔnyǔ zhíyè rényuán

person whose application for legal practice is granted

【本案当事人】běn'àn dānɡshìrén

party to the case

【本案庭审材料】běn'àn tínɡshěn cáiliào

case's trial materials

【本案有关材料】běn'àn yǒuɡuān cáiliào

materials relating to the case

【本部门的权限范围】běn bùmén de quánxiàn fànwéi

scope of the department's authority

【本单位财物】běn dānwèi cáiwù

money or property of one's own unit

【本单位人员】běn dānwèi rényuán

staff members of this unit/personnel of this unit

【本地方】běn dìfānɡ

respective locality

【本地化生产】běndìhuà shēnɡchǎn

localized production

【本地生产总值】běndì shēnɡchǎn zǒnɡzhí

local gross domestic product

【本地市场】běndì shìchǎnɡ

local market

【本法规定之罪】běnfǎ ɡuīdìnɡ zhī zuì

crime prescribed in this law

【本法施行以前】běnfǎ shīxínɡ yǐqián

before this law goes into effect

【本法未作规定】běnfǎ wèizuò ɡuīdìnɡ

not covered by this law


at the corresponding level/at the same level

【本级和下级】běnjí hé xiàjí

at or below the corresponding level/

at the same level and lower level

【本级人民代表大会】běnjí rénmín dàibiǎo dàhuì

people's congresses at the corresponding level/at the same level

【本级人民法院院长】běnjí rénmín fǎyuàn yuànzhǎnɡ

president of people's court at the corresponding level/at the same level

【本级人民政府】běnjí rénmín zhènɡfǔ

people's government at the same level/at the corresponding level

【本级人民政府的建议】běnjí rénmín zhènɡfǔ de jiànyì

recommendation of the people's government at the corresponding level/at the same level

【本节规定】běnjié ɡuīdìnɡ

provisions of this section

【本科教育】běnkē jiàoyù

undergraduate education

【本民族语言文字】běn mínzú yǔyán wénzì

native spoken and written language


promissory note

【本票的出票行为】běnpiào de chūpiào xínɡwéi

issue of promissory notes



【本人财产】běnrén cáichǎn

one's own property

【本人陈述】běnrén chénshù

statement made by the offender


this city


given figure/figure itself/number itself

【本辖区】běn xiáqū

area under their jurisdiction

【本行政区域】běn xínɡzhènɡ qūyù

local administrative region

【本行政区域范围内】běn xínɡzhènɡ qūyù fànwéi nèi

within such jurisdiction

【本学科】běn xuékē

respective discipline

【本应支付】běnyīnɡ zhīfù

ought to be paid

【本章规定】běnzhānɡ ɡuīdìnɡ

prescribed in this Chapter

【本职工作】běnzhí ɡōnɡzuò

respective work




extort a confession

【逼供信】bī ɡònɡ xìn

obtainment of confession by compulsion

【逼取证人证言】bīqǔ zhènɡrén zhènɡyán

extort testimony from a witness by violence


price ratio

【比例税率】bǐlì shuìlǜ

flat rate


in the light of

【比照适用】bǐzhào shìyònɡ

apply by reference/refer to in application


written record

【笔迹鉴定】bǐjì jiàndìnɡ

handwriting verification

【必备材料】bìbèi cáiliào

necessary materials

【必备条款】bìbèi tiáokuǎn

required clauses

【必备文件】bìbèi wénjiàn

essential document

【必须采取紧急措施】bìxū cǎiqǔ jǐnjí cuòshī

call for emergency measures

【必需的费用】bìxū de fèiyònɡ

expenses necessary

【必要措施】bìyào cuòshī

necessary step

【必要的材料】bìyào de cáiliào

necessary materials/information

【必要费用】bìyào fèiyònɡ

necessary expenses


when necessary

【必要限度】bìyào xiàndù

limit of necessity

【毕业分配】bìyè fēnpèi

job assignment upon graduation


not in session






historical mural

【避风】bì fēnɡ

take shelter from the wind

【避洪】bì hónɡ

flood evasion

【避开】bì kāi

get around



【避免赤字】bìmiǎn chìzì

avoid deficits

【避免、减轻危害】bìmiǎn,jiǎnqīnɡ wēihài

avoid and mitigate the damage

【避难场所】bìnàn chǎnɡsuǒ



collision avoidance


make way

【避让盲人】bìrànɡ mánɡrén

make way to blind persons


frontier defence

【边防检查】biānfánɡ jiǎnchá

frontier inspection/border inspection

【边防检查站】biānfánɡ jiǎncházhàn

frontier inspection station


side ditch


frontier areas

【边界噪声】biānjiè zàoshēnɡ

noise at the boundary



【边境标志】biānjìnɡ biāozhì

boundary marker

【边境城镇】biānjìnɡ chénɡzhèn

towns on the frontier

【边境旅游】biānjìnɡ lǚyóu

border tourism


border resident

【边民互市贸易】biānmín hùshì màoyì

trade among border residents

【边坡滑落】biānpō huáluò

slope sliding

【边远贫困地区】biānyuǎn pínkùn dìqū

outlying and poverty-stricken areas



【编辑加工】biānjí jiāɡōnɡ


【编辑责任制度】biānjí zérèn zhìdù

system of editorial responsibility




invent story

【编造并传播虚假信息】biānzào bìnɡ chuánbō xūjiǎ xìnxī

fabricate and disseminate false information

【编造虚假的事故原因】biānzào xūjiǎ de shìɡù yuányīn

fabricate the cause of incident

【编造虚假的原因】biānzào xūjiǎ de yuányīn

cook up the cause

【编造虚假理由】biānzào xūjiǎ lǐyóu

invent false reason

【编造虚假能源统计数据】biānzào xūjiǎ nénɡyuán tǒnɡjì shùjù

provide false energy statistical data

【编造虚假数据】biānzào xūjiǎ shùjù

fabricate statistical data

【编造重大虚假内容】biānzào zhònɡdà xūjiǎ nèirónɡ

falsify major information


draw up/authorized size/size

【编制清算报告】biānzhì qīnɡsuàn bàoɡào

prepare a liquidation report

【编制全国城镇体系规划】biānzhì quánɡuó chénɡzhèn tǐxì ɡuīhuà

formulation of the national urban hierarchical plan

【编制限额】biānzhì xiàn'é

limit of the authorized size

【编制修改方案】biānzhì xiūɡǎi fānɡ'àn

make plan for modification

【编制修建性详细规划】biānzhì xiūjiànxìnɡ xiánɡxì ɡuīhuà

draw up a detailed construction plan

【编制序列】biānzhì xùliè

order of establishment

【编制招标文件】biānzhì zhāobiāo wénjiàn

prepare documents for bid invitation



【变动情况】biàndònɡ qínɡkuànɡ

particulars of any change



【变更逮捕措施】biànɡēnɡ dàibǔ cuòshī

alter arrest decision

【变更登记】biànɡēnɡ dēnɡjì

modification registration

【变更登记手续】biànɡēnɡ dēnɡjì shǒuxù

register the change

【变更抵押权】biànɡēnɡ dǐyāquán

make changes in respect of the mortgage interest

【变更合同内容】biànɡēnɡ hétonɡ nèirónɡ

modify the content of the contract

【变更和终止】biànɡēnɡ hé zhōnɡzhǐ

modification or termination

【变更后的法人】biànɡēnɡ hòu de fǎrén

new legal person that result from the change

【变更或者解除】biànɡēnɡ huòzhě jiěchú

change or revoke

【变更加注】biànɡēnɡ jiāzhù

have the alteration noted

【变更矿区范围】biànɡēnɡ kuànɡqū fànwéi

change the limit of the mining area

【变更劳动合同】biànɡēnɡ láodònɡ hétonɡ

modification of a labor contract

【变更内容】biànɡēnɡ nèirónɡ

change to be made/change the content

【变更确认方式】biànɡēnɡ quèrèn fānɡshì

change confirmation way

【变更受益人】biànɡēnɡ shòuyìrén

change the beneficiary

【变更诉讼请求】biànɡēnɡ sùsònɡ qǐnɡqiú

modify the claims

【变更协议】biànɡēnɡ xiéyì

agreement on the modification

【变更行政许可事项】biànɡēnɡ xínɡzhènɡ xǔkě shìxiànɡ

modify the matters under administrative license

【变更原裁定】biànɡēnɡ yuáncáidìnɡ

revise the original order

【变更章程】biànɡēnɡ zhānɡchénɡ

alter the articles of association

【变更住所】biànɡēnɡ zhùsuǒ

change the domicile

【变价】biàn jià

realize the bankruptcy property into money/appraise at the current rate


sale/sell off


adaptive/be flexible/accommodate sth. to circumstances/adapt sth. to circumstances

【变通规定】biàntōnɡ ɡuīdìnɡ

alternate provision

【变相参与】biànxiànɡ cānyù

participate in a disguised form

【变相从事】biànxiànɡ cónɡshì

engage in a disguised form

【变相赌博】biànxiànɡ dǔbó

gamble in a disguised form

【变相返还】biànxiànɡ fǎnhuán

refund in a disguised form

【变相改变】biànxiànɡ ɡǎibiàn

change in a disguised form

【变相公开发行证券】biànxiànɡ ɡōnɡkāi fāxínɡ zhènɡquàn

(unlawful) public issuance of security in a disguised form

【变相拘禁】biànxiànɡ jūjìn

detained under disguise

【变相私分】biànxiànɡ sīfēn

privately divided in a disguised form

【变相体罚】biànxiànɡ tǐfá

corporal punishment in a disguised form

【变相推销商品】biànxiànɡ tuīxiāo shānɡpǐn

sell commodity in a disguised form

【变相吸收公众存款】biànxiànɡ xīshōu ɡōnɡzhònɡ cúnkuǎn

take in deposit from the general public in a disguised form

【变相限定】biànxiànɡ xiàndìnɡ

require in a disguised form

【变相增加】biànxiànɡ zēnɡjiā

increase in a disguised form

【变相增加收费项目】biànxiànɡ zēnɡjiā shōufèi xiànɡmù

increase fee collection items in a disguised form

【变相占用】biànxiànɡ zhànyònɡ

take up in disguised forms

【变相转移财产】biànxiànɡ zhuǎnyí cáichǎn

transfer of assets under disguise





【变造的公文】biànzào de ɡōnɡwén

altered official document

【变造的签章】biànzào de qiānzhānɡ

altered signature

【变造汇票】biànzào huìpiào

alter bills of exchange

【变造货币】biànzào huòbì

alter currency

【变造之前】biànzào zhīqián

before the alteration



【变质产品】biànzhì chǎnpǐn

deteriorated products



【便利和优惠】biànlì hé yōuhuì

convenience and benefit

【便利条件】biànlì tiáojiàn

convenience/facilitating conditions

【便民的原则】biànmín de yuánzé

principle of facilitating people

【便民高效】biànmín ɡāoxiào

convenient and efficient service

【便民利民】biànmín lìmín

convenience and benefit of the residents

【便于识别】biànyú shíbié

be readily distinguishable

【辨别是非】biànbié shìfēi

distinguish right from wrong

【辨别真伪】biànbié zhēnwěi

verify/distinguish the true from the false/discern the false from the genuine

【辨认能力】biànrèn nénɡlì

ability of recognizing



【辩护的权利】biànhù de quánlì

right to defense

【辩护律师】biànhù lǜshī

defence lawyers


right to defend



【辩护人责任】biànhùrén zérèn

responsibility of a defender

【辩护状】biànhù zhuànɡ


【辩论权利】biànlùn quánlì

right to debate

【辩证唯物主义】biànzhènɡ wéiwù zhǔyì

dialectical materialism



【标的的所有权证明】biāodì de suǒyǒuquán zhènɡmínɡ

certificate of the ownership of the target


object/subject matter/object subjected

【标的物的从物】biāodìwù de cónɡwù

accessory matter

【标的物的主物】biāodìwù de zhǔwù

principal targeted matter


base price for bid

【标定的价格】biāodìnɡ de jiàɡé

price appearing on the label

【标定地价】biāodìnɡ dìjià

standard land price


bid lot


marked price

【标明位置】biāomínɡ wèizhì

mark out the location of the scene

【标明作用】biāomínɡ zuòyònɡ

indicative role



【标石标志】biāoshí biāozhì

stone marker



【标识代码】biāoshí dàimǎ

label and code




bid/bidding document





【标志制度】biāozhì zhìdù

mark system

【标注能源效率标识】biāozhù nénɡyuán xiàolǜ biāoshí

attach energy efficiency label


sign post



【标准等级】biāozhǔn děnɡjí

standard rating

【标准和来源】biāozhǔn hé láiyuán

standards and sources



【标准化行政主管部门】biāozhǔnhuà xínɡzhènɡ zhǔɡuǎn bùmén

administrative department for standardization

【标准化要求】biāozhǔnhuà yāoqiú

standardization requirement

【标准文本】biāozhǔn wénběn

standard version

【标准样图】biāozhǔn yànɡtú

standard sample map

【表达意愿】biǎodá yìyuàn

express one's will (intention)

【表决程序】biǎojué chénɡxù

voting procedures

【表决方式】biǎojué fānɡshì

voting form


voting version


voting right

【表决权数】biǎojuéquán shù

number of votes

【表面状况】biǎomiàn zhuànɡkuànɡ

apparent order and condition

【表明出处】biǎomínɡ chūchù

with the sources clearly indicated


right of performance

【表演者身份】biǎoyǎnzhě shēnfèn

performer identity

【表彰奖励】biǎozhānɡ jiǎnɡlì

commendation and reward

【濒危野生动物】bīnwēi yěshēnɡ dònɡwù

wildlife of near extinction/endangered wild animal

【兵役登记】bīnɡyì dēnɡjì

registering for conscription/military service register/Register for Selective Service

【兵役工作业务】bīnɡyì ɡōnɡzuò yèwù

professional work concerning military service

【兵役机关】bīnɡyì jīɡuān

military service organ

【兵役制度】bīnɡyì zhìdù

military service system

【兵员动员】bīnɡyuán dònɡyuán

mobilization of troop

【丙类传染病】bǐnɡlèi chuánrǎnbìnɡ

infectious disease under Class C

【秉公执法】bǐnɡɡōnɡ zhífǎ

enforce laws and handle cases impartially

【并处或者单处罚金】bìnɡchǔ huòzhě dānchǔ fájīn

fine shall, in addition, or shall only, be imposed on



【并附有关证据】bìnɡfù yǒuɡuān zhènɡjù

with relevant evidence attached thereto


in consultation with

【并网发电】bìnɡwǎnɡ fādiàn

grid-connected power generation

【并网技术标准】bìnɡwǎnɡ jìshù biāozhǔn

technical standards for grid-connected power generation

【病历资料】bìnɡlì zīliào

medical history data

【病媒昆虫】bìnɡméi kūnchónɡ

insect which are carriers of disease

【病媒生物】bìnɡméi shēnɡwù

vector organism


illness condition

【病原微生物】bìnɡyuán wēishēnɡwù

pathogenic microorganism

【病原携带者】bìnɡyuán xiédàizhě

pathogen carrier

【病种名录】bìnɡzhǒnɡ mínɡlù

catalogues of the diseases









【剥夺公民人身自由】bōduó ɡōnɡmín rénshēn zìyóu

deprive a citizen of personal freedom

【剥夺人身自由】bōduó rénshēn zìyóu

deprivation of freedom of the person

【剥夺政治权利】bōduó zhènɡzhì quánlì

deprive (deprivation/deprival) of political rights

【剥夺政治权利的期限】bōduó zhènɡzhì quánlì de qīxiàn

terms of deprivation of political rights



【剥削阶级】bōxuē jiējí

exploiting class



【驳回理由】bóhuí lǐyóu

cause for rejecting

【驳回其申请】bóhuí qí shēnqǐnɡ

reject the application

【驳回上诉】bóhuí shànɡsù

reject the appeal

【驳回申请回避】bóhuí shēnqǐnɡ huíbì

reject the application for withdrawal



【博士研究生教育】bóshì yánjiūshēnɡ jiàoyù

doctoral post graduate education

【薄弱学校】bóruò xuéxiào

school started on weak foundation

【补办手续】bǔbàn shǒuxù

completion of the formalities

【补偿的权利】bǔchánɡ de quánlì

right to compensation

【补偿费用】bǔchánɡ fèiyònɡ

amount of compensation

【补偿功能】bǔchánɡ ɡōnɡnénɡ

compensate for lost function



【补充保险】bǔchōnɡ bǎoxiǎn

supplementary insurance

【补充的规定】bǔchōnɡ de ɡuīdìnɡ

supplementary provision

【补充调查】bǔchōnɡ diàochá

supplementary investigation

【《补充规则》】Bǔchōnɡ Guīzé

Supplemental Rules (Supplemental Rules of the Domain Name Dispute Resolution Provider)

【补充和修改】bǔchōnɡ hé xiūɡǎi

amend and supplement/supplemented and modified/addition or modification

【补充鉴定】bǔchōnɡ jiàndìnɡ

supplementary expert verification

【补充任命】bǔchōnɡ rènmìnɡ

appoint additional

【补充申报】bǔchōnɡ shēnbào

declare claim afterwards

【补充协议】bǔchōnɡ xiéyì

supplementary agreement

【补充约定】bǔchōnɡ yuēdìnɡ

supplementary agreement/complementary agreement

【补充责任】bǔchōnɡ zérèn

complementary liability

【补充侦查】bǔchōnɡ zhēnchá

supplementary investigation

【补充侦查的案件】bǔchōnɡ zhēnchá de ànjiàn

cases calling for supplementary investigation

【补充证据】bǔchōnɡ zhènɡjù

supplement evidence

【补地价】bǔ dìjià

pay an additional premium

【补发护照】bǔfā hùzhào

reissue of a passport




quarantine inspection retrospectively

【补交保险费】bǔjiāo bǎoxiǎnfèi

make up the unpaid insurance premium


make up the difference/make a supplementary payment/pay the cost/fee payable/pay fee

【补缴义务】bǔjiǎo yìwù

obligation to make up the difference



【补救措施】bǔjiù cuòshī

remedial measures



【补签合同】bǔqiān hétonɡ

retroactive contract


payment of delinquent tax

【补贴津贴】bǔtiē jīntiē

subsidy and allowances

【补贴资金】bǔtiē zījīn

fund for subsidies


deferred rest


elect to fill the vacancy


collect the money payable/collect the amount of tax should been collected

【补征税款】bǔzhēnɡ shuìkuǎn

levy additional tax


make supplementation or correction/rectification

【补助资金】bǔzhù zījīn

subsidy fund

【补足差额】bǔzú chā'é

make up the difference



【哺乳期内的子女】bǔrǔqī nèi de zǐnǚ

breast-fed infant

【哺乳自己婴儿的妇女】bǔrǔ zìjǐ yīnɡ'ér de fùnǚ

woman breast-feeding her own baby

【捕捞限额】bǔlāo xiàn'é

fishing norm

【捕捞限额制度】bǔlāo xiàn'é zhìdù

quota system for fishing

【捕捞限额总量】bǔlāo xiàn'é zǒnɡliànɡ

total allowable catch

【捕捞许可证】bǔlāo xǔkězhènɡ

fishing license

【捕捞许可证制度】bǔlāo xǔkězhènɡ zhìdù

license system for fishing




catch or kill

【不安全因素】bù ānquán yīnsù

insecure elements

【不安全因素和隐患】bù ānquán yīnsù hé yǐnhuàn

risks and latent problems undermining the safety

【不按照规定的品种】bù ànzhào ɡuīdìnɡ de pǐnzhǒnɡ

at variance with the variety prescribed


unrighted wrong/unredressed injustice

【不被监听】bùbèi jiāntīnɡ

not be monitored

【不必要的检查】bù bìyào de jiǎnchá

unnecessary examination

【不采纳】bù cǎinà

reject/not adopt/no adoption





【不当得利】bùdànɡ délì

unjust enrichment

【不当利益】bùdànɡ lìyì

improper benefits

【不当之处】bùdànɡ zhīchù

inappropriate part

【不得承运】bùdé chénɡyùn

do not undertake transport

【不得从事】bùdé cónɡshì

never engage in

【不得公开的内容除外】bùdé ɡōnɡkāi de nèirónɡ chúwài

except for the content which may not be disclosed

【不得假释】bùdé jiǎshì

no parole shall be granted

【不得留置的动产】bùdé liúzhì de dònɡchǎn

movable may not be retained

【不得牟利】bùdé móulì

may not seek profits

【不得申请扣押船舶】bùdé shēnqǐnɡ kòuyā chuánbó

no application for arrest of a ship

【不得无故迟延支付】bùdé wúɡù chíyán zhīfù

paid without undue delay

【不得行使言论自由的权利】bùdé xínɡshǐ yánlùn zìyóu de quánlì

exercise no right of freedom of speech

【不得转让】bùdé zhuǎnrànɡ


【不低于原来的标准】bùdīyú yuánlái de biāozhǔn

no less favourable than before

【不定期航班运输】bùdìnɡqī hánɡbān yùnshū

non-scheduled air transport

【不定期租赁】bùdìnɡqī zūlìn

lease without fixed term

【不定向抽样检查】bú dìnɡxiànɡ chōuyànɡ jiǎnchá

non-orientation sampling inspection


immovables/real estate

【不动产的所有权】bùdònɡchǎn de suǒyǒuquán

ownership of immovable property/ownership of the real estate

【不动产登记簿】bùdònɡchǎn dēnɡjìbù

register of the immovables

【不动产界址】bùdònɡchǎn jièzhǐ

boundary of the immovables

【不动产纠纷】bùdònɡchǎn jiūfēn

dispute over real estate/immovables

【不动产权利人】bùdònɡchǎn quánlìrén

owner of the immovable

【不动产权属证书】bùdònɡchǎn quánshǔ zhènɡshū

right attribution certificate of the immovable

【不动产所在地】bùdònɡchǎn suǒzàidì

place where the real estate is located

【不动产物权】bùdònɡchǎn wùquán

property right of the immovable

【不动产物权的设立】bùdònɡchǎn wùquán de shèlì

creation of the property right of the immovable

【不动产物权的消灭】bùdònɡchǎn wùquán de xiāomiè

extinction of the property right

【不对国外人开放】bùduì ɡuówàirén kāifànɡ

closed to aliens

【不发达地区】bùfādá dìqū

under-developed areas

【不法侵害】bùfǎ qīnhài

unlawful infringement

【不妨碍】bù fánɡ'ài

without prejudice to


refuse to accept

【不服复议决定】bùfú fùyì juédìnɡ

not satisfied with the review decision

【不服判决的上诉和抗诉】bùfú pànjué de shànɡsù hé kànɡsù

appeal or protest against a judgment

【不符合本法规定】bùfúhé běnfǎ ɡuīdìnɡ

fail to comply with the present Law

【不符合法律规定条件】bùfúhé fǎlǜ ɡuīdìnɡ tiáojiàn

fail to meet the conditions provided by law

【不符合录用条件】bùfúhé lùyònɡ tiáojiàn

unqualified for recruitment

【不符合条件的罪犯】bùfúhé tiáojiàn de zuìfàn

criminal who does not meet the condition

【不负刑事责任】bùfù xínɡshì zérèn

freed from criminal liability

【不负责任】bùfù zérèn

neglect of responsibility/neglect of duty/be irresponsible for

【不附有船舶优先权】bùfùyǒu chuánbó yōuxiānquán

no maritime lien is attached

【不改正】bù ɡǎizhènɡ

fail to correct

【不给予行政处罚】bù jǐyǔ xínɡzhènɡ chǔfá

fail to impose administrative penalty

【不公开审理的案件】bù ɡōnɡkāi shěnlǐ de ànjiàn

not hear a case in public

【不购买】bù ɡòumǎi

refuse to purchase

【不够刑事处罚】bù ɡòu xínɡshì chǔfá

not serious enough for criminal punishment

【不合格产品】bùhéɡé chǎnpǐn

sub-standard product

【不合格的建筑材料】bùhéɡé de jiànzhù cáiliào

unqualified construction materials

【不合格的武器装备】bùhéɡé de wǔqì zhuānɡbèi

substandard weapon or equipment

【不合格商品】bùhéɡé shānɡpǐn

commodity that are not up to standard

【不合格血液】bùhéɡé xuèyè

substandard blood

【不合规格的】bùhé ɡuīɡé de


【不合理的危险】bùhélǐ de wēixiǎn

unreasonable danger

【不及时出警】bùjíshí chūjǐnɡ

fail to dispatch the police to the scene


unclean articles

【不具有相应资质】bùjùyǒu xiānɡyìnɡ nɡ zīzhì


【不具有相应资质等级】bùjùyǒu xiānɡyìnɡ zīzhì děnɡjí

lack the qualification commensurate with the task

【不可撤销】bùkě chèxiāo


【不可分离的部分】bùkě fēnlí de bùfen

inalienable part

【不可解体】bùkě jiětǐ


【不可抗拒】bùkě kànɡjù



force majeure

【不可上诉】bùkě shànɡsù


【不可移动文物】bùkě yídònɡ wénwù

immovable cultural relics

【不可再生】bùkě zàishēnɡ


【不立案的理由】bùlì'àn de lǐyóu

reason for not filing the case

【不利影响】bùlì yǐnɡxiǎnɡ

disadvantage/adverse effect/unfavorable effect/negative influence

【不利后果】bùlì hòuɡuǒ

unfavorable consequence

【不良环境影响】bùliánɡ huánjìnɡ yǐnɡxiǎnɡ

adverse effect on the environment

【不良记录】bùliánɡ jìlù

bad record

【不良行为】bùliánɡ xínɡwéi


【不良资产】bùliánɡ zīchǎn

non-performing assets

【不列赤字】bùliè chìzì

no deficit listed


fail to discharge

【不履行调解协议】bùlǚxínɡ tiáojiě xiéyì

fail to perform the agreement

【不论其所属国籍】bùlùn qí suǒshǔ ɡuójí

irrespective of one's nationality



【不明的】bùmínɡ de



fail to

【不能安全使用】bùnénɡ ānquán shǐyònɡ

cannot be used safely

【不能独立实施的】bùnénɡ dúlì shíshī de

not be independently performed

【不能归责于质权人的事由】bùnénɡ ɡuīzéyú zhìquánrén de shìyóu

due to no fault of the pledgee

【不能抗拒的灾祸】bùnénɡ kànɡjù de zāihuò

irresistible disaster

【不能控制】bùnénɡ kònɡzhì

beyond control

【不能免除】bùnénɡ miǎnchú

not entitled to exoneration

【不能取得教师资格】bùnénɡ qǔdé jiàoshī zīɡé

not be allowed to obtain qualification for a teacher

【不能胜任工作】bùnénɡ shènɡrèn ɡōnɡzuò

unqualified for one's work

【不能移动的】bùnénɡ yídònɡ de


【不能正常运行】bùnénɡ zhènɡchánɡ yùnxínɡ

be impossible to operate normally

【不能自理】bùnénɡ zìlǐ

unable to look after oneself

【不配备船员的船舶】bù pèibèi chuányuán de chuánbó

unmanned ship

【不批准】bù pīzhǔn


【不批准逮捕的决定】bù pīzhǔn dàibǔ de juédìnɡ

decide to disapprove the arrest

【不平等待遇】bùpínɡděnɡ dàiyù

treat unequally


fail to bring an action/nol pros/non-prosecution

【不轻信口供】bù qīnɡxìn kǒuɡònɡ

credence shall not be readily given to oral statement

【不容侵犯】bùrónɡ qīnfàn

brook no infringement

【不上缴】bù shànɡjiǎo

not be handed over to


not fewer than

【不少于全体议员三分之二多数】bùshǎoyú quántǐ yìyuán sānfēnzhī'èr duōshù

not less than a two-thirds majority of all the members

【不设立公司】bù shèlì ɡōnɡsī

not to establish the company

【不设区的市】bù shè qū de shì

city not divided into districts

【不设下属的委员会】bù shè xiàshǔ de wěiyuánhuì

dispense with the sub-committee

【不生育的自由】bù shēnɡyù de zìyóu

freedom not to bear any child


not true to fact



【不适当的地方性法规】bùshìdànɡ de dìfānɡxìnɡ fǎɡuī

inappropriate local decrees

【不适当的法律】bùshìdànɡ de fǎlǜ

inappropriate law

【不适当的规章】bùshìdànɡ de ɡuīzhānɡ

inappropriate rules

【不适当的决定和命令】bùshìdànɡ de juédìnɡ hé mìnɡlìnɡ

inappropriate decision and order

【不适当的决议】bùshìdànɡ de juéyì

inappropriate resolution




be not suitable for

【不受逮捕】bùshòu dàibǔ

not be subjected to arrest

【不受到歧视】bù shòudào qíshì

be free from discrimination

【不受地域限制】bùshòu dìyù xiànzhì

be not subject to regional restriction

【不受法律追究】bùshòu fǎlǜ zhuījiū

not be held legally liable for

【不受干涉】bùshòu ɡānshè

be free from interference


do not accept

【不受歧视】bùshòu qíshì

not be discriminated against/be free from discrimination

【不受侵犯】bùshòu qīnfàn

not to be infringed upon

【不受任何干涉】bùshòu rènhé ɡānshè

free from any interference

【不受时效限制权】bùshòu shíxiào xiànzhì quán

imprescriptible right

【不受限制】bùshòu xiànzhì

be free from the restriction/be not subject to


other than/not belonging to

【不属于各部和各委员会】bùshǔyú ɡè bù hé ɡè wěiyuánhuì

do not fall within the jurisdiction of the ministries and commissions

【不属于自己管理】bùshǔyú zìjǐ ɡuǎnlǐ

not under one's jurisdiction

【不属于自治范围】bùshǔyú zìzhì fànwéi

outside the limits of the autonomy

【不溯及既往】bùsùjí jìwǎnɡ

do not have retroactive force

【不特定对象】bù tèdìnɡ duìxiànɡ

non-specified object

【不提出异议又不履行支付令】bù tíchū yìyì yòu bù lǚxínɡ zhīfùlìnɡ

neither dissented from nor complied with the order of payment

【不听劝阻】bùtīnɡ quànzǔ

turn a deaf ear to dissuasion

【不听制止】bùtīnɡ zhìzhǐ

refuse to be stopped


unfamiliar with


inconsistent with

【不同的证据】bùtónɡ de zhènɡjù

proof to the contrary

【不同范围】bùtónɡ fànwéi

various circle

【不同范围的群众】bùtónɡ fànwéi de qúnzhònɡ

various sections of the people

【不同方式管理】bùtónɡ fānɡshì ɡuǎnlǐ

varied control

【不同意见】bùtónɡ yìjiàn

differing opinions

【不同约定】bùtónɡ yuēdìnɡ

different stipulation



【不许可的决定】bù xǔkě de juédìnɡ

decision not to grant permission



【不宜继续扣押】bùyí jìxù kòuyā

not suitable for being arrested longer

【不宜交付审判】bùyí jiāofù shěnpàn

not appropriate to hand over for trial

【不宜生育】bùyí shēnɡyù

inappropriate for child-bearing

【不以纯度折算】bùyǐ chúndù zhésuàn

not to be converted according to the purity

【不应有的损害】bùyīnɡyǒu de sǔnhài

undue damage

【不影响该法律的生效】bù yǐnɡxiǎnɡ ɡāi fǎlǜ de shēnɡxiào

not affect the entry into force of such law


not grant to/fail to grant to

【不予保护】bùyǔ bǎohù

do not protect

【不予补正】bùyǔ bǔzhènɡ

refuse to make supplementation or correction

【不予查处】bùyǔ cháchǔ

fail to investigate into and handle

【不予处罚】bùyǔ chǔfá

not to be penalized

【不予登记】bùyǔ dēnɡjì

deny registration

【不予立案】bùyǔ lì'àn

do not file a case

【不予取缔】bùyǔ qǔdì

fail to clamp down

【不予确认】bùyǔ quèrèn


【不予上市】bùyǔ shànɡshì

disapprove the listing

【不予受理】bùyǔ shòulǐ

refusal to entertain a case

【不予刑事处罚】bùyǔ xínɡshì chǔfá

be not given criminal punishment

【不予修改】bùyǔ xiūɡǎi

refuse to make any amendment

【不愿调解】bùyuàn tiáojiě

decline conciliation

【不愿协商】bùyuàn xiéshānɡ

not willing to have a consultation

【不愿泄露】bùyuàn xièlù

do not want other people to know

【不再变动】bùzài biàndònɡ

no longer be altered

【不再符合】bùzài fúhé

cease to meet

【不再具备】bùzài jùbèi

no longer meet

【不再具备上市条件】bùzài jùbèi shànɡshì tiáojiàn

fail to meet the requirement of listing

【不再执行】bùzài zhíxínɡ

cease to be executed

【不征或者少征应征税款】bùzhēnɡ huòzhě shǎozhēnɡ yīnɡzhēnɡ shuìkuǎn

fail to collect or undercollect the tax payable

【不征税收入】bù zhēnɡshuì shōurù

untaxed income

【不正当地使用】bùzhènɡdànɡ de shǐyònɡ

inappropriately exploit

【不正当价格行为】bùzhènɡdànɡ jiàɡé xínɡwéi

illicit price behaviors

【不正当竞争】bùzhènɡdànɡ jìnɡzhēnɡ

unfair competition

【不正当竞争行为】bùzhènɡdànɡ jìnɡzhēnɡ xínɡwéi

act of unfair competition

【不正当利益】bùzhènɡdànɡ lìyì

illegitimate benefits

【不正当目的】bùzhènɡdànɡ mùdì

improper purpose

【不正当手段】bùzhènɡdànɡ shǒuduàn

unfair means

【不支付加班费】bùzhīfù jiābānfèi

give no overtime pay

【不直接抚养子女】bù zhíjiē fǔyǎnɡ zǐnǚ

do not rear one's own children directly

【不致发生社会危险性】bùzhì fāshēnɡ shèhuì wēixiǎnxìnɡ

would not endanger society

【不准离婚】bùzhǔn líhūn

disallow the divorce

【不准上诉】bùzhǔn shànɡsù

may not be appealed against


less than/under

【不足部分】bùzú bùfen

difference/insufficient section

【不足额保险】bùzú'é bǎoxiǎn



not sufficient to

【不作出复议决定】bù zuòchū fùyì juédìnɡ

fail to make a reconsideration decision

【不作否认表示】bùzuò fǒurèn biǎoshì

fail to repudiate sth.



【不作为侵权行为处理】bùzuòwéi qīnquán xínɡwéi chǔlǐ

not be treated as an infringing act



【部分撤销】bùfen chèxiāo

ordered to be partially recalled

【部分地剥夺】bùfen de bōduó

partly deprived

【部分或者全部】bùfen huòzhě quánbù

part of or all of

【部分或者全部丧失劳动能力】bùfen huòzhě quánbù sànɡshī láodònɡ nénɡlì

partially or fully losing labor capacity

【部分履行债务】bùfen lǚxínɡ zhàiwù

discharge of debts in part

【部分权利】bùfen quánlì

part of the rights

【部分事项】bùfen shìxiànɡ

part of those affairs

【部分损失】bùfen sǔnshī

partial loss

【部分调整方案】bùfen tiáozhěnɡ fānɡ'àn

partial adjustment to the plan

【部分无效】bùfen wúxiào

partial invalidity

【部分修改】bùfen xiūɡǎi

partially amend

【部分职权】bùfen zhíquán

some of the functions/certain functions and powers

【部分补充】bùfen bǔchōnɡ

partially supplement

【部际联席会议】bùjì liánxí huìyì

inter-ministerial joint conference



【部门公报】bùmén ɡōnɡbào

agency bulletin

【部门规章】bùmén ɡuīzhānɡ

rules of departments

【部门首长】bùmén shǒuzhǎnɡ

person in charge of the agency

【部门统计标准】bùmén tǒnɡjì biāozhǔn

departmental statistical standard

【部门统计调查项目】bùmén tǒnɡjì diàochá xiànɡmù

statistical investigation items of a department




make plan/arrang/map out/lay out/deploy


ministry and commission

【部务会议】bùwù huìyì

ministerial affairs meeting



【部长、主任负责制】bùzhǎnɡ,zhǔrèn fùzézhì

ministers assume overall responsibility for the work of the ministry ministries and commissions