
第150章 公元1603~1881年的英格兰(58)

6.The House of Commons,which is elected by the people,possesses the sole right of levying taxes and of voting money for the public service.Commanding all the sources of supply,it can thus effectually control the Sovereign.In 1801there were 658representatives:-45for Scotland,100for Ireland,and 513for England and Wales.The Reform Bills of 1867-8arranged the numbers thus:-England and Wales.....................493Members.




7.The Parliament is dissolved (1)by the will of the Sovereign,acting on the advice of the Ministers for the time being;(2)after seven years of existence.The necessity of voting supplies to carry on the Government secures its meeting annually.

8.No member of Parliament can resign;but a law of Queen Anne provides that a member who takes office under the Crown vacates his seat.It has accordingly come to be the custom for members wishing to resign to apply to the Chancellor of the Exchequer for the Stewardship of the Chiltern Hundreds.This office,accepted one day,is resigned the next;and so the member is free.When a new Parliament meets,the first thing the Commons do is to elect a chairman,who is called the Speaker.

9.The process by which a Bill becomes an Act of Parliament is as follows:-After notice of motion has been duly given,leave is granted to bring in the Bill.It is then read for the first time.Thereafter,a day is fixed for the second reading,before the arrival of which the Bill is printed and circulated.The first debate and voting usually take place on the second reading.The members voteby going into different lobbies;and they are counted by tellers.The House then forms itself into a Committee,to discuss and amend the details of the measure.After a third reading,the Bill is sent up to the Lords.

10.In the Upper House it undergoes a similar process.But if altered there,it is sent back to the Commons,who either agree to the alterations or demand a conference with the Lords.

11.The royal assent is then required,in order that the Bill may become an Act.This is given either personally or by commission.The Sovereign,thoughconstitutionally possessed of a vetoa on every measure passel by the Houses,never exercises the prerogative.The last instance of refusal occurred when Queen Anne,in 1707,declined to sanction a Scottish Militia Bill.

12.The maxim,that “the Sovereign can do no wrong,”implies that he (or she)acts by the advice of Ministers who are responsible to Parliament.When the Ministry is overthrown by a defeat on any important Bill which they have brought in,or by a vote of want of confidence,the Sovereign sends for the principal statesman of opposite politics and intrusts him with the task of forming a new Government.











aVeto (Lat.).-“I forbid;”hence,a prohibition.

b 政府组成结构:这里提到的政府的三个组成部分,有时候也叫做“王国三等级”,但这是一个错误。君主并不是一个等级。三个等级是指上院神职议员、上院世俗议员和下院议员。由于这种等级序列的巨大影响,百姓叫做“第四等级”。







a 否决权:源于拉丁文“我不同意”,因此表示禁止某事。