Larry Dressler

书城作者Larry Dressler
Larry Dressler
Larry Dressler

  • Consensus Through Conversations

    Consensus Through Conversations

    Dressler shows how to cultivate six "stances" —mental, emotional, and physical — that will keep you steady, impartial, purposeful, compassionate, and good-humored. he helps you keep your cool and make the kind of inventive, split-second decisions these pressure-cooker situations demand.
    第7章 CHAPTER 22020-04-22 10:21:11
  • Consensus Through Conversations

    Consensus Through Conversations

    Dressler shows how to cultivate six "stances" —mental, emotional, and physical — that will keep you steady, impartial, purposeful, compassionate, and good-humored. he helps you keep your cool and make the kind of inventive, split-second decisions these pressure-cooker situations demand.
    第7章 CHAPTER 22020-04-22 10:21:11