Betsy Polk Maggie Ellis Chotas
Betsy Polk Maggie Ellis Chotas
Power Through Partnership
Winner of the 2015 silver medal ippy award in business/career/sales. Betsy Polk and Maggie Chotas have learned something powerful: when women work together they discover a level of support, flexibility, confidence, and freedom to be themselves that they rarely find in other work relationships.第4章 Introduction Out from Under the Radar2020-05-10 14:51:15
Power Through Partnership
Winner of the 2015 silver medal ippy award in business/career/sales. Betsy Polk and Maggie Chotas have learned something powerful: when women work together they discover a level of support, flexibility, confidence, and freedom to be themselves that they rarely find in other work relationships.第4章 Introduction Out from Under the Radar2020-05-10 14:51:15