composer* [] n.作曲者,作曲家
create* [ kri....eit ] n.①创造,创作②造成,引起
[ 同义] ①make,produce ②cause,generate
[ 反义] dest roy
[ 例句] The author is good at cr eating characters in his book.
decorate* [ ] n.装饰;装璜
[ 同义] ornament
[ 考点] decorate a hall for Christmas 为过圣诞节而装饰礼堂
decorate a st reet with flags 用旗子装饰
[ 例句] They decor ate the str eets with Christmas t ree lights.
delightful [ di..laitful] adj.令人愉快的
[ 考点] be delightful to s b.使某人很快乐
[ 例句] The music is delightful to me.
doorway [..d....wei ] n.门口
[ 考点] stand in the doorway 站在门口
doorway to success 成功之道
[ 例句] Exe rcise is a doorway to good health.
elementary * [..eli..ment..ri ] ad j.基本的;初级的;基础的
[ 同义] basic,es sential,foudamental
[ 考点] elementary education 初步教育
an elementa ry school (prima ry school) 小学
eve* [ i..v] n.前夕,前日
[ 考点] Christmas Eve 圣诞节前夕
on the eve of 在.的前夕
evergreen [..ev....ri..n] n.常青树
exchange* [ iks..t..eind..] v./n.交换,交流
[ 考点] exchange A for B 用 A 换B
exchange A with B 用 B 交换A
make an exchange 进行交换
in exchange for 交换
[ 例句] 1 ) She exchanged the blue dress for a yellow one.
2 ) I am giving him English les sons in exchange for French les sons.
fame* [ feim] n.名声,声誉
[ 同义] reputation,honour
[ 考点] a ttain/come to/r each fame 成名
a spot on one’s fame 名声上的污点
bear a great fame for 因.而负盛名
go af ter fame or money 追名逐利
[ 辨析] fame;r eputation;honour
fame 特别指好名声;reputa tion 着重指他人所持有的对某人、对某物的看法,可以是好的,也可以是坏的;honour 指由于高尚的举止、忠心和诚实而得的好名声和荣誉。例: All honours go to the Pa rty.一切荣誉归于党。
festive* [..festiv] ad j.节日的,欢乐的
fireplace* [..fai..pleis] n.壁炉
generous* [..d..en..r..s ] n.①慷慨大方的②宽厚的
[ 同义] ①lavish②fr iendly,helpful
[ 考点] be generous with one’s money 用钱大方
be generous in giving help 乐于助人
be generous to /towa rd sb.待某人宽厚
ghost* [....ust ] n.鬼,幽灵
guarantee* [...... r..n..ti..] v./n.担保,保证
[ 同义] assur e,ensure,ins ur e
[ 考点] have a one-yea r gua rantee on sth.对某物保用一年
give a guar antee for sth.or sb.为某事或某人担保
guarantee against/from 保证.不.
[ 辨析] assur e;ensure;ins ur e;gua rantee
assur e 向.保证;使确信,后面须连用人称代词或指人的名词为宾语。例: I assure you (that )
there is no dange r.assure 有时也可与ensure 通用,作“ 保证” 讲,但不如ensur e 普通。例:
This as sur es (ensures ) the success of our work.
ens ur e 和insure 几乎可以完全通用,但习惯用ensure 来表达普通的“保证”,而用insure 来表达“保险” (纯粹经济意义) 。例: The building has been insured.gua rantee”对事物的品质或人的行为“提出担保”,常带有以某物为抵押的原始意义。例: I can gua rantee the watch for a twelvemonth.
immigrant* [..imi..r..nt ] n.移民ad j.(从外国) 移来的
[ 同义] emigrant
[ 辨析] emigrant 指的是离开国家到别国永久居住的人;immigrant 指的是来自国外的移民。例: California has many immigrants from other countr ies.immigrant 强调的是迁入,emigr ant 强调的是迁出。
infant* [..inf..nt ] n.婴儿,幼儿adj.婴儿的;初期的
[ 例句] The woman is carrying an infant in her arms.
legend* [..led....nd] n.传奇,传说;传奇人物
[ 考点] The legend says/goes tha t 传说中说.
[ 例句] He became a legend in his own time.
manufacture* [..m .. nju..f .. kt....] v.(大量) 制造,生产n.制造业;制品
[ 同义] v.make,produce
[ 辨析] make 是一个普通用词,意为“做”、制造;manufacture
强调用机器进行大批量生产和制造;produce 主要泛指“生产”。
meaningful [..m..i ni..ful ] ad j.有重要意义的;有含义的
[ 同义] impor tant,significant
[ 反义] meaningless,unimpor tant,insignificant perform* [ p....f....m] v.①表演②履行,执行;完成
[ 同义] ①act,s how②carry out,fulfil,do
[ 考点] perform one’s job 做本职工作perform one’s promise 履行诺言perform on the piano 演奏钢琴
pie* [ pai] n.馅饼
plum [ pl..m] n.李子,梅子
pudding [..pudi..] n.布丁
reindeer [..rein..di..] n.驯鹿
sauce* [ s....s ] n.沙司;调味汁
selfish* [..selfi..] ad j.自私的,利己的
[ 反义] selfles s 无私的
[ 考点] be selfish with 对.自私
[ 例句] He is ve ry selfish with his money,he gives ve ry lit tle to his wife.
shepherd [....ep..d] n.牧羊人
shopper [......p..] n.顾客
shortly* [........tli] adv.①马上,立刻②简短地
[ 考点] shortly before/af ter 在.之前/之后不久
to put it s hortly (作状语) 简言之
skater * [..skeit..] n.滑冰的人
skier [] n.滑雪的人
stocking* [] n.长筒袜
string* [ str i..] n.①一串;一行②细绳
[ 考点] a st ring of buses 一长串公共汽车
a st ring of excuses 一连串借口
theatrical [..i.... trik..l ] ad j.戏剧的
tradi tion* [ t r....di....n] n.①传统②惯例
[ 同义] ②convention,custom,habit
[ 考点] break with t radition 背离传统
carry forwa rd/cherish t radition 发扬/珍视传统
keep up the fine t radition of plain living and hard work 保持艰苦朴素的优良传统
turkey [] n.火鸡
variation* [..v....ri..ei....n] n.变化,变更,偏差
[ 同义] dive rsity,variety
[ 考点] show a wide var iation 显示很大变化variations in colour 颜色的变化a variation of 10 ma rks in score 十分之差youngster * [] n.年轻人,少年,小伙子,青年
[ 同义] infant,child,youth
[ 考点] a youngster of ten 十岁的少年
[ 辨析] youngster;child
youngster 可以指任何年龄的child (孩子) 或青少年,它多被年纪较大的人用,有青春活泼与有力的含义。它更多地用于男孩,而非女孩。child 在年龄上包括婴儿到进入青春期的少男少女。如school children (中小学) 学生。
Passage Ⅱ April Fools’ Day
abandon* [....b .. nd..n] v.放弃,抛弃
[ 同义] give up,quit
[ 反义] continue
[ 考点] abandon one’s hope/work 放弃希望/工作abandon smoking 戒烟abandon the pen for the gun 弃笔从戎
[ 例句] The gi rl had to a bandon her journey because of her mothe r’s illnes s.advert isement* [..d..v....tism..nt ] n.广告
[ 考点] buy things from adver tisement 购买广告上宣传的商品
run an adver tisement 做广告
put an adver tisement on TV 在电视上做广告
[ 例句] He put an adver tisement on TV for his mis sing lit - tle daughter.
agency * [..eid....nsi]
[ 同义] organization
[ 考点] a news agency 通讯社
t ravel agency 旅行社
through an employment agency 通过一家职业介绍所
amuse* [....mju..z] v.逗乐;消遣
[ 同义] enter tain
[ 考点] be amused at/with 觉得.好笑(有趣)
amuse oneself by doing sth.做某事来消遣
[ 例句] They amused themselves by playing cards.
apology * [....p..l..d..i] n.道歉
[ 考点] make one’s appologies to sb.for doing sth.因某事向人道歉
demand an immediate apology from sb.要求某人立即道歉
archaeology [] n.考古学
attraction* [....t r .. k....n] n.有吸引力的事物
[ 考点] hold/have an at t raction for sb.对某人有吸引力
[ 例句] Detective novels hold a special att raction for young people.
authenticity [........en..tis..ti] n.真实性
[ 同义] reality
bastion [..b .. sti..n,- t....n] n.堡垒
bodyguard [..b..di......d] n.保镖
channel * [..t.... n..l ] n.①海峡②水道③频道④途径
[ 同义] ①st rait
[ 考点] the English Channel 英吉利海峡
switch to anothe r channel 换一个频道
through the usual/normal channel 通过通常的/正常的渠道(途径)
cliff* [ klif] n.悬崖,峭壁
colonel [..k....n..l] n.上校
comic* [..k..mik] ad j.令人发笑的,滑稽的;喜剧的
[ 同义] comical
[ 考点] comic book 连环画a comic song 滑稽歌曲convincing [ k..n..vinsi..] ad j.令人信服的
[ 反义] unconvincing
[ 考点] a convincing a rgument 令人信服的论据
a convincing speake r 能说服听众的演说家
correspondent* [..k..ri..sp..nd..nt ] n.通讯员,记者
[ 同义] reporte r
criticise* [..kritisaiz] v.①批评,指责②评论,评价
[ 同义] ①blame②evaluate
[ 反义] ①praise
[ 考点] c riticise name 点名批评某人
c riticise sb.for sth.因某事而批评某人
curved [ k....vd] a dj.弯曲的
deceive* [] v.欺骗
[ 同义] cheat
[ 考点] deceive sb.into doing sth.骗某人做某事
deceive a person with fair words 用花言巧语欺骗人
[ 例句] He deceived the old lady into lending him all her money for his busines s.
depict* [di..pikt ] v.描绘,描画;描述