
第31章 Nature奇趣自然(1)

01 Animals 认识各种动物

Animals with a backbone are called vertebrates. Animals without backbones are called invertebrates.

Mammals are vertebrates have hair and nearly all of them breathe through their lungs. Female mammals produce their own milk to feed their babies. The blood of mammals stays about the same temperature all the time. Mammals are called warm-blooded animals.

The elephant is the largest land mammal. However, the whale is the largest of all mammals and the shrew is the smallest.

In addition to mammals, you studied about birds, fish, and insects. Birds migrate long distances. The Arctic tern migrates from the Arctic to the Antarctic, a round trip flight of 22,000 miles (35,000) kilometers). Some birds migrate at night, others by day. Some travel alone, others in flocks.

No one knows except the Creator just what instinct is or how it guides birds and animals in such distant trips. We only know that both birds and animals have what is called instinct and use it in ways that we cannot understand.

The instinct and special senses that God has given birds, insects, and animals are wonderful gifts that help to protect them. The bat is a good example. Although this little mammal cannot see very well, it flies by means of a built-in type of “radar.” This built-in system keeps the bat from hitting objects. It also helps it to fly at night when many insects are in the air. The bat needs the insects for food.

The green turtle is another living example of instinct. Instinct guides this reptile long distances through ocean water back to the little island where it was born.

Bees belong to the insect family. Like most insects, bees have three pairs of legs and four wings. The worker bee’s hind legs have an area called “pollen baskets”. These “baskets” carry pollen from the flowers to the hive. Only one queen bee is in a hive, but there may be as many as 75,000 worker bees. A few male bees, called drones, take care of the eggs so they will hatch. The worker bees keep the hive at an even temperature of 95° Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius) in order to keep the food supply cool. Bees also send out scouts to locate pollen. When the scouts return, they perform a dance to show the workers which way and how far they should go in order to get pollen.

Man has realized that some species of animals are in danger. He has formed wildlife sanctuaries to protect certain kinds of animals that are in danger of becoming extinct. People are trying to get wildlife to return by providing habitats for the animals. They are leaving some thickets, weed patches, and marshes undisturbed so that wildlife will return. These wildlife refuges may help prevent more animals becoming extinct.

Vocabulary 词汇

backbone ["b?kb?un] n. 脊骨、脊柱、主力、中坚、骨气、毅力

vertebrate ["v?:tibrit] n. 脊椎动物

invertebrate [in"v?:tibr?t] adj. 无脊椎的;

n. 无脊椎动物

Mammal ["m?m?l] n. 哺乳动物

whale [hweil] n. 鲸、鲸鱼

shrew [?ru:] n. 鼩鼱

migrate [mai"ɡreit] vi. 迁移、移往

tern [t?:n] n. 三个一组、燕鸥

instinct ["insti?kt] n. 本能、天性、直觉

bat [b?t] n. 球棒、球拍、击球员、蝙蝠

reptile ["reptail] n. 爬行动物、爬虫

pollen ["p?lin] n. 花粉

hive [haiv] n. 蜂箱、蜂巢、蜂群、喧闹地区

drone [dr?un] n. 雄蜂、不务正业而依赖他人为生者、嗡嗡声;

vi. 发出嗡嗡声

hatch [h?t?] vt. & vi. 孵化、孵出、破壳而出;

vt. 秘密策划;

n. 活板门、舱口

scout [skaut] n. 侦察员(机、舰)、童子军、侦察;

vt. & vi. 寻找、侦察

sanctuary ["s??kt?u?ri] n. 圣所、圣地、庇护所、避难所

extinct [iks"ti?kt] adj. 灭绝的、绝种的、破灭的

patch [p?t?] n. 补丁、补片、眼罩、斑、小片;

vt. 补、修理、解决

marsh [mɑ:?] n. 沼泽、湿地

refuge ["refju:d?] n. 避难(所、处)、庇护


Write true or false.

1.Bees keep their hives at an even temperature of 110 degrees to protect their food.

2.Drones in a beehive have no work to do.

3.Bees called scouts communicate by means of a dance.

4.Worker bees have a basket on their hind legs to carry pollen from the flowers to the hive.

5.A drone is a male honeybee.

6.A bird refuge is a place where birds can fly to for protection.

7.Some people are becoming interested in keeping animals from becoming extinct.

8.Farmers are draining swamps and marshes to provide a habitat for wildlife.

9.Extinct means no longer existing.

10.A sanctuary is a place that animals should avoid.

11.A habitat is a place where an animal or plant would naturally live.

12. Instinct is a mysterious guiding force within animals which scientists do not fully understand.





除哺乳动物外,你还知道鸟类、鱼类和昆虫。鸟类随季节的变化要进行远距离的迁徙。北极圈的燕鸥从北极圈迁徙到南极圈,来回22 000英里(35 000千米)的路程。有些鸟类夜晚迁徙,有些白天迁徙。还有些鸟类独自迁徙,而有些鸟类却要集体迁徙。




蜜蜂属于昆虫家族,跟其他的昆虫一样,蜜蜂有三双腿和两对翅膀。工蜂的后腿上有一块区域被叫作“花粉篮子”,这些“篮子”把花粉从花朵上搬运到蜂房中。在一个蜂房中,只有一个蜂王,但是却有75 000多只工蜂。有很少的几只雄性蜜蜂,叫作雄蜂,来照顾他们要孵化的蜂卵。为保鲜供给的食物,工蜂需维持蜂房中的平均温度在华氏95度(35摄氏度)左右。蜜蜂同样也会派出侦查员去寻找花粉源,当侦查员回来时,它们会表演一段舞蹈来告诉工蜂从哪儿能找到花粉源,距离有多远。




























02 Community 生态群落

When we think of communities, we usually think about cities and towns where people live. However, the biologist thinks of communities as environments where plants and animals live together. Each living thing has its purpose and place in a community.