lure6 [lju..( r ) ] v.引诱,诱惑,吸引
[考点] lur e sb.away from his studies 引诱某人不读书
lur e the enemy in deep 诱敌深入
lur e his doom 把某人引向绝路
[例句] She lur ed him into a lane whe re her confeder ate could rob him.
marked [m....kt ] adj.有记号的,显著的,明显的,易见的
[考点] a ma rked police car 有标记的警车
[例句] The patient showed a ma rked improvement.
marketing [..m....kiti..] n.行销,买卖,销售,经销
[考点] a ma rketing dir ector 销售部经理
a ma rketing organization 销售机构
cooper ative ma rketing 合作销售
do one’s marketing 到市场去买( 卖) 东西
obtainable* [] adj.能得到的,可获得的
[例句] Not a copy was obtainable from any bookseller.
occupant* [....kjup..nt ] n.占有者,居住者
[考点] the former occupant of the house 这所房屋先前的住户
the occupant of the seat 占据这位子的人
[例句] At pr esent its sole occupants ar e r ats.
offender * [....fend..( r) ] n.犯罪者,犯错误者
[考点] a child offender 少年犯
a first offender 初犯
a chronic/ old/ repeated offende r 惯犯
an indictable offender 刑事犯
the principal offender 主犯
a ha rdened offender 不知悔改的罪犯
[例句] No smoking her e ,offenders will be fined$5.00.
package4 [..p .. kid..] v.包装,把.装盒/ 袋( 尤其为出售)
[考点] a pape r package 纸包
a small package 小包裹
a package of towels 一包毛巾
packages of explosives 炸药包
a surprise package 意想不到的事情
[例句] He has a heavy package on his back.
painfully* [..peinfuli ] adv.苦难地,麻烦地,痛苦地
parlor [..p....l..( r) ] n.①客厅,会客室,店营业室,业务室② 专营.的店
ad j.客厅的
[考点] a beauty parlor 美容院
a dental par lor 牙科诊室
a funer al par lor 殡仪馆
an ice c ream pa rlor 冷饮室
a tea par lor 茶室
a Mayor’s par lor 市长会客室
[例句] The parlor of the hotels we re lavishly furnished.
patriotic6 [..p .. t ri....tik;( US) ..peit-] adj.爱国的,有爱国心的
[考点] a pat riotic song 爱国歌曲
a pat riotic soldie r 爱国的士兵
[例句] My pat riotic cousin has se rved in the Army for two years.
poodle [..pu..dl] n.狮子狗,长毛狗
populace [..p..pjul..s ] n.百姓,平民,大众
[考点] the populace at la rge 普通老百姓
the broad mas ses of populace 广大民众
recycle6 [..ri....saikl] n.再循环,再生,重复利用
v.回收利用( 废物等)
[例句] I t’s becoming more difficult to recycle the money siphoned off from the West.
spendthrift [..spend..rift ] n.挥霍者,败家子
[考点] accuse sb.of spendthrif t inclinations 指责某人生性好挥霍
spur4 [sp....( r ) ] n.刺激( 物) ,激励
[考点] spur do sth.敦促某人干某事
spur sb.on to effort 鞭策某人努力
on the spur of the moment 一时冲动之下
[例句] He was driven on by the spur of ambition.
stat ist ically * [ ] adv.根据统计数据来看,从统计学的观点看
[例句] The va riation is not statistically significant.
steepen* [..sti..p..n ] v.使( 物价或数额) 过高,( 使) 变得昂贵
[例句] The rent for that house is steepening.
surplus4 [] n.剩余,过剩,[会计] 盈余
a dj.过剩的,剩余的
[考点] surplus wheat 过剩的小麦
the labor surplus 劳动力过剩
impor t/ expor t surplus 入/ 出超
[例句] We have a t rade surplus of four billion US dollars.
thermostat [......m..ust .. t ] n.自动调温器,温度调节装置,恒温器
throwaway [....r..u....wei] adj.用后即扔的,浪费的
[考点] a throwaway brochur e 看后即丢的册子
a throwaway umbrella 一次性伞
widespread4 [..waids pr ed ,-..spr ed] ad j.分布广泛的,普遍的
[例句] His proposal has a tt racted widespread suppor t.
wrap4 [r .. p] v.包,裹
[考点] wrap up 包起来
wrap up in 用.把.包起来
be wrapped up 由.笼罩着,处于.状态中
be wrapped up in 专心致志于. ,热爱,被. 所吸引
[例句] She wrapped the pr esent in colorful pape r.
burn up 烧毁
[例句] The spacec raft burned up when it re entered the ear th’s atmospher e.
cut down on 减少,削减
[例句] The doctor asked him to cut down on smoking.
exclusive of 不包括,不算在内
[例句] The re are 26 days in that month ,exclusive of Sundays.
(at ) full blast 全力地,全速地,开足马力地
[例句] He was working ( at ) full blast in order to complete the orde r before the holidays.
lavish.on/ upon 滥用,浪费,慷慨地给予
[例句] It’s a mistake to lavish kindness ( up ) on ungrateful people.
lure into 诱骗.进入某处或做某事
[例句] The hope of high profits lured him into questiona-ble dealings.
spur of the moment 即兴的,一时兴起的
[例句] He acts on the spur of the moment.
run up 积欠( 账款、债务等)
[例句] He had run up debts totaling mor e than$2,000.
wind up 落得.下场,以.告终
[例句] Almost all the checks crooks wind up in jail.