
第11章 Unit Three Attitudes Toward (1)



1) A research project was carr ied out by the two non governmental organization.

A.collective B.selective

C.collabor ative D.collectable

2) of his reputation ,he refused to do that.

A.considering B.conside red

C.minded D.mindful

3 ) The most university in our count ry is Beijing University.

A.prestigious B.well known

C.pres sing D.prese rved

4) I am now at to visit my friends.

A.fr ee B.leisure

C.way D.length

5) There is no reason why he was promoted over me.

A.conceited B.conceptive

C.conceivable D.concerned

6) We need a for the office r who was shot in the bat tle.

A.change B.replacement

C.substitute D.charge

7) The guide the tourists together.

A.collected B.selected

C.put D.as sembled

8) His pa rents were kept of the fact that he failed in the examination.

A.secr et B.neglected

C.ignorant D.ignor ed

9) Don’t over an ordina ry cold.

A.fuss B.surprise

C.look D.go

10) The kids were dying of ,cooped up in the house all day.

A.bor e B.bor ing

C.bored D.bor edom

11) The work of JP is very interesting and.

A.varying B.var ied

C.va rious D.var iant

12) The government set up some shelters for those refugees.

A.tempor ary B.contemporary

C.permanent D.pa rliament

13) He pr efe rs rural life to one.

A.city B.met ropolitan

C.civilized D.urban

14) The country is a broad range of skilled per sonnel.

A.conveying B.importing

C.inputting D.t rans porting

15) He plays the piano only for his own.

A.liking B.satisfaction

C.need D.amusement


1) C 2) D 3) A 4 ) B 5 ) C 6) B 7 ) D 8 ) C

9) A 10) D 11) B 12 ) A 13 ) D 14) B 15) D

Part One In Class Reading Passage

Making Work Meaningful : Secrets of the

Future Focused Corporat ion


authori tarian [..........ri..t....r i..n] adj.主张绝对服从权力的

boredom* [..b....d..m] n.厌倦,厌烦

[同义] tedium

[反义] amusement ,enter tainment

collaborative* [k....l .. b..r eitiv] ad j.合作的,协作的

[同义] coope rative

[考点] a collaborative resear ch project 协作研究项目

daycare* [..deik....( r) ] n.日托,日照管儿童

flext ime [..flekstaim] n.弹性工作时间制

harassment6 [..h .. r..sm..nt ] n.骚扰

[同义] annoyance

[例句] He was chafed by the har as sments of t ravel.

high profile [hai..pr..ufail] ad j.引人注目的

integri ty6 [in..te..r..ti ] n.正值,诚实

[同义] honesty ,st raight forwa rdness

investor* [in..vest..( r) ] n.投资者

mindful * [..maindful ] ad j.注意.的,留心.的

[同义] aware ,observant ,thought ful

[反义] unmindful ,mindles s

[考点] be mindful of 注意.

[例句] Mindful of the danger ahead!

mindless * [..maindlis] adj.无须动脑筋的,无须集中注意力的

[考点] be mindles s of

[例句] They proceeded ,mindless of the dangers.

ongoing [....n....ui..] adj.进行中的,不间断的

operator4 [....p..reit..( r) ] n.(设备、机器等的) 操作员,话务员

prestigious* [pre..stid....s] adj.有声望的

[同义] famous ,well known ,distinguis hed ,notable,prominent

[反义] obscure ,infamous

[例句] Tsing Hua University is one of the most prestigious university in China.

profitability* [..pr..fit....biliti] n.盈利

[辨析] profitability;profit

profitability 能够盈利的状况,盈利的程度;profit


temporarily* [..temp..r..rili ;( US) -p..rer i-] adv.暂时地,临时地

[反义] permanent

varied* [..v....rid] ad j.各种各样的,不同的

[反义] alike ,identical

[辨析] varied;various

varied 由不同类别的人或东西组成的;var ious 各种各样的。

[例句] The work of JP ( 治安官) is ve ry interesting and varied.

workforce [..w....kf....s ] n.劳动力

be mindful of 注意;留心

[例句] Mindful of his reputation ,he refused.

be reluctant to do something 不情愿做某事

[例句] He is reluctant to be photogr aphed.

be sensitive to something 对.敏感的;对.同情理解的

[例句] We need to be more sensitive to the needs of the young students.

judge. by 以.来判断,用.衡量,以.看

[例句] A man s hould be judged by his deeds ,not his words.

lay off (暂时) 解雇雇员

[例句] The firm had to lay off 100 men.

make a/ no/ some difference 有/ 没有/ 有些.作用或影响

[例句] Dollars make no differ ence to him.

to the best of one’s potential 尽其所能

[同义] to the best of one’s ability ,to the best of one’s power ,t ry one’s best ,do one’s best

[例句] Tom always does eve rything to the best of his


Part Two After Class Reading

Passage Ⅰ Work Lovers or Work Addicts ?


blackout [..bl .. kaut ] n.断电,停电

individualism* [..indi..vidju..liz..m] n.个性( 独立思考、行动的原则或习惯)

leisure4 [..le....( r) ;( US) ..li....( r ) ] n.空暇,闲暇

[同义] rest

[反义] toil

[考点] a t one’s leis ur e 空闲时间

leisure shoes/ suits 休闲鞋/ 休闲服

[例句] Do it at your leisure ;it is not urgent.

paperwork [..peip..w....k ] n.文书工作

pleasurable* [..ple....r..bl ] ad j.令人愉快的,使人快乐的

[同义] agr eeable,favor able ,grateful

[反义] unpleasurable

[辨析] pleasurable ;pleasant ;pleasing pleasurable 指能给你带来乐趣、享受、满足;pleasant 指由于某个东西非常好,吸引人,所以你非常喜欢它;pleasing 指因为某事按照你所期望的发生,所以使你非常满意。

[例句] Good printing will make eve ry book more pleasura - ble to read.

uban4 [......b..n ] adj.市镇的

[同义] municipal

[反义] rural

[例句] He prefers urban life to rural one.

workaholic [..w....k....h..lik] n.工作狂,工作迷

workaholism [..w....k....h..liz..m] n.沉迷于工作,迷恋工作

be incapable of doing something 不能做某事

[例句] He seems to be incapable of understanding simple inst ructions.

fill up 填满,装满

[例句] The tank was filled up with petrol.