
第19章 Unit Six Advertising Campaigns (2)

[辨析] test ;examination ;trial test 指通过彻底的检查和实验,消除对某事物性质的怀疑或证明其真实性;quiz 指临时测验,特指事先没有通知的短时间课堂测验,也指知识性问题,quiz show ( 广播、电视等的) 智力竞赛节目,问答比赛节目;examination 指正式的考试,如期末考试、入学考试等;trial 指通过某事证明某事物的价值、性能或用途。

[例句] He took par t in a TV quiz last night and won seve ral prizes.

recruiter * [ri..kru..t..( r ) ] n.招募者

[例句] Recruiters from 600 companies a re on the nation’s college and unive rsity campuses.

regulate4 [..re..juleit ] v t.管理,控制

[同义] gove rn ,administer ,mange ,rule,control

[辨析] gove rn;administer ;mange ;rule;control ;regulate gove rn 指为维护社会秩序或公共福利而行使权力,或顺应民意而统制国家,多含褒义;administer 指官员管理事务,执行行政职责,可用于政府或公共机关官员;mange 常指实际经营或处理特定的事务,并含有经过授权的意思;rule 指使用专制权力进行统制,或强制他人执行,常含有贬义;cont rol 表示对某人或某事物加以约束或控制;regulate 根据规则或方法或既定的方法管理或控制某事。

[例句] The tr affic in Beijing is best r egulated.

reliable4 [ri..lai..bl] adj.可信赖的,可靠的

[反义] unr eliable

[同义] dependable ,trustworthy ,

[考点] r eceive news from reliable sources 从可靠来源得到的消息a r eliable pair of boots 一双经久耐磨的鞋子a r eliable sampling technique 可靠性抽样技术

[辨析] t rustworthy;dependable ;reliable 这几个词都表示“可靠的;值得信赖的” 意思。

t rustworthy 是该组词中语气最强的,形容对一个人的信任是完完全全、深信不疑的;dependable 表示一个人忠实可靠,或一个物的稳定性和有效性;reliable 往往指一个人的能力值得信赖或一件东西的性能是可靠的。

[例句] He is a reliable pe rson.

reservation4 [..rez....vei....n] n.①保留意见,保留态度②预定

[同义] conservation ,pr eservation

[考点] express reservations about/ ove r sb .’s move 对某人的步骤表示保留意见

a military rese rvation 军用地

reservation life 居留地的生活

without reservation( s )无保留地

with r eservation( s )有保留地,有条件地

[例句] 1 ) I accept your idea without r ese rvation.

2 ) You must make rese rvations before you sta rt the journey.

residual [r i..zidju..l ] n.① ( 因影片、电视节目、广播节目等再次播映而支付的) 复播复映追加酬金② 留下来的,剩余的

toxicity* [t..k..sis..ti ] n.毒性,毒力

[例句] Tests of the water have shown that it has a high level of toxicity.

unfounded* [....n..faundid] adj.无事实根据的,无基础的

[例句] He rejected his unfounded conclusion.

uptown [..p..taun] adj.城镇住宅区的

winnings* [..wini..s] n.赢得的钱

[例句] He spent all his winnings on t raveling.

in an attempt to do something 为了,企图

[例句] He failed in an attempt to climb the mountain.

pick up 见到,听到( 尤指借助仪器)

[例句] They picked up the ai rplane on their rada r screen.

spell out 阐述,详细说明

[例句] The pos sible economic reform will be spelt out in the meeting.

to this day 至今

[例句] I kept my promise ,and to this day I have never told anyone her sec ret.

try out ( for something) 试一试看能否选上( 做某事)

[例句] Tom is t rying out for the unive rsity football team.

Passage Ⅱ Developing an Advertising Campaign


appetizing [.... pitaizi..] ad j.( 指食物等) 促进食欲的,开胃的

circulation [..s....kju..lei....n] n.①发行量②流通,流传

demographic [..dem......r .. fik] ad j.人口的,人口统计的

execute4 [..eksikju..t ] v.执行,履行,实施

[同义] perform,discha rge

[考点] execute a plan 实行计划

execute a policy 实施政策

execute a command 执行命令

execute one’s duty 履行职责

execute a murdere r 处死一凶手

[辨析] perform;discha rge;execute perform 是较正式的用语,相当于do ,但比do 正式,并且强调执行或做的过程、目的,而不侧重于动作手段。它指做一种时间较长、费劲的、要求注意力集中或技术性的工作,隐含达到目的为止之意;discha rge 通常指执行命令、履行职责及完成所期望和要求的事情,暗示承担义务或职责而必须做的意思,常表示有能力或毫无差错地把事情办好;execute 指完成或执行计划、建议或带指令性的事情。

[例句] The manager assistant came here to execute a few small commis sions for the manager.

execut ion6 [..eksi..kju......n] n.执行,履行,实施

[考点] be prompt/ delayed in the execution of one’s duties 迅速/ 拖延履行职责

ca rry/ put into execution 实行,实施,实现

execution by hanging 绞刑处死

[例句] We s hould put the new plan into execution immedia tely.

geographic * [d..i......r .. fik] adj.地理上的

implementation* [..implim..n..tei....n] n.实施,贯彻

[例句] The effective implementation of the policy will

heavily depend on the police for ce.

planner * [..pl .. n..( r) ] n.计划者,计划制订者

[例句] He was one of the planner s of the TV program.

platform4 [..pl .. tf....m] n.①政纲,政策宣传②讲台,舞台

[考点] be at home on the platform 善于演说

run on a platform promising no new tax 以保证不征新税的政纲参加竞选

[例句] The mayor got up on the plat form and welcomed us.

printer * [..pr int..( r) ] n.印刷商,印刷工人

[例句] It is the printer’s e rror not mine.

regarding4 [ri........di..] n.关于,至于

[例句] I wrote a lette r rega rding my daughte r’s school examinations.