
第20章 Unit Six Advertising Campaigns (3)

reproduction* [..ri..pr....d..k....n] n.复制,翻版

[考点] human r eproduction 人类的繁殖

a reproduction of a famous picture 一幅名画的复制

[例句] This is a reproduction ,not the original.

texture6 [..tekst....( r) ] n.质地,外感,手感

direct.at 指向,针对,以.为对象

[例句] Was he r ema rk dir ected at me ?

draw up 草拟,写出

[例句] He asked me to dr aw up a teaching plan this evening.

set forth 陈述,阐明

[例句] In his speech ,the mayor sets forth his new reform in the year.

Passage Ⅲ Advertisement Appreciation


amazed [....meizd] ad j.吃惊的,惊奇的

[同义] surprised ,astonis hed

[考点] be amazed at/ by 惊讶于. ;为.而惊愕

[辨析] surprised;astonis hed;amazed surprised 是指面对出乎意料的事( 一般指不太重要的事) 感到吃惊或怀疑,或指一些并不出人意料但令人吃惊的事,这些事会使人高兴或不高兴,或暗含一定的道德谴责;astonished 是指突然地充满惊奇,对认为无法相信的事突然发生感到非常惊奇;amazed 是指被认为不可能发生的事情或完全处于意料之外的事情竟然发生而感到惊愕或困窘,可能是愉快的,也可能是不愉快的,语气是三个中最强的一个。

[例句] I am very amazed at how calm she felt after she

failed in the final test.

barley [..b....li] n.大麦,大麦粒

blankly * [bl .. ..kli] adv.表情茫然的,没有表情的

[例句] He looked at me blankly.

break in [..breikin] n.非法闯入

bristle [..brisl ] n.刷子毛

burglary [..b......l..ri] n.入户行窃

burner* [..b....n..( r) ] n.燃烧物

[例句] The burner of the gas furnace was broken.

crafty [..kr....fti ] ad j.狡猾的

dine6 [dain] v i.进正餐

[同义] eat ,feed

[考点] dine out 外出就餐

dine in 在家就餐

dine on 进餐时吃.

dine off 吃.当正餐

[辨析] eat ;feed;dine eat 普通用语,一般表示吃东西的活动;feed 指喂养,喂食,尤其给小孩或动物喂食;dine 是比较正式的词,主要用于“吃正餐”。

[例句] In China ,a tr aditional big squar e table usually dines eight per sons.在中国一张传统的八仙桌通常可容八人就餐。

eyebrow [..aibrau ] n.眉毛,眉

fluid4 [..flu..id] n.液体

[同义] fluid ,liquor ,liquid

[考点] fluid substance 流质

fluid opinions 不固定的意见

[辨析] fluid;liquid ;liquor

fluid 指“流动体;流质”,指液体或气体,或水、空气、酒精、蒸气等;liquid 既非固体,又非气体,凡是liquid 一定是fluid ,但fluid 不一定是liquid;liquor 指通过化学作用得到的液体,如酒精、染料等液体。

[例句] When you ar e sick ,you had bet ter drink a lot of fluid.

gently* [..d..entli] a dv.温柔地,轻柔地,轻轻地

[同义] sof tly

[考点] speak gently to sb.对某人温和地说话

cook gently 慢慢地煮

hold it gently 小心地拿着

[例句] He patted me gently on my should from behind.

greaseless * [....ri..slis ] ad j.无油腻状物的,不油腻的

[例句] Most women pr efer greaseless cr eam for their face.

gumline [......mlain] n.牙龈

hazy [..heizi] ad j.有薄雾的,模糊的

innovative [..in..u..veitiv] ad j.革新的,新颖的

melt4 [melt ] v.融化,变软,溶解

[同义] dis solve

[反义] fr eeze

[考点] melt away 融掉,融化而消失

melt down 熔毁;融化( 金属器、以做铸造之材)

melt in the mouth 入口即化

[辨析] melt ;dis solve

melt 和dis solve 都指固体转变成液体的过程,melt 指任何固体的这种转变过程;dis solve 专指固体溶于溶剂的过程。

[例句] The snow on top of the mountains melted away under the sun.

millimeter4 [..mili..mi..t..( r) ] n.毫米

odometer [..u..d..mit..( r) ,..-] n.( 汽车等的) 里程表

panorama [..p .. n....r....m..] n.全景

pathfinder [..p........faind..( r) ] n.探路者,探索者

penetration* [..peni..t rei....n] n.穿透,刺穿

[例句] The penet ra tion of the suns hine made the room wa rm.

plaque [pl....k;( US) pl .. k ] n.齿菌斑

quizzically [..kwizik..li ] adv.带有疑问地,嘲弄地

replenish [ri..pleni..] v.补充

shed4 [..ed] v.去掉,除掉

[同义] get rid of

[考点] shed one’s blood for one’s country 为祖国流血牺牲

shed one’s cont rol 摆脱某人的控制

shed sb.old habit 改掉旧习惯

[例句] You should shed the social masks and roles and see a per son on a deeper level.

sheer4 [..i..( r) ] ad j.① 薄的,透明的②完全的,彻底的,十足的

[考点] stockings of sheer silk 薄丝袜

sheer nonsense 毫无意义;一派胡言

a sheer rock 峻峭的山崖

by sheer chance 纯属偶然

[例句] Our army was beaten by sheer weight of numbers.

silky4 [..silki ] ad j.像丝一样柔软光洁的

[考点] silky skin 柔软光洁的皮肤

a blouse of some silky mate rial 一件丝质女衬衫

say in the silkiest voice 用最为轻柔的声音说

[例句] He r hair was ve ry long and silky.

sojourner [..s..d......n..( r) ] n.逗留者,旅居者

sonic [..s..nik] ad j.声音的,音波的

sparkling* [..s p....kli..] a dj.闪耀的,闪烁的

[考点] a spa rkling fire 迸出火星的炉火

spa rkling sta rs 闪闪的群星

spa rkling ice 晶莹闪亮的冰块

spa rkling conversation 轻松愉快的交谈

[例句] This is a spa rkling book.这是一本闪烁着作者才华的书。

stubborn6 [..st..b..n] ad j.①难以移动的,去除的② 固执的,顽固

swig [swi..] n.大喝,吞咽

traveler* [..t r .. v..l..( r) ] n.履行者,旅游者

[例句] Rail tr avelers will not appreciate the fare incr ease.

ultra [....ltr..] adj.超乎平常的

vale [veil ] n.山谷

vista [..vist..] n.景色,远景

whiskey [..hwis ki] n.威士忌酒

break up 分解,分散

[例句] The enemy s hips broke up on the rocks.

hang on 紧握,紧握某物

[例句] Hang on at your present job until you can get another one.

melt away ( 使) 融化,( 使) 消散

[例句] He r anger melt away when she hea rd the news that she passed the test.

take on 开始具有,呈现

[例句] Our campus takes on a new look in spring.