
第19章 R


n. light bat used for hitting the ball in tennis, badminton, etc. 球拍 a loud, distressing noise 喧闹纷乱

a terrible racket 大肆喧闹/kick up a racket 大吵大闹/a bit of a racket 有点诈骗性/a black market racket 黑市交易/ run a racket 进行诈骗(勒索)活动/a tennis racket 网球球拍/swing a racket 挥动球拍/racket around 忙于社交应酬,过寻欢作乐的生活

Telephone chat lines are a bit of a racket/a real racket.



adj. emitting heat or light发光的 consisting of or emitted as radiation 辐射的 (of a person, his looks, eyes) bright; showing joy or love 容光焕发的

a radiant smile 喜洋洋的笑容/radiant with joy 喜气洋洋的/look radiant 看上去容光焕发的/a radiant performance 优美的表演/a radiant autumn day 一个阳光明媚的秋日/a radiant body 发光体/ the radiant heat of the sun 太阳光的辐射热

She announced, with a radiant smile, that she was going to have a baby.



vt.&; vi. to send out rays or waves 发光;放热;流露,散发(热情);辐射

radiate confidence 显露出信心/radiate influence 扩大影响/radiate light and heat 散发光和热/radiate a feeble glow 发出昏暗和光线/radiate from... 从……散发出

He was radiating joy and happiness.



adj. arising from or going to a root or source; basic 根本的,基本的,激进的 n. one who advocates fundamental or revolutionary changes in current practices, conditions, or institutions 激进分子


n. a sudden feeling of wild uncontrollable anger 发怒,发火 vi.to be in a state of great anger 狂怒,盛怒 (of bad weather, pain, etc.) to be very violent 汹涌,猛烈地进行

可接at对人,接against 对事。rage指“狂怒,盛怒”。如:smash sth.in a fit of rage(一阵狂怒之下砸碎某物);scream with rage(愤怒地尖叫)。anger是一般用语,在程度上不如rage,而且也不一定外露。如:try to conceal one s anger(努力掩饰自己的气愤)。

anger, rage, fury,indignation

anger指一般的发怒,常因个人被错怪、受辱、受害或见到残酷、非正义的言行而产生的情绪,主要指感情上反应,是最普通用词。如:She shook with anger. 她气得发抖。 rage是指失去理智并有粗暴行为的大怒。如:He was in a rage. 他很愤怒。 fury的语义最强,是指令人认为发展到疯狂程度的暴怒、狂怒,常伴有失去理智的疯狂的举动。如:They were filled with fury. 他们满腔怒火。 indignation是指“义愤”,或愤慨,无个人感情色彩。如:They decided to hold an indignation meeting. 他们决定召开一次声讨大会。

fly into a rage 大发雷霆/rage at a person 对人发怒/the rage of wind 大风的怒号/be in a rage with sb. 对某人大发脾气

I stormed out of the room in a rage.


One night a firestorm raged through and destroyed over six hundred homes in our community.



n. a surprise attack by a small armed force 袭击,搜捕 v. to make a raid on 奇袭,搜捕


v. to call together for a common purpose; assemble 重整旗鼓,给予新力量,使恢复健康,力量,决心,集结 n. a gathering 集会

The Michingan Education Association hired a public relations firm to stage a rally marking the school closings, which attracted 14 local and national television stations and networks.



adj. having no specific pattern,purpose,or objective 任意的,随意的

random强调做事、考虑或事情的发生或到来等无明确的目的、方法、计划或方向。如:a random guess(瞎猜);a random remark(随便说的话)。而haphazard则强调做事、安排、使用、说话等不考虑是否合适或可能产生的不良后果,而只是碰巧或凭一时兴趣。如:do sth.in a haphazard way (以杂乱无章的方法做某事);grow in a haphazard way(毫无计划地胡乱发展)。

at random 随便地,胡乱地,漫无目的地,碰运气地/go on the random嬉闹;狂饮,纵酒取乐

Twenty students were chosen at random to take part in the experiment.

随机抽取了 20 个学生参加实验。


n. relation in degree or number between two similar things 比;比率;比值


adv. without hesitation; willingly 毫不迟疑地;欣然 without difficulty; easily 无困难地;不费事地;容易地

answer questions readily 毫不迟疑的回答问题

The sofa can be readily converted into a bed.



adj. (in art and literature) showing realism 现实主义的,写实主义的 based on facts rather than on sentiment or illusion; practical 实事求是的

a realistic person, attitude 实事求是的人、态度

Be realistic —you can t expect a big salary at eighteen.



v. to cut and gather a crop of grain 收割,收获,获得

reap the fruits of one s labour 收获劳动成果/reap a profit from 从……中获利/As you sow,so shall you reap.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。/reap as one has sown 自食其果/reap praise 获得称赞

They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.



n. open (esp armed) resistance to the established government; resistance to authority or control 对政府的公开(尤指武装)反抗;对权威的反抗;对控制的抗拒;反叛;造反;叛逆

stir up a rebellion 挑起叛乱/start a rebellion 发动叛乱/crush down a rebellion 镇压叛乱/rise in rebellion 造反/quell a rebellion 平息叛乱/a rebellion against 对……的反叛/in rebellion 造反

They stirred up an open rebellion among the people against the government.



n. temporary decline in economic activity or prosperity (经济的)衰退,衰退期,萧条期

But even with the recession apparently cutting into the hiring of business school graduates, about 79 000 people are expected to receive MBAs in 1993.

然而,虽然经济萧条使商学院毕业生的需求明显降低,但 1993 年,仍有大约79 000人希望接受MBA教育。(2003年1月阅读理解)

It is hard to tell whether we are going to have a boom in the economy or a recession.


Blacks remains the last hired and first fired during recessions. During the 199091 recession, AfricanAmericans suffered disproportionately.


Most of us have survived a recession,so we re familiar with the belt tightening strategies needed to survive a slump.



n. a set of directions with a list of ingredients for making or preparing sth, esp. food 食谱;烹饪法;处方 a formula for or means to a desired end (与 for 连用)秘诀

a recipe for a happy marriage 美满婚姻的秘诀/a recipe for making chocolate cake 制作巧克力蛋糕的方法/a vegetarian recipe book 素食菜谱/follow a recipe 按食谱烹调,按某一方法制作/a recipe for... ……的秘诀

Do you know a good recipe for wholemeal bread?



n. functioning as a receiver 接受者

an honorary degree recipient 获得名誉学位的人/a welfare recipient 接受福利者/a recipient of……的接受者/the recipient of a letter收信人/the recipient of a gold medal 金牌获得者/a recipient of criticism 受批评的人

The recipients of the prize had their names printed in the paper.



adj. concerning each of two or more persons or things 相互的;交互的;互惠的

reciprocal agreement 相互同意 /a reciprocal reduction of nuclear weapons 同意互相削减核武器/reciprocal reliance 相互依赖

Many states have passed laws that will allow nationwide reciprocal banking.



vt. &; vi. say (esp. poems) aloud from memory 背诵;细述;列举

recite a speech 背诵一段台词/recite one s life story 叙述自己的一生经历/recite from memory 背诵/recite with gusto 津津有味地朗诵

Even the voices that recite the directions can differ, with better systems like BMW s and Lexus having a wider vocabulary.


I used to be able to recite all the main speeches from Hamlet.



adj. heedless or careless 鲁莽的;轻率的

reckless of 不顾……的/be reckless of consequences 不顾危险/a reckless man 鲁莽的人/a reckless plan 草率的计划/reckless driving 鲁莽开车/indulge in reckless extravagance 沉迷于不顾后果的挥霍

It was reckless of him to go out alone at night.



vt. to consider; to regard认为,估计 to assume, to suppose 指望,想要 to expect 测算

在口语中I reckon (可替代I suppose,I think)后可接that从句,主句常用一般时态,用于非正式场合。reckon作“认为,把……看做(或算入)”解时,后接介词among,as或with。如:The artist is reckoned as a freak.(那个艺术家被看做怪人。)I reckon her with the angels.(我把她看做天使一般的人。)

calculate, reckon

calculate指通过较复杂的运算过程算出来的。如:Have you calculated the cost of heating your house? 你计算过你家取暖的费用吗? reckon“数,计算(出)”,特指心算或简单算术运算,或是指计算出数量、成本、费用或某个值等,带有核算,结算的意味,即实际费用或实物是否与账单相符合。如:The housewife reckoned up the small grocery bill. 那个家庭主妇算了食品杂货单上的几个项目。

reckon among 在……中认为是/reckon on 依靠,指望/reckon with 估计到,处理/reckon sth. in 把某事考虑在内

The experts reckon that about 10 000 ton of grain will be needed.



vt. to reform 矫正;使悔改 to recover possession of sth. 收回;回收;再生;利用

reclaim one s luggage 认领行李/reclaim one s money 要求退钱/reclaim wasteland 开垦荒地/ reclaim land from the sea 填海拓地/reclaim metal from old cars 从回收旧汽车中再制金属/reclaim criminals 改造罪犯

I went to the station to reclaim my suitcase from the left luggage office.



vt. to find agreement between two actions or ideas, etc. 使协调,使和解 to cause to accept 使顺从(于),使甘于

reconcile 经常与介词to 或with连用,表示“使……和解,使和……一致”。

be reconciled with sb.与某人和解/reconcile a dispute 调停争端/reconcile the evidence with the facts 使证据符合事实/reconcile oneself to sth.使某人接受……,使某人顺从于……

I found it difficult to reconcile my career ambitions with the need to bring up my children.



n. refreshment of one s mind or body after work through activity that amuses or stimulates; play 消遣娱乐


n. a newly engaged member of a military force 新兵;新成员 vt. &; vi. to engage (persons) for military service 招募(新兵) to supply with new members or employees 吸收(新成员)

If we are going to win the war, we must recruit more troops.



adj. having the shape of a rectangle 长方形的;矩形的


vt. to put right 纠正,矫正;修复,调整

rectify作“纠正,改正;矫正”解时,同义词是correct。当宾语是mistakes,errors等词时,常可互换,但rectify较正式,使用范围也更广些。如:rectify the situation(整顿局面)。


rectify 意为“矫正,纠正”指使事物变成正当。如:rectify the style of work 整顿工作作风。correct 意为“改正”,指使事物变成正确和真实。如:correct a composition 修改作文。revise 意为“订正”,指书本、校样,原稿等。如:revise a dictionary 修订词典

rectify the mistakes in a bill 纠正账单上的错误/rectify the situation 整顿局面/rectify an error 纠正错误

Once you get to know your mistakes, you should rectify them as soon as possible.


I want to rectify my error before it is too late.



vi. to happen again or more than once 再发生,重现

recur to 重新提起/sth.recurs to me/某事浮现于我的脑海/a recurring problem 反复出现的问题

Old memories constantly recurred to him.



v. treat (used material) so that it can be used again 回收(废旧材料) get (natural products) back from used material by treating it (利用废旧材料)再造(原始成品)

recycle the waste 废物利用/recycle waste paper 回收废纸/recycling bins 回收废物的箱子

There s no point in recycle their waste or find other ways of disposing of their byproducts.



adj. not needed, more than is necessary 过多的,多余的 not needed because there is not enough work 失业的,解雇了的

redundant population 过剩的人口/redundant words 赘言

In the sentence “She lives alone by herself”, the word “alone” is redundant .

在英语句子“she lives alone by herself” 中,单词“alone” 是多余的。


vi. to hold oneself back; to avoid 忍住,自制,抑制


refrain from laughing 忍住笑

All religions have certain days when people refrain from eating, and excessive eating is one of Christianity s seven deadly sins.


Please refrain from smoking in this room.



n. the act of refreshing or the state of being refreshed 身心爽快,心旷神怡 a snack or light meal and drinks 食物和饮料

serve refreshments 提供茶点/light refreshments 简单的茶点/liquid refreshments 饮料/feel refreshment of mind and body 感到身心爽快/find refreshment in poetry 从诗歌中得到精神上的振奋

A hot bath is a great refreshment after a long journey.



n. one who frees in search of refuge, as in times of war, political oppression, or religious persecution 逃亡者;难民


v. proved to be wrong 反驳,驳斥

refute an opponent 反驳对方

Their claims to damages have not been convincingly refuted.



n. a form of government 政权;政治制度 a regulated system, as of diet and exercise 食物疗法;养生法

establish a regime 建立政权/overthrow a regime 推翻政权/a puppet regime 傀儡政权/a totalitarian regime 极权主义政权/a capitalist regime 资本主义政体/a despotic regime 专制政权

Under the new regime in our office, no one is allowed to leave early.



vi. to exercise sovereign power 为王;君临 to be predominant or prevalent 盛行;占优势 n. exercise of sovereign power, as by a monarch 统治时期;王朝

a long reign 长时间的统治/a reign of terror 恐怖统治/reign over 对……的统治/reign over a small kingdom 统治一个小王国

Queen Victoria reigned over the country for more than 60 years. 维多利亚女王统治该国有60多年之久。


vi. to feel or show great joy 感到高兴

rejoice作“vi.”时,后可接at, over, in, to do和that从句。at, over, in三字可互换,但at, over为常用;用in表示对自己或他人所取得的成就感到高兴,at含有因“听了,见了”某事而产生欢乐情绪,over着重于表示成为原因的事由和情况。

rejoice over sth.为……而欣喜/rejoice in...因……感到喜悦/be rejoiced to 因……而高兴

He s not the kind of man to rejoice at other people s misfortunes.



n. an act of passing sth. along from one person, group, or station to another 接替;接替人员;接力赛跑vt. send out (a broadcast programme received from another station) 转播

run a relay 跑接力赛/in relays 轮班地/by relay 以转播方式/take prat in a toom relay 参加 400米接力赛/a relay of the concert 音乐会的中继转播/be broadcast by relay 中继转播

I was told the news first and then I relayed it to the others.



n. trust 信赖,信任 confidence 依赖,依靠

place complete reliance on sb. s judgment 完全相信某人的判断

I place complete reliance on his judgement.



n. that which remains 剩余物;其余(的人)

the remainder of the trip 这次旅行的剩余部分/the remainder of one s life 余生,余年/the remainder of the food 剩下食物

We ate most of the food and gave the remainder to the dog.



n. sth. left over 剩余;残余

a carpet remnant 地毯零料/remnants of a meal 残羹剩菜/remnants of the city s former glory 城市昔日辉煌的孑遗

In the east of the building stood a marble font and two short pillars, remnants from the Christian church.



n. a rebirth or revival 复兴,复活,新生 the Renaissance the humanistic revival of classical art, architecture, literature, and learning that originated in Italy in the 14th century and later spread throughout europe 文艺复兴,文艺复兴时期


vt.&; vi. to pay back 偿还 to give back, either in return or in compensation 报答;回敬

repay the money to sb. 把钱还给某人/repay one s debt to society 回报社会/repay the loan from the bank 偿还银行的贷款/repay one s interest 值得某人的关注/repay a blow 还击/repay one s debt of gratitude 报答自己欠下的恩情

The student s success repaid the teacher for her efforts.



v. to drive back or away by force 拒绝,排斥,击退 to cause a feeling of dislike in 使厌恶,使反感

repel the enemy 击退敌人/repel temptation 抵制诱惑/repel a request 拒绝请求

Similar poles of magnets repel each other.



n. all the plays songs, pieces, etc which a company, actor, musician, etc knows nd is prepared to perform (某一艺术团体、演员、音乐家等可随时演出的)全部节目

extend one s repertoire 丰富自己的演出项目

That tune is not in my repertoire.



n. replacing or being replaced 回归原位;代替;更换 person or thing that replaces another 代替或替换他者的人或事物

the replacement of worn parts 磨损零件的更换

Find a replacement for Sue while she is ill.



n. act of representing or state of being represented 表现;表示;代表;代理 thing, esp a picture, sculpture or play, that represents sb/sth 表现某人(某事物)的事物;(尤指)图画,雕塑,戏剧

stainedglass representations of saints 彩色玻璃的圣徒画像

The firm needs more representation in China.



vt. to express disapproval of, criticism of, or disappointment in (sb.) 责备;谴责n. blame 责备;谴责

a mute reproach 无言的指责/a self reproach 自责/a reproach to sb. 对某人的指责/bear sb. s reproach 忍受某人的责备/bring reproach on oneself 自取其辱/cast reproaches upon sb 对某人横加指责


adj. of, relating to, or characteristic of a republic 共和国的;共和政体的 n. one who favors a republic as the best form of government 支持共和党政府的人 a member of the republican party of the United States 美国共和党成员


n. likeness; similarity 相似

a close resemblance 一模一样/a remote resemblance 略有点相似之处/a family resemblance 亲属之间的相似/a superficial resemblance 表面的相似之处/a certain resemblance between the styles of the two writers 两位作家风格上的相似之处

I was puzzled by Alice s strong resemblance to Josie. Were they related?



vt. bitter, indignant or angry at 愤怒;憎恶

resent bitterly 对……十分不满/resent strongly 强烈地忿恨/resent any criticism 忿恨任何批评

I strongly resent her attempts to interfere in my work.



n. reserved seat or accommodation, etc; record of this 保留的座、住处等;(座位、住处等的)预订 spoken or unspoken limitation which prevents one s agreement with a plan, acceptance of an idea, etc 保留意见;保留态度

a coach, hotel reservation 预订的客车座位、旅馆房间

Many have reservations, but keep them to themselves in what they perceive as a climate hostile to the pursuit of understanding for its own sake and the idea of an inquiring, creative spirit.


I support this measure without reservation.



vi. to have one s home居住,定居 to belong to 存在,在于 to exist in the form of sth. such as a quality

reside属正式用语,指合法的和永久的居住。resideresidence(n.居住,定居)。如:enjoy one s long residence in China(喜欢长期住在中国);resident(n.居民,定居者)。如:Chinese residents in America(侨居美国的中国人)。

live, reside, stay

live 一般用词,指长时期居住在某地方,也指临时住在某地方。如:We have lived in this city for 20 years. 我们在这个城市居住了20年。 reside正式用词,指永久性地在某地安家。如:When the policeman stopped me for a traffic offence he asked me where I resided. 我违犯了交通规则,警察叫我停下来,问我住在哪里。 stay 指以客人或旅客身份暂住在某地。如:Whenever he was in Paris he stayed at that hotel. 他每次到巴黎,都住在那家旅馆。

reside in college 住在校内/reside abroad 定居国外/(power,rights etc.) reside in sb. (权力,权利等)归属于某人

The power to change the law resides in Parliament.



adj. containing or suitable for private houses 住宅的;适于作住宅的 connected with or based on residence 与居住有关的

a residential job 需住宿的工作/a residential course 需住宿的学习班/a quiet residential area 安静的住宅区

You must satisfy the residential qualifications to get a work permit.



n. quality of being resonant 回响;回荡;洪亮;共鸣;共振


adj. happening as a result or consequence 因而发生的;必然产生的

resultant problems 随之产生的问题/resultant damage 由……造成的损失

He was arrested for drunkenness and the resultant publicity ruined his career.



n. sales of goods (usu. in small quantities) to the general public, not for resale 零售 adj.&; adv. in retail quantities 零售的(地),按零售价的(地) vt. &; vi. to sell in small quantities directly to consumers 零售


n. possession or use of sth 具有;具备;享有;享用 retention of one s rights, privileges, etc 权利、特权等的享用

the retention of technology 技术的保留/the sea s retention of heat 海水的蓄热/retention of food 食物滞留/posttreatment retention 疗后固位

Two influential senators have argued for the retention of the unpopular tax.



v. &; n. to make a quick or angry reply; a sharp witty reply 反驳,顶嘴

retort an argument against sb. 反驳某人的证据/say a few words in quick retort 立即反驳几句/retort blow for blow 以牙还牙/retort upon sb.反驳某人

I was pointing out that he ought to be responsible for the failure when he retorted that it was my fault as much as his.



v. to get possession of sth. again 取回,收回,重新得到 to put right 挽回,补偿 to extract stored information 检索

retrieve在计算机用语中作“检索”解。如:To retrieve some data,one has to consult a computer.(为检索一些数据,必须求助于计算机。)

retrieve one s freedom 恢复自由/retrieve a lost piece of luggage 领回一件丢失的行李/retrieve one s position 恢复原来的地位/retrieve a loss 挽回损失/retrieve data from a disk 检索储存在磁盘中的材料

Wreckage from the crashed plane was retrieved from the ocean.


The amygdala receives input from many parts of the brain,including regions responsible for retrieving memories.



n. the act of looking back towards the past 回顾,追溯

view 2004 in retrospect 回顾2004年

It seemed a good idea when we started six months ago,but in retrospect I can see that we should never have agreed to do it.



n. the act of revealing or disclosing 显露;泄露

an startling revelation 惊人的事情/fresh revelation 新发现/a revelation to sb. 对……是意想不到的事/a revelation of the modern technology 现代技术的展现/ a revelation of the true facts 事情真相

The ease of her driving was a revelation to me.



v. to do something in revenge for (some harm done to oneself) ; to do something in revenge for harm done to 报……之仇;为……报仇n. (a) punishment given to someone in return for harm done to oneself 复仇;报复


revenge oneself on sb. 向某人报仇/take one s revenge on sb. for sth. 因某事对某人采取报复

England s team, who are now superbly fit, will be doing their best next week to revenge themselves for last year s defeat.


Jim threatened to take revenge on the shirt factory that had fired him.


The Spanish team, who are not in superb form, will be doing their best next week to revenge themselves on the German team for last year s defeat.



v. to bring sb. back to health or consciousness (使)复活,(使)苏醒,(使)复苏 to bring back into use or existence. 复兴;又流行,又生效

spirits revive 情绪重新振作/revive old practices/customs 恢复旧做法/旧习俗/revive the economy 振兴经济/old customs which revive 再兴的旧风俗/a fashion that has revived 重新流行的服装款式

The government has failed to fulfil its promises to revive the economy.



vi. &; vt. to orbit a central point 绕转;旋转 to be held in the mind and considered in turn 考虑;细想

revolve around 以……为主要内容/revolve on 以……为中心旋转/a revolving door 旋转门/automatically revolve 自动旋转/incessantly revolve 不停地旋转/periodically revolve 周期性地循环往复


v. manage or control (sth) fraudulently (以欺诈手段)操纵或控制(某事物)n. way that a ship s masts, sails, etc are arranged 船桅、船帆等的装置

rig the market 操纵市场/rig up a tent 匆匆搭起一个帐篷/rig up a listening device 装配了一个监听装置/rig the ship with new sails 为船装上了新帆/rig out 装扮,打扮

He claimed (the result of) the election was rigged.



adj. severe; strict 严厉的;严格的 strictly accurate or detailed 精确的;严密的 (of weather, etc.) harsh (指天气等)严酷的

rigorous checking 精确的检测/rigorous safety checks 严密的安全检查/rigorous methods 严密的方法/a rigorous survival course 一段艰苦的生存历程/a rigorous examination 严格的考试

Ideally, say Dr. Walter Willett and Dr. Meir Stampfer of Harvard, all vitamin supplements would be evaluated in scientifically rigorous clinical trials.

哈佛大学的 Walter Willett 博士和 Meir Stampfer 博士认为,理想地说,对补充维生素的所有评价都要在非常严格的科学临床试验中进行。(2004年1月阅读理解)

The economy s recovery would have been impossible without rigorous financial control.



n. the border, edge, or margin of an object 边;缘;框架 the circular outer part of a wheel, furthest from the axle 轮缘 vt. to furnish with a rim 装边缘;装轮圈

along a rim 沿着边缘/on a rim 在边缘上/over the rim of 溢出……的边缘/the rim of a cup 杯子的边缘/the rim of a volcano 火山的边缘

The water spilled over the rim of the bathtub.



n. a wild or turbulent disturbance created by a large number of people 骚动;骚乱 vi. to take part in a riot 闹事;骚乱


vt. &; vi. to cut, tear apart, or tear away roughly or energetically 扯裂;撕裂 n. a torn or split place 长裂缝


n. a small wave 波纹 v. to cause to form small waves 起波纹


n. series of actions used in a religious or some other ceremony (宗教等仪式的)程序,仪式 adj. of or done as a ritual 仪式上的;作为仪式而进行的;惯常的

go through a ritual 进行仪式,按照固定的程序进行/perform a ritual 举行仪式/conduct one s ritual 例行公事/make a ritual of 用习惯的方式做某事/a religious ritual 宗教仪式

We will look at the ritual and ethical patterns within which human violence has been directed.


Harvard Business School professor George Lodge calls the ritual acceptance of blame “almost a feudal way of purging the community of dishonor,” and to some in the United States, such resignations look cowardly.

哈佛商学院教授 George Lodge 将这种仪式性的承担过失的做法称为“几乎是以封建的方式清除社团的耻辱”,而在美国有些人看来,这样的辞职显得很懦弱。(2003年9月阅读理解)

All cultures have their own rituals for the burial of the dead.



adj. vigorous, healthy and strong 强壮的,健全的

a robust young man 身强力壮的青年/a robust appetite/旺盛的食欲/a robust faith 坚定的信仰

There is a virtual limit on how long we can hope to remain alive,however lucky and robust we are.



n. story or novel of adventure; love story, esp. one in which events are quite unlike real life 爱情故事;冒险故事;传奇;浪漫情调;传奇性

find romance 找到爱情/a whirlwind romance 旋风式恋爱/wartime romance 战时之恋/the romance of traveling 旅行的浪漫色彩/have no romance 没有浪漫情怀

I felt as though all the romance had gone out of my marriage.



v. decay by processes of nature (使)腐烂,(使)腐败 n. decay; rotting; condition of being bad 腐烂,腐败

creeping rot 逐渐发展的腐烂病/rotting vegetables 腐烂的蔬菜/rotting fruit 腐烂的水果/rot off 因腐烂(或枯朽)而脱落/rot out 破损/rot one s teeth 腐蚀某人的牙齿

We must stop the rot before the whole schools is corrupted.



n. royal persons 皇室,王权 sum paid to the owner of a copyright or patent, eg to an author for each copy of his bok sold 版税;专利权使用

pay a royalty on 支付……的版税/bring in handsome royalties 挣得可观的版税/an advance against royalties 预付的版税

He has received thousands of pounds in royalties on his last novel.



v. to break or burst 破裂,断绝 n. a sudden breaking apart 决裂 ending of friendly relations 破裂,裂开


rupture relations with 与……断绝关系/the rupture of a bloodvessel 血管破裂

A war broke out after the rupture of diplomatic relations between the two nations.
