
第15章 直面挑战(2)

Others predicted that Joyon would be unable to handle IDEC"s enormous sails or that the boat could lose her mast in the rough conditions that any roundtheworld sailor inevitably would face.

There were also all the usual dangers-collision with debris in the water, with ice around Antarctica or the possibility that Joyon would collide with a ship while sleeping.

When he set off, the solo record stood at 93 days. Although Joyon was sailing a much faster boat than the previous recordholder, most saw little chance of him getting even close to 80 days.

Joyon had other ideas and over the past 71 days he has enjoyed good fortune with the weather, rarely running out of wind. He has, however, also displayed extraordinary stamina, determination and seamanship in keeping IDEC running close to her full potential.



他被称为航海界的鲍勃·比蒙。正如鲍勃·比蒙1968年因打破跳远世界记录而震惊世界一样,法国水手弗朗西斯·茹瓦永正在以前所未有的方式 刷新航海纪录。

茹瓦永的惊人之旅已进入最后阶段,47岁的他将刷新世界纪录,把单人不靠岸环球航海记录缩短20天。2月3日早上,当他穿过终点布雷斯特港口时,他就 将完成历史上最伟大的单人航海纪录之一。

1968年墨西哥奥运会上,比蒙的一跳打破了世界纪录,而且惊人地超出21英寸,直到1991年他创造的世界纪录才被打破。茹瓦永就像比蒙一样,他预定73 天完成两万六千英里的环球航海,这远远低于大多数人认为的单人环航可能需要的最短时间。

茹瓦永在11月起航开始他的冒险旅程,有人预测这次航行可能以灾难而告终。茹瓦永来自法国布列塔尼地区的La TrinitesurMer,有四个孩子。他驾 驶的是90英尺长的三体帆船爱德克。这种船的动力极大,船上安装了巨大的旋转桅杆,是为有十名船员的团体比赛而设计的。





茹瓦永则不这么认为。在过去的71天中,他运气不错,天气条件很好,差不多一直都有风。尽管如此,他仍旧表现出惊人的毅力、决心和驾驶技术,让帆 船始终接近全速前进。

“Professor Popsicle” Proves Cold No BarrierDuring a cold stretch that had many Canadians scurrying indoors, a researcher known as “Professor Popsicle” has found humans can successfully spend days on end in the bitter cold.

Gordon Giesbrecht has spent the past 26 days skiing the isolated, frozen expanse of Lake Winnipeg as part of his research for the University of Manitoba on how the body copes with the cold.

Temperatures averaged 15 degrees below zero and dipped as low as 31 below during his 240mile trek on crosscountry skis.

“Now when I"m outside and it"s -25℃, it"s not really a big problem,” he told reporters by satellite phone from his small tent on the world"s tenth largest lake.

“This has been more a test of just dealing with the cold and living with it, and getting your clothing and your actions coordinated so that you don"t end up getting frostbite or anything,” explained Giesbrecht.

Soft, deep snow made for some tough slogging with his backpack and sled carrying his food and gear. On two mornings, Giesbrecht emerged from his tent to find the wind so fierce that his tent was almost flat.

“The most vulnerable time of the day is when you are trying to set up your tent, and I was not about to take that chance,” he wrote on a Web site updated by his family.

Other than numb fingertips, which will likely take a month to return to normal, Giesbrecht said he feels fine.







他背着背包、拖着装运食品和工具的雪橇在雪地上跋涉,松软厚实的积雪导致旅途更加艰难。有两天早晨,吉斯布雷西特从帐篷中出来的时候发现狂风大 作,他的帐篷差不多都被吹塌了。



101YearOld Man Parachutes into Record BookA 101yearold man is believed to be the world"s oldest skydiver after he accepted a dare from friends and jumped out of an airplane at nearly 10,000 feet.

Frank Moody, from Holloways Beach on Australia"s northeastern coast, beat the record set by a 94yearold Norwegian in 1999, said Amanda Pilkington, from Skydive Cairns, which organized the jump.

On the morning of June 16, 2004, Moody jumped in tandem with an experienced skydiver from more than 9,900 feet, she said.

“He"s an absolute legend. It was a bit of a drunken dare by some of his mates at the local Holloways Beach football club. He said: ‘ Sure, I"ll go jump out of an airplane,’” Pilkington quoted him as saying, adding she nearly fell off her chair when she first heard Moody go for the record.