“We decided to attempt to beat the record as well as giving Frank an awesome experience and one that he"ll remember for the rest of his life. He"s very switchedon and very witty and charming. It"s an absolute pleasure to have done this for him,” she said.
Pilkington said the club would send video of the jump and other details to the Guinness Book of Records head office in London and expects confirmation of the record shortly.
Moody went down to the football club with his son John after the jump to have a Guinness beer to celebrate and collect on bets place by his friends.
“He"s been given his footage and photographs so he"s got proof and evidence that he"s done it,” Pilkington said.
来自澳大利亚东北海岸霍烙韦海滩的法兰克·穆迪打破了一位94岁的挪威人在1999年创下的记录,凯恩斯跳伞俱乐部的阿曼达·皮尔金顿说,她组织了这 次跳伞活动。
她说,2004年6月16日早晨,穆迪和一位有经验的跳伞运动员合作,从9,900 多英尺的高空跳下。
“他绝对是一位传奇人物。那只是他的一些同伴在霍烙韦海滩当地的足球俱乐部喝醉酒后向他提出了一个挑战。他说:‘当然,我会从飞机上跳下去。’ ”皮尔金顿引用了他的话,她还说,最初她听说穆迪要挑战记录时,差点从椅子上摔下来。
她说:“我们决定尝试着去打破记录,同时也给法兰克一次惊心动魄的体验,让他终身难忘。他喜欢赶时髦,机智诙谐且富有魅力,对于他来说,做这件 事绝对是一种乐趣。”
Fossett Makes History
Flying from horizon to horizon, Steve Fossett completed the first nonstop, flight roundtheworld without refueling on March 3, 2005, landing gracefully in Kansas at 2:49 pm ET.
A cheering crowd gathered to usher the Global Flyer and its 60yearold pilot into the record books, something that has become almost routine for Fossett in recent years. The aviator now holds three recordbreaking circumnavigations of the globe, the two others by balloon and sailboat.
“It"s something I"ve wanted to do for a long time,” Fossett said as he stepped out of the plane, his legs wobbly after nearly three days in the cockpit. “It has been a major ambition of mine.”
The sometimes tense journey across three oceans and dozens of countries began in Salina, Kansas, on the evening of Febrary 28 . The 25,000mile (40,234 kilometer) voyage took 67 hours and two minutes. It was financed by Fossett"s longtime friend and investor, Richard Branson, who heads Virgin Atlantic Airways.
As Global Flyer approached the airport, Fossett deployed small parachutes to slow the craft down.
After touching down smoothly, Fossett taxied the plane toward a hangar and Branson waved a blackandwhite checkered flag as the jet came to a stop. Fossett"s flight team opened a bottle of champagne onto the runway.
Global Flyer was built by Scaled Composites, the same firm that designed and launched the world"s first civilian manned spacecraft, Space Ship One, last year.
Burt Rutan, aerospace engineer and head of Scaled Composites, said the plane, and the pilot, performed admirably.
Despite the successful homecoming, the Global Flyer encountered dark moments during its flight.
At one point, controllers thought the plane would run out of fuel far short of its target. Fossett and the Global Flyer team considered abandoning the trip when they were over Hawaii because the experimental plane came up about 2,600 pounds of fuel short after taking off. The jet burns 102 pounds of fuel per hour. The team speculated that fuel was vented from four tanks shortly after takeoff.
Fossett decided to press on because of favorable tail winds.
“If I have engine trouble, there will be no trouble with gliding,” Fossett had said earlier in the day before landing.
When more data arrived from the aircraft, projections showed the fuel would propel the aircraft throughout its entire 25,000mile trip.
这是一次从地平线开始,到地平线结束的飞行--2005年3月3日,美国富翁史蒂夫·福塞特在没有燃油补给的情况下,完成了世界上首次不间断环球飞行 ,并于美国东部时间下午2点49分风度翩翩地降落在堪萨斯州。
兴高采烈的人群聚集在“环球飞行者”号和这位60岁高龄的驾驶员身边,见证这一壮举载入世界记录。近年来,对福塞特来说,这几乎已是见惯不惊了。 如今这位飞行家已经创造并保持了三项环球航行的世界记录,另外两项分别是驾驶热气球和帆船环球旅行。
2月28日晚上,这次时而紧张的旅行从堪萨斯州的萨利纳开始,穿越三大洋和十几个国家,用时67小时零2分,完成了2.5万英里(4.0234万公里)的路程 。福塞特的老朋友、维珍大西洋航空公司董事长理查德·布兰森出资赞助了此次环球旅行。
飞机平稳着陆后,福塞特将飞机缓慢滑行到飞机棚里。当飞机就要停下来时,布兰森挥舞着一面黑白方格的旗子向福塞特致意,而筹备福塞特之行的“飞 之队”在跑道上打开一瓶香槟。
(地面)控制者们曾一度认为飞机可能会在到达目的地之前出现燃料短缺问题。飞机飞至夏威夷上空时,福塞特和“飞之队”甚至考虑过放弃这次航行, 因为这架实验飞机在起飞后突然出现了大约2600磅的燃油短缺,而这架飞机每小时要燃烧102磅燃料。据“飞之队”推测,飞机起飞后不久,四个油箱就 发生了燃料泄露。