[ 考点] combat with 与.作斗争
[ 例句] The ship combated with the wind and waves.
commissioner * [ k....mi....n..] n.(政府厅、局、处部门的) 长,长官
comply6 [ k..m..plai ] v.服从,遵从
[ 同义] confirm
[ 反义] disobey
[ 考点] comply with 服从,遵从
[ 例句] The factory was closed for failing to comply with government safety regulations.
compulsory6 [ k..m..p..ls..ri ] ad j.必需做的
[ 同义] impe rative,obliga tory
[ 反义] optional,elective ,volunta ry
[ 考点] a compulsory subject 必修科目
compulsory military service 义务兵役
council4 [..kauns..l ] n.委员会,理事会
criminologist [..krimi..n..l..d..ist ] n.犯罪学家
database6 [..deit..beis ] n.数据库,资料库
debate4 [ di..beit ] n.辩论,讨论
[ 同义] a rgumentation
[ 例句] The two college teams will have a debate on Sunday.
deputy4 [..depjuti ] n.副职,副手
digital4 [..did..itl] adj.数字式的,数码的
displace6 [ dis..pleis] v.取代,迫使离开原来的地点
[ 考点] displace by 被.取代
employment4 [ im..pl..im..nt ] n.就业
[ 同义] hiring ,engagement
[ 考点] take sb.into employment 雇佣某人
inc rease employment 增加就业人数
seek employment 找工作
enthusiastic6 [..in..ju..zi.... stik] adj.满腔热情的,极感兴趣的
[ 反义] unenthusiastic
[ 考点] be enthusiastic over (about ) 热衷于.
[ 例句] He is enthusiastic about the plans he has made.
entry4 [..entri ] n.进入
[ 同义] ent rance
[ 反义] exit
[ 考点] ent ry into 进入
[ 例句] He was cha rged with trying to gain illegal ent ry into the building.
fundamental4 [ f..nd....mentl ] ad j.基本的,根本的
[ 辨析] fundamental;pr incipal;essential;basic fundamental 最基本的,是做其他事的前提条件;principal 首位的,应优于其他事而先考虑的;essential 最重要的,最明显的;basic 比其他事更重要或必要的。
gradual4 [....r .. dju..l ] ad j.逐渐的,渐渐的
[ 同义] step by step
[ 反义] abrupt
[ 例句] Ther e is a gradual increase in the cost of living these yea rs.
helicopter4 [..helik..pt..] n.直升机
hinder6 [..hind..] v.妨碍,阻碍
[ 同义] bar ,brake,dam,obst ruct ,hampe r
[ 反义] fur ther ,help
[ 考点] hinder from 阻碍
hinder s b.by doing sth.用.阻碍某人
[ 例句] 1) He could not hinder himself from dwelling upon that problem.
2) You’re hinder ing me in my work by talking all the time.
immigration* [..imi....r ei....n] n.移居,移民
[ 辨析] immigr ation;emigration
immigr ation 移入的移民;emigration 移出的移民。
inspection* [ in..spek..n] n.检查,检验
[ 同义] examination ,inquiry ,investiga tion ,s upe rvision
[ 例句] On closer inspection the notes proved to be fogies (伪造的).
legislation4 [ led..is..lei..n] n.法律,法规
lodge4 [ l..d..] v.(为安全起见) 存放,把.交于,供(某人)
[ 例句] Can you lodge us for the night?
mechanism4 [..mek..nizm] n.机械装置,办法,途径
metropolitan6 [ met r....p..lit..n ] adj.大城市的,大都市的
miniature6 [..minit....;(US) ..mini..t..u..] ad j.小型的,微型的
[ 同义] tiny
[ 反义] huge ,la rge scale
[ 考点] a miniatur e of 是.的一个模型/ 缩影
in miniature 小规模的,小型的
[ 例句] Games are real life in miniature.
mobile4 [..m..ub..il;-bil ,m..u..bi..l ] ad j.易于移动的
[ 同义] movable ,changeable ,ve rsa tile
[ 反义] immovable
[ 考点] mobile phone 手机
opt6 [..pt ] v.选择
[ 同义] choose,select
[ 考点] opt for 作出选择
opt to do 选择做.
[ 例句] 1 ) The voters opted for higher taxes ra the r than any r eduction in services.
2 ) He has opted to be on the side of the poor.
passport4 [..p....sp....t;(US) ..p ..-] n.护照
patrol6 [ p....t r..ul] n.巡逻v.巡逻
portray6 [p......t rei] v.描写,描述,画(人物、景色等)
[ 同义] repr esent ,reproduce
[ 例句] He port rayed himself as a champion for democra-cy.
royal4 [..r..i..l] adj.皇家的
[ 同义] kingly ,grand ,glorious
[ 例句] Royal Air Force 皇家空军
Royal Ma rines 皇家海军陆战队
scanner * [..sk .. n..] n.扫描设备,扫描器
scheme4 [ ski..m] n.计划
[ 同义] plan ,plot
[ 辨析] scheme;plan;plot
的官方计划② 非常聪明的秘密的非法计划;plan
可指任何计划;plot 秘密的为伤害其他人的计划,
[ 例句] He suggested seve ral schemes to increase sales.
sector4 [..sekt..] n.部分,部门
[ 辨析] sector;depar tment;branch;division sector 指经济活动中(如工业或商业) 的某个领域或部门;depa rtment 某个大组织(如公司、大学、政府) 中的一个部门;branch 某个大组织的地方小分支部门;division 一组织中比较大的部分,通常包括好几个小部门。
[ 考点] the private sector of indust ry 私营工业部门
the manufacturing sector 制造业
sneak6 [ sni..k] v.偷偷地走,溜
[ 同义] c reep ,glide ,slide
[ 考点] sneak up on/ behind s b.偷偷接近.
[ 例句] Don’t s neak up on me like that !You give me quite a shock!
spark4 [ sp....k] v.触发,激励,鼓励
[ 考点] spa rk off 引起
[ 例句] The let ter spa rked off a friends hip between the two men.
successive4 [ s..k..sesiv] adj.连续的
[ 同义] consecutive
[ 辨析] successive;continual;continuous
successive 一个接一个的;continual 连续有间隔
的;continuous 连续无间隔的。
[ 例句] He underwent three succes sive ope rations on the abdomen in two weeks.
supervisor* [..sju..p..vaiz..] n.监督人,检察员
surveillance [ s......veil..ns] n.监视
technologist4 [ tek..n..l..d..ist ] n.技术专家
troublemaker [..t r..bl..meik..] n.闹事者
verify4 [..ver ifai] vt.证明,证实
[ 同义] confirm
[ 例句] Subsequent events verified my s uspicions.
voluntary4 [..v..l..nt..ri;(US) - teri ] adj.自愿的,志愿的
[ 同义] deliber ate ,intentional ,unforced ,willful
[ 反义] involunta ry
[ 考点] a volunta ry army 自愿军
at best 就最乐观的一方面看,充其量
[ 例句] 1 ) It’s a gloomy outlook at best.
2 ) At best a few hundred people at tended the meeting.
at worst 就最不利的一方面看
[ 例句] He will be expelled from school ,a t worst.
distance oneself from 使远离,使疏远
[ 例句] Television seems to distance you from the wor ld.
enter into 参加,开始从事
[ 例句] 1 ) The two powers enter ed into bounda ry negotia -tions.
2 ) A st range idea ente red into his head.
keep track of 跟上.的进展,跟踪
[ 例句] We must r ead the newspape r everyday in order to keep t rack of the current events.
on demand 一经要求,承索
[ 例句] Such kind of bill s hould be paid on demand.
opt out of 决定退出
[ 例句] 1 ) Today ther e is a growing tendency for people to opt out.
2 ) Teacher s must not be allowed to opt out of thei r responsibility.
portray .as 把.描述成,把.描写成
[ 例句] He port rayed himself as a champion for democra - cy.
take someone/ something seriously 认真对待
[ 例句] Everyone should take his study ser iously .